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"Someone had been sabotaging my research all these years," He started and pulled a chair for him and sat "I tried everything I could to hide my lab, but they always get me. The last sabotage was days ago, I almost died but obviously, I didn't"

Xhemin's face turned really worried with what she just heard, and she knew there's more to it, so she prepared for the worst.

"And the Acamilla Apparaus?" She asked about the plant she had sent him.

"Gone with together with the lab. A fire broke out turning everything to ashes," Ziggy shamefully admitted and apologized as he announced the bad news, "I'm soo sorry Xhem,"

Hearing it was like a someone had splashed a bucket of ice towards Xhemin face. She could not believe that the plant she struggled to get was gone just like that. She thought by then all her efforts had gone wasted for nothing, but it was not Ziggy's fault. God knows how Ziggy had gone through hell just to keep it and his research safe.

Xhemin knew that Ziggy was feeling guilty, so she cheered him up by sitting behind him and held his hand in hers. "Huzey's gone, we no longer needed it,"

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There was a long silence after Huzey's name was mentioned.

Ziggy broke it and spoke "I'm glad you're here… I don't know how to start after all—"

"Were gonna start together. You, me and grandfather" She assured him forcing a smile on her face and went to ask him another question "Why did you father did that to you?"

"I was no longer giving him pride. When you left people bashed me off for conducting such an ambitious research and they thought I was crazy. Then I consistently refused to go back to the capital and got involved in too many controversies, including the fact that my license always got denied," He told Xhemin everything that burdened him, just like before and somehow, his load became a little lighter "He claims I was a shame to the Montreal's and asked me to choose, of course I chose the thing he loathed the most so I ended up being no one. Poor and no more bank accounts to hold on to,"

Xhemin felt sorry for Ziggy but she herself could do nothing about all of it so she just faked another smile at him, hoping things will go better as days passed by.

"He is such a terrible father," Xhemin commented harshly.

"Yeah," Ziggy sighed deep "Too bad he's my father"

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The mood was becoming messy and deep, so Ziggy opted to change the topic. "By the way grandad said since your home, he'll come home early to cook your favorite dish,"

Xhemin gasped when she remembered her grandfather "Did he saw my belly?"

"He already knows. You wrote him a letter remember?" Ziggy told looking down at her bump. "Hello there little one. Please don't come out looking like your father,"

When Xhemin passed out yesterday, he went to call Dr. Miles and they both tended to her until they were assured the Little Miss was okay.

"Was he mad?" Xhemin suddenly became worried at the thought.

"He was probably mad at first," Ziggy said "But he turned really happy that you came home unexpectedly so he forgot about his anger over it"

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"Are you mad at me?" She asked him eye to eye. She knew how Ziggy hated that Lagdameo coach and she just couldn't imagine his reaction when he first heard it.

Ziggy tapped her head lightly "I'm mad. But since you are pregnant, I'll spare you from my fury, but I can't promise I'll be the same to that Lagdameo coach,"

"He didn't come back for me Ziggy. He didn't know about this," Xhemin said referring about her pregnancy and the fact that the Lagdameo heir left without knowing she was pregnant.

"He was dragged away in front of me the night he came back and was probably locked away by those who had taken him" Ziggy narrated what he knew about Darryl's whereabouts, "Few days after, he emerged in a conference of L Empire and announced he will stepped over the presidency,"

"What?" Xhemin could not believe it. Back in the island she had thought of many reasons that hindered Darryl's way back but stepping into L Empire as president wasn't one of it "Why? Where is he now?"

"As for the why, I don't know Xhem" Ziggy countered. "But about where he is right now? Well, everyone knew he was overseas to tour around all of L Empire's branches abroad. His last stop is their London branch and he'll be officially the L Empire's President by then."

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Xhemin thought about what Ziggy said and worry ran through her face. She didn't understand what was happening with her husband, but she was hoping he didn't forget anything about her.

"He'll comeback soon." Ziggy added with assurance as he knew deep within him, Xhemin needed to see him—the lump on her belly was enough reason to get a hold of him, "We'll hear it from the news. When the time comes, I'll go and see him and give him another punch"

"Ziggy!" Xhemin chastised and gave Ziggy a face "Did you punch him previously?"

"Didn't you read the newspaper lil' thug?" Ziggy pointed at the newspaper they had. "Wasn't it mentioned I had punch him in the face recently? That probably one of the reasons to why my father pushed me away because I made the Lagdameo heir an official nemesis"

Ziggy's words were blatant, but they all sounded a lame joke to Xhemin's ears. She knew Ziggy was trying to cheer him up and she admits, she missed all of his crazy jokes.

Xhemin was about to scold him further but then the kitchen door flew open hard and Ang came with a messed up face.


"Young sire!" Ang's voice filled the whole room when he came, and he paused at the front door when he saw Xhemin beside Ziggy. He already knew the Little Miss was home but seeing her well and conscious gave him more delight "Little Miss!

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