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The sun was already sweltering up in the sky sending sweats down to Xhemin's delicate face. She wiped those sweats off by stroking the back of her palm to her head. She removed her farm hat that was already wet revealing her messed up, sweat dampish ivory hair.

She was in the middle of the strawberry field now examining her fruits. She purposely made herself occupied from the time she woke up. The nuisance they did yesterday did stress her out.

She held a deep sigh as she clenched her wet hat. No matter how much she brushed the memory out of her head, she can't forget what happened yesterday at Roaster.

The beast.

The kiss.

The bet.

The trouble!

"If grandpa will know about the mess we did, that's going to drive him mad- Real mad." She mumbled to herself while ruminating yesterday's ruckus.

She combed her ivory hair with her hands and wiped more of her sweats. They were able to escape yesterdays trouble but since it involved a valuable heir, she was not certain of the upshots. But the thing that fretted her the most was the idea that it will reached Dr. Miles attention.

"Little Miss, you were saying something?" Ang suddenly asked Xhemin. He was helping her in the strawberry field and he heard her say something, yet he missed it.

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"Oh, I said I'll go and check on the boys" She replied as she turned sideways. She started to draw herself out of the field by jumping over the fence. A minute after she was trailing down the hill to the ranch's cottage.

It was almost ten in the morning and the boys were not up yet. Huzey and Ziggy, even though they had their own places in Hampshire, did a lot of sleep overs in Richmond Ranch. Well actually, they stayed in Richmond ranch more oftener than their own households. With that, Dr. Miles had given the boys their own bedroom in the cottage; just next to Xhemin's bedroom. Fact was, since Ziggy's accident, the two boys seemed to had forgotten their own residences. They never left the ranch ever since.

"I bet the two gorillas sneaked out last night without me again" She mused to herself knowing that today was a weekend. Ziggy must have went to some boy's night out again last night and dragged Huzey over. Probably the reason why they were still sleeping tightly even at this hour.

The thought about the boy's sneaking out annoyed her. She walked faster and wanted to storm into the boy's bedroom and nagged where they had been last night. Was yesterday's ruckus at Roaster not enough trouble to make them not want to sneak out again?

Xhemin was few meters at the cottage front door when she heard some car engines whooshing in. When she eyed on the road, she saw few cars drawing closer into the Richmond ranch.

The two cars halted in their front door and men in black suits started stepping out one by one.

"Are those body guards? Who comes to Richmond ranch with body guards?" She mused while observing from a distance.

Suddenly a family figure emerged. The sunlight showered on the person's statuesque physique as he stepped out of the car, forming an enthralling view.

Xhemin's jaw dropped!


She felt her heart beat pounding in her chest. It was so rapid it made her want to drop down to her feet.

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The beast.

What was the beast doing here?

Xhemin upon seeing the beast instinctively hid herself in the logs piled up in the yards of the cottage. It was the nearest place to hide where she was standing.

"Did he come to look for us? Did he report us to the authorities already? O might god! Were in big trouble now. Of course, people in the roaster saw the three of us yesterday, it was so easy to find us!" She bubbled restlessly while hiding. She panicked over the idea that the L Empire's heir was here to condemn the gorillas and her.

"I'm dead… I'm dead... I'm dead" Xhemin bubbled more in her hiding place slowly, making sure no one would hear the words she uttered.

Darryl who just stepped out of the car, busied himself with the beauty and neatness of the farm. The view was breathtaking, and it made him so at ease.

Yesterday after the commotion at the roaster, Farmer Su narrated to him that Mr. Owens was only friendly to the town's local doctor who lived in this ranch. That was the reason for their visit today. He hoped to get some information about Mr. Owen's whereabouts or anything he finds relevant to the disease.

"Young Master, it seems that nobody is around" Manager Song who just knocked on the doorway told him when he did not get any response. Aside from few chickens and cats roaming around, nobody came to greet them.

"Let's wait for a couple of minutes…. this is a big ranch, I'm sure there are laborers somewhere" Farmer Su suggested graciously.

"Have someone check on the fields" Darryl instructed Manager Song in response.

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Manager Song gestured to one of the men behind the young master to go and look around. After what happened yesterday, he insisted to have few men accompany the male heir making sure he was more secured. Good thing the young master only had a minor injury and treated the commotion as a little mess. If not, he sure was finished. He must have been kicked out by L Empire's elders and only God knew what comes after that.

His young master's balls were kicked by a girl?

How mad that girl can be?

Worst comes to worst, she could have made the L Empire's only male heir impotent. Did she not know how important was potency to the Lagdameo's specially with the fact that only few children were born to them?

He really did want to chase the girl, but the young master bade him not to fuss about it anymore. He was not sure what happened, but the Young Master insisted it was his fault.

"Farmer Su, you said this doctor was admired in this town, right? I forgot to ask his name..." Darryl asked while waiting on the yard.

"Young master, it was Dr. Dugmoch. He came to this town few years ago and bought this farm. He also started a small clinic that charges patients for free, that's why he was respected dearly in this town of ours." Farmer Su answered revealing the name Dr. Miles used in this town.

Even Dr. Miles was popular in the whole country, only few elite royalties were familiar of him and since he had been out of the spotlight for long, one barely remembered his face.

Also, when he first came to this town, no one suspected that he was the famous Dr. Miles. He used the name Dr. Dugmoch to make his identity less obvious.

"Dr. Dugmoch?" Darryl frowned knowing he knew the last name well. "Is the girl in the resto yesterday related to him?"

Farmer Su was surprised with Darryl's reactions. He saw how his previous rigid hazel eyes glinted in expressions he cannot comprehend. The same with how they shone, when the heir first caught glimpse of the girl in the resto.

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"She is his granddaughter young master" Farmer Su replied hesitantly.

Since yesterday, he purposely did not reveal to the young master that he knew the girl. The heir did not ask anyway. Also, as much as possible, he hoped that the young master would not find out. The girl was the humble doctor's grandchild and he wished not to cause trouble to him.


"Yes, young master, his only grandchild."

"Does she live here?"

"Yes. The child is parentless. She lives here with Dr. Dugmoch" Farmer Su added, since he was a local in Hampshire, he was pretty familiar with the doctor beginnings in this town. "Young master, I know that the girl caused you injury yesterday, but I hope you can just let it pass. Although the child is a little troublesome, she is a sweet and a kind girl. For the doctor's sake- "

"Little Miss what are you doing there?" A voice few meters behind them cut-off Farmer Su's plea.

Everybody turned to where the sound came from. Their eyes landed to a farm boy who was holding a basket full of farm stuff. He was calling someone from nowhere.

"Holy crap!" Someone jolted in motion behind the piledup logs just few meters away.

"Little Miss be careful!" Ang screamed when he saw how Xhemin unintentionally pushed off some log's away from pile.

Suddenly the place was filled will rolls and thuds!

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