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"Remember if you lose, Sam can't stay" Ziggy gave her one final warning.

Huzey and Xhemin had been trying to convince Ziggy to let Sam be his bodyguard. The youngest Montreal however was very reluctant in their plea. Their appeal to him lead into a bet, an outrageous test of the odds.

Ziggy would only agree to making Sam as his bodyguard if Xhemin will be able to accomplish the challenge he had for her. The witty youngest Montreal specifically chose his female best friend because amongst the three of them, she was always the unluckiest when it comes to bets and dares.

"Can we just change the bet challenge to something else?" Xhemin asked reluctantly which made Ziggy smirked.

"My rules.." Ziggy insisted "But you can always back out you know…"

Huzey and Xhemin let go of a deep sigh. If not for the fact that Ziggy's life was in danger, they will not have pushed it this far.

"Huzey…. "She faced him as she called his name.

"Let's not do it if you don't want to. But remember, Ziggy's safety is what we are gambling here" Huzey answered as he toyed her hair. His eyes flashed a subtle glint of apprehension. "But I know you can do this since you have already done this with the beast a couple of times…"

"I'm going to do it" She said as she drew all her courage together.

"Okay remember Xhem, you are going to do it with the first man you see inside" Ziggy verbalized with annoyance as soon as he realized how determined she was.

'Why are these two making such a huge effort for that Sammuelle? He is not my bodyguard yet, but he is already stealing my two best friend's loyalties from me' Ziggy thought.

Darryl who was listening to the trio frowned his brows when he realized they were making bets again. How can these friends settle things out with bets? Were they like this all the time?

And what kind of bet were they going to do this time? Huzey mentioned it's something that he and Xhemin did a couple of times, what could it be? Darryl pondered.

A kiss dare!

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A kiss dare it is!

Have they not kissed a couple of times?

Darryl thought of how the elite youngsters did this during parties and hangouts. So, the two boys outside were asking Xhemin to kiss the first man she would met inside?


Darryl cursed upon the idea in his head.

Darryl immediately searched the resto. There were only a few male guests. However, his veins flustered when he saw two of them heading straight to the door.

The idea that one of the two males might end up kissing his woman drove the heir into nuts. He punched the table with his hard fist and stood up.

"Young master is there something wrong?" Farmer Su asked, puzzled.

The heir moved out the table without bothering to make a response. He bolted to the door blocking the two males from their way.

"Do we know you Mister?" One of the guest asked him, confused of his demeanor.

"Take the back door" Darryl replied straight-faced.

"Is there—"

"I said take the back door" He answered brashly, making his King-pin aura pronounced.

Everyone in the resto who heard him was taken aback and felt their legs quivered unconsciously. The boy's threatening voice was enough to silence everyone.

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Suddenly the door flew open, it was Xhemin. Her eyes landed on the beast back who was facing the male's guests. She balled her hands as she strode in full of tension.

They had played too many bets and challenges before but for some reasons, she had a weird feeling about today's challenge.


Suddenly she felt her heart drumming wildly.

What's happening to her heart?

She put her hand to her chest. She was wondering what could have made her heart beat madly. She let go of deep sigh and composed herself fully before she lifted her head.

The beast turned to face her. Her eyes grew big, filled with utter disbelief. She froze in an instant.

Xhemin's heart was jumping uncomfortably. Was that her beast or she was just imagining things over? Her mind flooded her with so many questions, was she dreaming again?

It was such a long time she had not seen his pretty face and her eyes suddenly were welling up. The emotions that were running in her heart was too much for her to contain. Her body suddenly become so heavy, she can't manage to even move her feet forward.

Darryl looked at her tenderly. He wasn't smiling but his hazel eyes conveyed how ecstatic he was on their sudden meeting.

Everything around them froze as if time was only tickling for both them.

They stood there, face to face, both scrutinizing the faces they both missed.

"Remember, Ziggy's safety lies in this bet" Huzey words earlier woke Xhemin's consciousness.

The bet!

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She must accomplished the challenge so that Sam can stay. But was she going to do it again with the beast?

Xhemin hesitated a couple of times, but the situation left her with no choice. Of all the circumstances? Why does it always end up with the beast?

She dragged herself toward him, her feet were trembling, but she did it anyway. She was few inches away from him when the beast welcomed her by touching the smoothness of her face.

She quivered in his touch.

The beast touch was still same, soft and warm. Just like how she remembered it. Such warmth still brought her so many intensifying feelings she cannot explain. She drowned by those emotions. She can't help but closed her eyes.

Knowing that she was there for a bet, Darryl smiled as she closed her eyes. He satisfied his hands with the softness of her cheeks before he lowered his head to give his girl a kiss. The kiss he longed to have again after those many countless nights away from her.

Their lips touched, it made Darryl insane for seconds. He opened his mouth to savor all of her but before he was drowned to the emotions, something painful made him clung to his knees.

She kicked her!

In his balls.


"I'm really sorry," She said remorseful.

Turned out the bet was not a kiss but a kick in the ass!

Darryl put all his guards down earlier, presuming it was a kiss dare. How could he forget that she was an outrageous one? A wild wolf hiding in the skin of a lamb. He smiled even though he grumbled to the pain brought by the intensity of her kick. Her girl was really something but how can she be this strong?

She had been hostile with him to many times before physically, but this was the first time she hit him badly. The beast realized that her strength was not ordinary. Even better than an average man.

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Xhemin who panicked at the view of the beast's fall-off did nothing but bit her lips in remorse. She reached out her hand to him but before she could even touch him, there was a loud thud on the door.

Two men in black suits come running in an instant.

"Young master!" Manager Song and their driver moved to aid their master.

In an instant, the resto was in chaos. The young master was hurt!

Huzey and Ziggy who was outside realized that what happened was not an ordinary nuisance. This was not the first time they did something crazy in this resto, but nothing this big ever happened.

As the two went to check out the casualty, they caught a glimpse of the Lagdameo heir. Both of their jaws dropped.

"Trouble…" Ziggy said, his voice choked up.

Huzey straightaway calculated the fatality of the mess they did. He instinctively ran to grab Xhemin and dragged her out of the streets in a flash.

"Let me go! I hurt him! We can't just run away!" Xhemin barked brusquely at Huzey while they were running away.

"He has back-ups, let's withdraw or there will be a bigger mess!" Huzey replied breathlessly.

"Was it really the Lagdameo heir?" Ziggy asked, he was trailing behind them.

"Did you see him? I thought I was just hallucinating" Xhemin looked behind while being dragged by Huzey.

"That's one hell of a trouble" Ziggy exclaimed.

"Big trouble…" Huzey assessed as they continued to dart into a small alley making sure they will not be followed.

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