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When Mr. Cheng announced the words, there were chaos all around the hall where the conference was held. The members of the media were shock with the admission and condemned the crime right away. No one did ever predict that Dr. Miles' will die the way he did.

"There were no leads as to who the culprit was and the only witness we have was gone, as well as the two grandchildren of Dr. Miles…" Mr. Cheng announced further and this information again, came as a huge surprise to everyone.

"…As for Feather HealthCare, it shall remain under the boards control, until the whereabouts of Dr. Miles grandchildren will be ascertained," He said the last.

It took a while for everyone to process all the shocking details that Mr. Cheng revealed. The media men all wanted to throw questions, but it seemed that they don't know where to start.

Soon, one reporter raised a hand "Mr. Cheng, may we know some details of these grandchildren? As per everyone's knowledge Dr. Miles had only one son and he died without a child,"

"One of these children is adopted. He was raised by Dr. Miles since he was a child and was trained to succeed Feather HealthCare. The other one, I'm sorry but I don't have details about her" Mr. Cheng answered formally with the intention of still keeping Xhemin's identity a secret.

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The media accepted Mr. Cheng's answer well as they were not given information that as to the real identity of Xhemin and the fact that she was a biological grandchild of Dr. Miles. They thought that just like Ziggy, she was also adopted.

Another reporter raised a hand, "Mr. Cheng when you said that his grandchildren were gone, do you mean that there was also a possibility that they all had been murdered too?"

Mr. Cheng jaw tightened with the question, "Yes. That's a possibility. However, I think it is too early for us to conclude like that. We are praying that they were all out there safe and sound. We had already sent men to search for them and we hoping, fervently hoping they were all okay"

Mr. Cheng can't help but feel guilty about what happened to Dr. Miles grandchildren. At his death bed, Dr. Miles gave him clear instructions to assure his grandchildren's safety, especially the little miss. He went to prepare everything as fast as he could but when he came back to fetch them that night, the were all gone in an instant. Even Ang was gone, and all Dr. Miles employees had no information as to their whereabouts. Ang's parents told him they had gone to Woodbridge to take shelter with the Shuns, but when he checked, not even a strand of their hair reached Woodbridge. Now, Mr. Cheng was left with nothing but his guilt. He didn't expect that his few hours of delay would cost the life of Dr. Miles grandchildren. A day after his search, an information from the police revealed that the little miss jumped off the cliff because she suffered a miscarriage and it was made known to all the board members of Feather HealthCare. They all decided to keep Xhemin's suicide a secret as to not taint the good reputation of the Dugmoch's and Feather HealthCare.

"So, the Dugmoch's had been murdered?" This questioned haunted everyone's stem. It was from another reporter who was certainly not pleased on how Dr. Miles family ended.

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"The one who did this were evil,"

"They would certainly go to hell,"

"I can't believe someone was ruthless enough to murder Dr. Miles family?"

"Was it L Empire?" There was a question that made all heads turned to the one who asked. It was another reporter whom everyone does not recognized. "There was news in Hampshire that Dr. Miles ranch had been taken over by L Empire,"

"And why would L Empire do that?" Someone questioned the strange reporter. "I mean even how powerful L Empire was, they would just not randomly kill a family for nothing,"

"They didn't kill them for nothing. They killed them because Dr. Miles refused to sell his ranch. Probably no one of you must have known by now that it was Dr. Miles' grandchild who successfully grew strawberries in the South sending L Empire to a great disadvantage,"

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"Is that true?" Another media personnel challenged him. Before he came here, he made all research so he can throw the right question today but his research had not lead him to such an information. If that's the case, it meant that this information about Dr. Miles ranch had been shut down and in order for one to do that, they must be very powerful, like L Empire.

"Mr. Cheng, can you confirm whether all of these were true?" The reporters turned to Mr. Cheng right then who was certainly not expecting this confrontation.

Mr. Cheng chose to answer cautiously "As for the accusations against L Empire, I refused to make a comment and let the authorities deal with it. But as for the fact whether its Dr. Miles grandchild who successfully grew strawberries, that I can confirmed."

"How dare L Empire do that to Dr. Miles," There was a shout from the crowd.

"Dr. Miles do not deserve L Empire's ruthlessness!"

"Let's boycott L Empire!"

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"L Empire is such a disgrace! How dare them victimize the innocent!"

"Release the grandchildren! L Empire, release the grandchildren!"

The conference in Feather HealthCare ended with everyone hating L Empire despite the fact that there was no confirmation about whether it was really them who killed Dr. Miles.

Just in a span for few hours, the internet was flooded with comments about how ruthless and pathetic L Empire was and there were petitions filed to cancel L Empire's business permit. They had been mocked off and condemned by everyone and groups of people were formed with the intention of boycotting L Empire's products.

The next day, a group of activists, rallied in front of L Empire's Corporate Center asking them to confess and accused them kidnapping Dr. Miles' grandchildren.

The authorities too subjected L Empire to investigation because of the pressure from the mass and L Empire had been in a huge mess after that. L Empire is very powerful, but they are nothing compared the thousand of people who walked hand in hand seeking for Dr. Miles justice.

Right then, L Empire had become the most loathed corporation of the country.

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