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Entry 5

So, there's this mean angel at XU that was annoying me all the time. Yep, I'm officially calling her mean angel because she had the meanest attitude but probably the prettiest face I had ever seen. However, I still am annoyed with her.

First off, after that act she did at the main ground yesterday, she asked me to play pretend as her boyfriend and was forcing me to attend that silly senior's ball—God!

There's no way I am saying yes to all of this!

Entry 6

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Well, the mean angel came to see me again. She was so desperate, and I was determined to say no to her, but I unexpectedly said yes. I don't know why I did that, it's just that, the time she came to me, she was still with her usual meanie type character, but her eyes glowed differently. Her eyes were sad.

I look onto her deeper than I usually do, and I see a sad and scared girl within, like a white little bunny injured and was desperately seeking for help. I could see the pain beneath her and then I understood, the mean university queen persona she wore all the time, was not the real her. I wonder what kind of person she is.

Aviona Leigh, suddenly you interest me.

Entry 7

The mean angel was forced to walk with me today in the pathway. She said since we are having this relationship—just a fake one—we should go to school together. And so, I picked her up from where she lives and damn! Her face cannot be painted when I told her I don't have a car and that we must commute together. She proposed that we should use her car but of course, since its my call, I told her no. So, we end up commuting together, Aviona and I. She was not pleased at all, I was laughing inwardly with the fact that she dried out her sanitizer in an instant, pouring it over to everything her hands would touch in public places. She was so mad at me but when we walked down the pathway where the beautiful view can be seen, her face relaxed and I get to see again the girl within her again. The one with a beautiful soul and for the first time, I had seen how beautiful Aviona Leigh is.

Entry 8

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We had lunch together in the canteen with Dante and Aviona's minions. Her friends told me Aviona never eats in the canteen but probably because she wanted to publicly display her affection to me, she compromised and even cooked for me. How sweet of her.

For the past few days, I realized that Aviona naturally was sweet. So, I wonder why Martin Chan chose to hurt her. Of course, since I was curious, I asked Aviona about the fact and she told me that Martin and she started out as trophy lovers—one that gets committed to someone to boost their popularity at school. She thought and hoped that after two years they were getting real, turned out they both were not ready.

I can see in Aviona's eyes that she hoped for it. She hoped that Martin and she can get real only to find out, the affection was one-sided.  How sad. I wonder if their breakup was the reason for the sadness in her eyes or there was something else.

Entry 9

I saw Aviona and Martin talking privately today, and I don't know why I felt bad about it. I know that somehow, they needed to talk and fixed things between them, but I don't know, there's something in me that hoped they were totally over and that Aviona can move on. She deserved something better, someone who can stripped off the sadness in her eyes, someone who can look after her when no one can.

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Did I tell you I had a background check on her? Silly me, but I did.

She's an orphan, and aside from her parent's wealth that they left for her, she had no one to turn to in this country. She had a grandaunt abroad, the one who raised her but that grandaunt of her was too old already and Aviona was trying not to bother the old madam of anything. That probably was the reason why she was tending to herself alone. Aviona probably was the most desirable girl at school and everyone thinks she have an extravagant life but deep within, she's a sad girl and probably the saddest girl at school.

Entry 10

Aviona phoned me early because she was so frantic about the Senior's ball and she's one heck of a perfectionist. She rang me twice yesterday for the same reason and was telling me not to be late on picking her up. Silly girl.

Mother too was becoming like Aviona, being overly excited for the Senior's ball. Take note, she had prepared my suit few weeks in advance and made sure it was a perfect fit. Father even had his own participation on the preparation (forced by mother of course), he had made sure to send my car in the car wash, making sure it was squeaky clean for the ball.

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I had never once used my car and tonight would be the first time for a long time. I had stripped of driving cars and opted for walks always—doctors advised. That's why I had never been in need of a car especially that I came to like commuting. However, for tonight I made exemptions for Aviona. Of course, I want to drive my girlfriend to the ball, even if our relationship is not a real one.

I just realized while writing this that I had to thank Aviona for all of this—the chances and experience of living a regular college life, having a girlfriend and all, as if I'm not dying soon. If not for her, I would never get to experience these things.

I wonder by now, what it felt like to love someone and have someone love you in return.

To have a family and grow old with the family you built together with the one you married.

Have children.

I had long accepted that I'm not going to reach that part of my life. But having Aviona around, I wish I still can.

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