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Monterrey, Mexico

Martin flew overseas overnight. In one of the private hospitals where he was at, a young starlet known as Salsa Feng gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The girl, accordingly, was Martin's daughter to that young starlet whom he doted on for few years before Aviona and him got married.

"I'm really glad to see you here," The young woman forced a smile despite her weak body. "These past few months had been rough for me especially that no one was there for me,"

Martin didn't answer her resentments. He was holding his daughter in his hands, staring at her pretty angelic face. Just like her mother, she had brown curls and was glowing in her very white complexion.

"I had tried all my means to contact you, but I was shut off," The woman already cried, "None of your friends believed me, and no one was there for me..."

"My adopted father got mad and forsake me because I got pregnant and my manager left me alone knowing that he cannot anymore milk money on my career. He said there's no more hope for me in the industry when everyone will find out I gave birth,"

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Martin only sighed at this. This young starlet bore his child without him knowing as he had cut all his communications with her when Aviona and him planned on getting married. He had met Salsa on one of his trips in Mexico back when Aviona and Melvin were still a thing.

He was starting the MChan's Entertainment by then and saw Salsa on one of the celebrity parties in Mexico. She's one of the aspiring artists on one of the companies they were trying to have business transaction and ever since, Salsa had been her constant companion whenever he's at Mexico. Martin previously doted on her and had given her everything she wanted so long as she keeps him happy.

Martin had kept his affair with Salsa even when he started wooing Aviona again. She was the one who had satisfied his manly needs secretly when Martin cannot lay a hand on Aviona yet and only stopped seeing Salsa when he finally got married to Aviona.

However, almost a year ago on one of the parties in MChan's where he had gotten himself too drunk, he woke up one morning in a hotel with Salsa lying naked on his arms. It came a surprise for him because it was the first time Salsa showed up in his home country unannounced and the first time, he had been with her after a long time as he had made sure to be faithful with Aviona during their marriage.  

"I know you were still angry with me for what happened almost a year ago," Salsa continued, "But I told you already I was also drunk that night and I didn't expect to see you there at the party. My manager dragged me from here to your country for an audition which I had no control off and the rest… whatever happened to us… was not really my fault,"

"I know that you are happy now with your wife and the reason why you got mad was because you loved her so much you don't want to be unfaithful to her," Salsa tears continued flowing, "But I don't really have no one to turn to right now. I have no more career and money to help me finance our child. I even thought of giving her up for an adoption but… but… but I feel so bad because I don't want her to end up being an adopted like me…"

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"I'm so sorry, please forgive me for bothering your peaceful life with the love of your life but please understand, I just cannot let my child grow up the way I grew up. I also wanted her to meet you even if you don't want us both," The girl was already sobbing hard.

"Salsa don't say that," It was the first time Martin uttered some words, "I didn't say I didn't want you both,"

"But you cut us out. Your executive assistant told me to stop trying to reach you because you don't care about us anymore. You intend to abandon us to because you are afraid your wife will leave you if she will know about us,"

"Please understand Salsa," Martin sat beside the girl and consoled her, "I'm already a married man. I told my assistant to cut you off because I want to be faithful with my wife. She deserves it. But that was before I knew you were pregnant. But now that our baby is here, of course I cannot just abandon you,"

"But what about your wife?" Salsa's face brightened up with what she had heard. "Will you leave her?"

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"No Salsa, no," Martin shook his head to Salsa' frustration. "Aviona is my wife and I love her. I will make myself responsible for you and our daughter and make sure you are well provided and safe. When the time comes, I'll just hope Aviona will understand,"

Salsa balled her hands in a tight grip under her bed covers. She thought giving Martin a child was enough for him to leave Aviona. She had known his desperateness of having a child and the couple's struggle to conceive, so she used their daughter to drag Martin back to her, yet it seemed like Martin's feelings remain unchanged.

When Salsa met Martin, she thought she had found her way to the upper echelon of society. She made all means for him to dote on her than the other starlets he was eyeing on and she had successfully kept him for years. When she thought that she had gotten Martin under the palm of her hands, Aviona came in the picture and her dream of becoming a Madam of the prestigious Chan family shattered into pieces. Martin left and abandoned her and all her efforts for the years that went by had gone wasted.

"Collet," Martin hollered as he toyed on the baby's beautiful fingers. He was busy with her daughter that she missed the annoyed expression in Salsa's face, "Collet is what your name will be. Collet Feng,"

"Feng?" Salsa's voice rose above her usual tone. "Martin don't tell me you aren't going to name her after your last name. Don't tell me you are not going to sign her birth certificate as her father?"

"Salsa, you know I cannot—"

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"No!" Salsa protested. "This is your daughter. After what we had been through without you for the last few months this is the least you can do for her!"

"Do not shout at me!" Martin became irritated at Salsa for her nagging. Martin cupped Salsa's jaw with his other hand with force, while his other hand was carrying his daughter, "You are not my wife!"

Salsa's face fell at Martin's words. His grip on her jaw was hard that she felt and instant pain. She had forgotten about how bad Martin's temperament can be as she thought he will spare her at the moment because she just recently gave birth.

"If you insist on pushing on your demands, then I'll take Collet away," Martin threatened her.

"I'm sorry," Salsa's voice was cracking with fear. She dared not to defy him anymore as Martin was already mad, "I'm just frustrated that's all. Please understand I just gave birth to our daughter,"

Martin only looked at her and turned his attention to his daughter. Although he didn't care much about Salsa, his daughter was everything to him right then. She was the proof that he was not impotent as everyone was probably thinking about him now and so he planned on being his father, even in secret.

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