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Ziggy had been staring at the newspaper for a while. For the last three months, the news was all flooded with L Empire's controversies and downfall. L Empire right then was barely coping up in the business world and was struggling to get by. Ziggy predicted that soon, they will declare bankruptcy.

He put the newspaper down and looked through the window where he sees nothing but clouds and the view of whole South, getting smaller and smaller as seconds pass. He was in a private plane right then and was bound to go to somewhere far, for good. With everything that occurred, he was thoroughly decided to leave the country and start anew overseas with Ang but they had to wait for three months to make that happen.

They were not safe anywhere in this country and last three months of hiding had been rough for them, he was hoping that this new life abroad will give them the relief and peace they all needed.

"Look here young sire," Ang called his attention, "I found this old newspaper where the Little Miss' suicide was published,"

Ziggy turned to give the article a glance and his expression cannot be painted.

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"It's mentioned here that she jumped off the cliff," Ang read. Just after few days of hiding, they heard about Xhemin's death and of course, both of them were mortified with it.

"Life had been cruel with her," Ziggy lamented while the memory of his best friend past into his mind "No one can blame her with the choices she made by then,"

"May the Little Miss find peace," Ang gave a deep sighed. They all had gone through many things the past few months and the successive tragedies had exhausted them to the full and dried all their tears. "Did you find anything on the journals Dr. Miles left you?"

"I'm not finished reading it all," Ziggy confessed. He managed to take all of Dr. Miles journals from Richmond Ranch few days after he and Xhemin planned to escape.

At Dr. Miles deathbed, he gave Ziggy some adoption papers and attached to it was Dr. Miles' copy of his last will and testament. Ziggy did not really think much care about the papers as they were all just copies and he knew, Mr. Cheng probably had the originals.

However, when he got the chance to read the will, he was intrigued with the paragraph that mentioned all of the late doctor's journals that he entrusted to the youngest sire. It was kept hidden in a vault inside Richmond Ranch and the number combination wasn't mentioned in the will, but it was something Ziggy knew well. Dr. Miles intentionally did not leave a number combination for he knew Ziggy would pick up the numbers he used right away.

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Back then, when Ziggy and Dr. Miles play number puzzles, Dr. Miles always pick the same set of numbers to start off all the time and Ziggy knew that those numbers were the key to his vault.

Ziggy knew Dr. Miles wanted him to keep those journals because something important was in there, so he wasted no time and ransacked Dr. Miles home office one night. He took all the journals, forcing them all onto a bag as well the pot of Acamilla Apparaus that coincidentally, Father Ang put on the same room after Xhemin entrusted it to him.

"I see, how about—" Ang's words were cut off when a beautiful steward entered their cabin and hesitantly approached them.

 "Any problem?" Ang asked her.

The steward bit her lips and was looking shameful. She was asked to attend to two of Ang and Ziggy's two precious baggage and it seemed that she was having problems with it.

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"I think I already know why you are here," Ang hollered when he heard the commotion from the other cabin "Young sire, I'll go and stay in the other cabin,"

"Thank you, Ang," Ziggy smiled at Ang. The boy had been a great help to him especially that Ang was used to a hard life and so he adjusted to new responsibilities easily, unlike Ziggy who was raised as a young sire,  he was certainly having problems adjusting the new life that was forced on them.

Ang left with the steward and Ziggy was left alone. He stood from his seat to grab other readings when he noticed a familiar leather bag Ang hand carried with him. This was the backpack he took from Richmond Ranch the night he ransacked it.

He pulled the bag and opened it and carefully took all the journals from it. There were several and Ziggy had read few of them already but found nothing significant aside from Dr. Mile's surgery techniques he scribbled in there. He thought of reading what's left since their flight would take a while before they land. He was running through all the journal covers when one journal fell into the floor. Unlike all the others, its color was different and probably older than the rest. All of Dr. Miles' journals were all covered black, the one that fell was colored blue, dark blue.

Ziggy picked it up and frowned. He turned the first page and read.

This journal belonged to Dr. Melvin Dugmoch, Rivendell graduate year 18**.

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"Dr. Melvin Dugmoch?" Ziggy thought, "Dr. Miles' son?"

Ziggy thought that Dr. Miles might have kept his son's journal as a keepsake. Curious as to Dr. Melvin's journey, he decided to read on it and so he put all the journals back to bag and leaned on his seat comfortably.

He stared at the pages for long, wondering what wonders and surprises was written in there. Dr. Miles rarely mentioned his son to them, and he and his best friends only knew few things about Dr. Melvin.  


So, Volume II has officially ended and let me thank you for your continuous support. We had gone through hell with this volume and I admit, in this volume we had nothing but heart breaks. But this volume was meant as the climax, that's why it was so intense. 

So, we are starting off with Volume III which would only consists of few chapters but probably the most mind blowing and most worthy to read. Hope this volume will answer all of our questions. This volume was meant to clear off everything.

The Volume IV (I know you all wanted this) will be last, so make sure to wear your seatbelts with me on this journey.

Keep reading and thank you for always encouraging me!

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