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Aviona and Martin started off fresh and spent time together to make up for the times they missed. They pushed through with the long-planned vacation and enjoyed quality time together. For the last couple of months, they had prioritized each other. Aviona took a long leave in Leigh Group of Companies and had another person to take charge while Martin hold off whatever plans he had of making another company to be with Aviona.

In one of their vacations, Aviona took her chances of getting a pregnancy test to check whether she had conceived a child already. She had locked the bathroom door and followed the procedure then end up staring at the mirror while waiting for the results to come out. The packaging said she had to wait for few minutes to get accurate results and so she did.

It had been a while when Martin and she tried to conceive, yet fate hadn't been good to them. Perhaps this time, it will change. She had been delayed for few days already and had been feeling a little ill lately and she thought perhaps it was the signs she had had been waiting for. Perhaps they were successful this time and soon she will already be giving birth to the child she and Martin had been looking forward for.

"It's time," Aviona told herself and looked down at the two pregnancy test she had on the countertop. Someone told her it would be better take two at the same time, so she had something to compare with.

Aviona nervously stared at the pregnancy test, but when she saw that she got only one line on both tests, she sighed deeply with frustration. Good thing she didn't told Martin she was to take another test today because she didn't want to subject him to another set of frustration. They had taken several tests before together, and Martin always end up feeling bad after each test.

Aviona was still cleaning up the mess she made in the bathroom when her phone rang. She looked and saw Donna's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey," Aviona welcomed her. Donna was calling from overseas as she had resided there for quite a while chasing her own career.

"And?" Donna's voice from the other end was like she had been demanding for an immediate responded.

"Negative," Aviona sighed.

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"Oh," Donna was sad with the news. "Well then perhaps it's still too early to check,"

"I don't want to raise my hopes Donna," Aviona hollered. She had talked to Donna prior to taking the test for moral support as she didn't want to drag Melvin to it.

"Aviona don't stress yourself much, it will come soon," Donna consoled her. Aviona had shared with her the struggles she had with conceiving and the fact that Martin was becoming more desperate for it as each day passed.

"I know," Aviona responded, hiding the sadness in her voice. "It's just that Martin really wanted it so much and—"

"He will understand," Donna cut in, "Besides its not as if it's your fault,"

"But I feel like it's my fault Donna," Aviona confessed, "Like if I had prioritized this thing early on our marriage then perhaps, we didn't come to this point,"

"Scrap that belief, won't you?" Donna didn't like the way Aviona was blaming herself for something she had no control, "Don't be hard on yourself, you had gone through much already. Probably more than Martin had gone through,"

Aviona only quieted at Donna's words. She didn't know what to say anymore and just wanted to rest and forget what she did in the bathroom.

"By the way Aviona, have you not thought of seeking help?" Donna said in her attempt to suggest something. Being Aviona's friend, she was aware of how long they had been trying to make a child and thought it was somehow time to get professional help.

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"Going to the doctor you mean?" Aviona cleared.


"I don't think Martin will like that," Aviona said, "You know how sensitive he is when it comes to his reproductive anatomy,"

Knowing that Martin teased the Lagdameo heir for years about him being impotent, Aviona thought Martin will surely not be pleased when his own manly capability will be questioned. Surely, Martin will not seek for professional help because it would come as a scar on his pride.

"But I think its time, you had been trying for a long time already," Donna told so.

"I'll think about it," Aviona answered.

"Okay, call me when you need something," Donna bid her farewell, "I had to get off the phone now, bye,"


After making sure the bathroom was clear for any signs of the test she made in secret, Aviona stepped out the bathroom to find Martin on bed while watching sports on the television.

"Are you okay?" Martin welcomed her with question.

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"Yeah," Aviona tried to put in a smile on her face to hide whatever negative thoughts that was running on her mind.

"Sure?" There was some concern in Martin's voice, "You took a while in the bathroom,"

"Oh that," Aviona climbed on bed to lay beside her husband, "My stomach crumbled a little and Donna called,"

"In the bathroom?"

Aviona smiled at this, "Yeah, you know those friends of mine. They don't have some sense of time and space. They call anytime they want,"

Martin tugged Aviona close to him and kissed her hair. "You know what, I brought some pregnancy test, why don't you we go and check if our little angel is already there,"

Martin's words made Aviona's face fell. She did not expect that Martin would made her do the test she just recently did in secret. Perhaps Martin noticed that her period was late already, so he took the initiative, but then how was she going to tell him the bad news right when he was so excited about it?

"Martin," Aviona called his attention as he was already trying to reach the paper bag, he brought along with him. "I already—"

Aviona's confession was halted when Martin's phone rang. Martin immediately picked it up, frowned and look at Aviona who was in front of him.

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"I need to take this," Martin told and excused himself. He went out the room, leaving Aviona alone wondering what's the call was about. It seemed that Martin's expression when he received the call was a little bit off and so Aviona thought something was wrong.

Martin came back after few minutes, already in a haste. "Darling, something important came up. I'm afraid we had to cut this vacation short,"

"What?" Aviona was really surprised with Martin's news. She was still trying to process everything while Martin was already pulling off his clothes in the dresser.

"Office emergency," Martin's face was in a mess, "I'm really sorry Darling. I must hurry and go but you can take your time. I'll have someone pick you up and bring you home,"

"Is everything alright?" Aviona turned worried on how Martin was acting.

"Everything's fine," Martin tried to calm down when he saw Aviona panic a little, "Everything's fine darling. They just needed my presence in the office, and it cannot be postponed. I'm really sorry,"

Martin kissed Aviona's head and hurry as fast as he could. Aviona was left wondering what exactly happened but thought it must be something Martin didn't want her to worry about. She stared at their empty and messed up hotel room and saw the bag of pregnancy test Martin bought.

She sighed and reached for it.

Good thing martin left in a hurry without waiting for her to take the test or else, the night will end up with a frustrated Martin.

She wondered by then when will the heavens be good to them and bless them with the child, they both were waiting for.

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