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The girl blew out a sigh and leaned back in her chair, running a hand through her long dark hair and grimacing when it got snagged by the already-tangled curls. She had eyes that were large and round and endlessly dark, thoroughly fixated on the column she was working on her computer.

The column was for their school's publication that the girl had a good reputation working as a sportswriter. She had always loved sports, next to science of course which was her first love.

"You got that article done?" Her attention was called by the gravelly voice of their lead editor, Alejandro Madrid, a senior like her and who earned the lead position not because he was the best pick—but because he's only second to the girl who was handling the sports column—the later refused to take it and he was the next pick.

He was totally aware of that and he respectfully accepts defeat against the girl. She was just the best and everyone in this school knows that. Her super pretty face was just equally balanced with how smart she was, and the inheritance she had gotten from her deceased parents. Aviona Leigh was just simply everyone's dream and at the same time their own nightmare.

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"A minute," She shove a finger in the air, dismissing his attempt to pressure her, if such pressure even works. Just as she promised, after a minute she spun around her chair to face him and handed him her work.

"Good," Alejandro accepted the paper, looking down at the girl's dark eyes that always mesmerized him. Her attraction for the girl was made known when during their freshmen years, where his mad love was untamable, he foolishly hired a famous band to woo her and sent her hundreds of red roses at school, only to be rejected at once.

He felt like a total fool by then, but many followed his footsteps, only to come up with the same end—get rejected by the goddess of beauty, Aviona Leigh. The girl had high standards obviously and she simply would just not pick anyone below her league and that made Martin Chan right for her. Martin was just so rich and as gorgeous and as popular as she does.

Whether Aviona picked him as a trophy boyfriend or not, Martin certainly doesn't care, because just like Aviona, all he cared for was to satisfy his ego. Being the son of an acclaimed actor and the probably one of the richest men this country, Martin's future and fortune was secure. He was one of those babies that were born with a silver spoon on their mouth, and one of those who don't need to work there asses out just to get what they want. Martin was XU university's star player in basketball and that title gave him the right to date the most sought-after beauty in XU University, none other than Aviona Leigh.

"Alright, I'm outta here," Aviona said and stood from her chair, turn to grab her designer bag that everyone was talking about and head for the door, only to be blocked by Alejandro who was shaking his head.

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"We still have a meeting a Aviona, Didn't you read the announcement or perhaps received the text I sent out to everyone in the club," Alejandro asked her, his arms was spread over the door.

"You do not boss me around Alejandro," Aviona said with arching brow, "We all know you only got the lead's position because I refused it and the only reason why I stay in the publication team is because I don't trust other students writing the sports column, God knows how the other members of this team writes garbage."

The other members of the publication team who were present only bowed their heads. They dare not defend themselves against Aviona Leigh because everyone know that was a foolish thing to do. Aviona Leigh can simply break and make you and so going against her was like, sending yourself straight to hell. In this school, Aviona Leigh is and will always be the queen, the mean queen.

"Martin plays in the basketball team and I don't want anyone writing complacent articles about him," She added with a ting disgust for the other members of the club. For Aviona, all of them were idiots and simply untalented to write.

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"No buts, just go out of my way," She cut him off and attempted to dismiss him. "If you're going to force me to stay, then perhaps I'll shall call on the school board and ask them to replace you. Let's see how your school ranking go down because of your lack of extra-curricular activities"

With her words, Alejandro was powerless. He knew how serious Aviona was with all her treats and she had gotten eight students expelled already in a span of six months—that's how influential she was at school.

"Aviona!" Someone came to get her attention. It was one of her minions, and also her teammate in their thesis, "Oh God I've been looking for you anywhere,"

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"Margo, I told you my schedule for the day," She hollered at the girl's face, "If you can't memorize it then perhaps, I'll just kick you out of the team, you annoy me to the full,"

The brightness on the girl's face flared away in an instant. She had gone trough hell just to be a part of Aviona's circle and yet, Aviona had threatened her to be stripped away without justification—that easy.

"I'm sorry," Margo, Aviona's minion replied timidly, "I look for you because I have some news,"

"Don't tell me it's bad news?" Aviona warned and when she saw that's the girl's expression faltered, she added, "God! I'm not up for negative energies now. Anyway, what is it?"

"Professor Dusk commented on the research the seniors submitted last week and he mentioned that our thesis was somewhat the same with one of the intern's thesis," The girl reported and Aviona gasped with annoyance over the news.

"How dare? Who's that intern he was talking about?" She demanded right away.

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