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Entry 1

I realized while reading through Einstein's biography that famous scientists had journals and so I was forced to make one in anticipation that someday I might become one - another great scientist.

Kidding aside, I'm just bored and wanted to fill this journal Manager Cheng gifted to me since he was seriously and faithful making it a habit of asking me if I had put his gift to such a good use. Hello? Why the heck would he gave me a journal in the first place? That Manager was such a one heck of weird guy.

He started off as a janitor in father's company and to be honest, I still like him back then when he still is a janitor. He was very polite at me back then, unlike now, he kept nagging at me and telling me off to the point that sometimes, I don't anymore know who's the boss anymore—he or dad.

Somehow, I got tired of lying to him how I liked this journal and how I was thrilled of putting entries every time so here I am, jotting some nonsense facts.

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By the way I am doctor Melvin Dugmoch.

Oopps! My conscience haunted me right away by writing that.

Okay fine, I'm not going to lie, I'm not a doctor yet and I'm still on my senior at Rivendell Academy (That's a secret) but I will someday, just like how my father is.

Entry 2

I'm bored again and had nothing to do but write something in this old journal.

First off let me record, today is my first day on Rivendell's OCELP. Wonder what those words means? Well it's a time of the year where professors of Rivendell were becoming lazy to bring their assess to class and so they created this program where they send us (their poor innocent students) away to other schools and learn something that those professors were too tired to teach us.

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So, I was sent here in XU university for the reason alone that XU' professors were as lazy as those of Rivendell's and so they accepted me in a guise of an exchanged intern students where in fact the truth was— I was sent here to assess their senior's thesis that was due next week.

Damn! those professors were always giving me loads of work but forgot to welcome me at the main gate so I ended up walking in the pathway and get laughed by XU students because it turns out, no students walked into that pathway since they all drove expensive cars. So poor me! 

Entry 3

So just like my second entry, this was written one million years after the first one. Let me tackle VIOLENCE in this entry.

I was walking to that same pathway I took on my first day here in XU and was already expecting all the weird glares of the XU students— and my expectation failed me.

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No one laughed at me today and threw weird looks because everyone was busy watching a fight scene! Yes, you're right, a fight scene! To be honest, I never saw one in my whole stay in Rivendell as I think Rivendell's students were all the monk type—one that never gets into trouble.

But XU is different. This is a school of the elites of the elites and in my own humble observation of the elites, they all have this what we call pride. The richer you are, the higher your pride is. So, let me put into example the son of the richest people in this country—The one they call the Lagdameo heir, Manuel Lagdameo and the son of famous actor Robert Chan, Martin.

Back to my first story for this entry—I was walking down the pathway and saw that everyone was cheering both—Martin and Manuel— while having a fist fight. Seriously? Why were the students cheering for violence? Is that a trend on the elites?

So, here's the nosy me, wanting to join with the student's cheer! Hurray!

But my cheer was cut of unexpectedly, because Dante my friend, dragged me away to our lab. I forgot to mention Dante, he's a Lagdameo too but he wasn't betted on to become the Lagdameo heir because he simply wasn't good enough (that's according to him). He's my first friend here in XU and he told me right then not to join on such chaos (Damn! I was seriously liking the crowd).

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I ask Dante why Martin and Manuel were fighting. He said they were rivals since freshmen and Martin kept mocking Manuel, saying he was impotent whenever the latter goes above him on anything.

Poor Manuel. The Lagdameo's had problems bearing children according to dad, especially male ones and that probably was the reason why Martin kept calling him impotent.

Wew, this entry was long. I'll end it here.

Entry 4

I had been looking at the Senior's thesis and they were all okay, for my taste. Nevertheless, one thesis got my attention since it was somehow the same with the research, I was conducting for Feather HealthCare. By the way, it turns out I was liking this journal thing, same with the fact that I had come to like walking on the XU pathway every day, even if I'm still being welcomed by those weird looks. The view from right there as I observe was breathtaking and too bad students in XU missed the fact since they were too unwilling to walk and prefer to drive their expensive cars. Also, I guessed through time, the student's weird look on me changes. They still looked at me weirdly, but it was different this time. Most of the girls smiles at me, waves and chuckles inwardly when I nod back.

Anyways back to the research I mentioned, the one I was doing for Feather HealthCare. That one will be my last for Feather HealthCare, my legacy before I die so I was intending to make it a huge one.

Yes, you heard it right. I'm dying.

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