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Melvin was at his level best when he came to fetch Aviona. He was wearing the tuxedo suit his mother picked up from him and had combed his hair tonight, looking exactly like the young master of the Dugmoch's, heir to Feather HealthCare Corporation. He wondered if Aviona had already knew the fact already since they had been together with their so-called fake relationship for a month and half.

Melvin was the exact opposite of all the elite's children and he was the type who didn't like the media and the crowd. He lived a very low-profile life even though his father was the great doctor. Her mother and father were one of the popular couples in the elite community but despite such, only few came to know Melvin personally and not many knew how he looked like, most of the elites only knew him by name and had few details about him.

Aside from avoiding the crowds, Melvin was also a student from Rivendell and because of that he regularly was out of town because Rivendell was situated at the South of the country. At XU, the only one who knew that he was Dr. Miles' son was his buddy Dante and no one else.

"She's coming out in a minute," The young maid in Aviona's mansion told him while he was waiting for her at the end of the fabricated stairs. Just like Aviona reminded him, he came in early, too early that he had to wait for an hour for Aviona to get done with whatever was keeping her busy.

Soon, the girl came down like an angel descending from heaven. Melvin gaped open at the sight of her stepping down the stairs with the loveliest golden grown she was wearing. She looked like goddess and even though she had adorned herself with only few jewelries, she looked entirely perfect and sophisticated, even to perfect for the title university queen.

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 "Are you just gonna stare at me like that all night?" Aviona spoke, breaking the force that got Melvin thunderstruck at the goddess before him.

"You are… you are… so lovely Aviona," Melvin managed to say between his fascination.

"You are so funny," Aviona shook his head at how Melvin reacted, but deep within her, she was glad he liked the way how she dressed herself tonight. Melvin was special for her for some reasons and she had always looked forward for this night with him.

"Come, I'll escort you to the door," Melvin extended his hand to her, very much excited on how their night will become. Like Aviona, he too had been looking forward for this moment.

Aviona accepted Melvin's hand and the latter kissed the back of his palm like the gentlemen does on most of the classic novel she had read. This was something she had always like about Melvin, he's an old soul and he had ways that can make her heart flutter endlessly. Melvin cautiously dragged her to the front door, and they were welcomed with a black Lamborghini that Melvin brought.

"Is that yours?" Aviona arched a brow at this.

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"Yeah," Melvin casually answered. "Father had it washed so I had no choice to bring it over. Besides, I don't intend to let you commute in your goddess like state,"

Aviona chucked at his words, "I thought you don't have a car,"

"I don't like driving on regular days," Melvin announced as she guided Aviona on the front seat, "But tonight is not a regular day, so I made exemptions,"

With her delight, knowing that Melvin had done the thing for her, Aviona kissed Melvin's cheeks that jolted the hell out of Melvin.

"Thank you, Melvin," Aviona said after her kiss, and seated herself comfortably. "You are simply the best,"

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Melvin closed the door in an instant, afraid that Aviona will see how his face turned crimson after what she did.

"Oh yeah, I'm the best," Melvin whispered to himself and tried to calm his tensing nerves before he went to the other side and drove the car.

They had few conversations in the car, most of it made Aviona burst into a loud guffaw but soon, they reached the hotel where the Senior's ball was to be held. They stepped out together after Melvin entrusted his car to the chauffer and they marched into the front hall with grace that everyone could not help but notice their presence.

"Aviona!" her three minions, Donna, Marga and Sophie came to welcome them. They too had their dates, and so was Dante.

"Hey guys," Aviona greeted, her hands were curled around Melvin's arms.

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"Did you see Martin's face when you both came?" Sophie reported immediately. There were rumors from Martin's circle that the Chan's young master purposely did not invite anyone to the ball in the hopes of escorting Aviona.

Even though Aviona was displaying in public her pretend relationship with Melvin, Martin had his doubts. He thought that Melvin was just a nobody and Aviona would certainly not pick a nobody to become her lover and so he thought that probably for the sake of the Senior's ball, Aviona will get real and go with him, so he had left her messages which Aviona purposely ignored.

"Don't say bad words Sophie please," Aviona brushed off the topic immediately. "We all came here to enjoy the night and please Sophie, let's forget about that matter even for now"

"I'm totally up for that," Sophie replied with a satisfied grin. She had noticed that Aviona was beginning to change when she met Melvin. She was a little harsher now especially with her words, unlike before.

"You look like a human tonight buddy," Dante teased. He knew Melvin didn't like party's and all, so was dressing up but he came in full blast of outfit.

"Shut the f*ck off Dante. I'm only like this for special occasions so you've got to enjoy the sight until it lasts," Melvin retorted, and their group burst into laughs with it.

After few teases and polite greeting, the group went inside together, and Dante lead them to a table that was only meant for them.

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