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Martin had been away for a month long and so Aviona went back to her usual routine—being occupied with her company. It was late in the afternoon and almost all of Aviona's employees already left while she was still busy digging on some documents. She and Martin had spent so many days on vacation for the last couple of months and so some of her works had piled up.

"Here you are again, just as I was suspecting it," Margo came holding two cups of coffee in her hand, "Here, I made this for you," She said as she reached out the other cup to Aviona.

"Thank you, Margo," Aviona smiled at her. "Martin and I had been out for a while and when he comes back, we might go on another vacation again so I'm finishing whatever I can finish here,"

"I already told you to train me so I can do these things for you," Margo lamented. "Seriously Aviona, don't you trust me?"

"Margo you know I trust you a lot," She said to her, dismissing whatever she was thinking. "But I think you are needed more in the marketing department especially now that we are launching a new product,"

"Then we can hire someone else to take my place in the marketing department while I train with you, "Margo insisted on it.

"Margo, I know you and I know your wants," Aviona said in an obvious rejection of Margo's proposal. "You are better fit in your position that's why I put you there. I don't want to burden you with things which you don't like,"

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"I like doing it for you Aviona," Margo replied. "I think that's enough reason for me to replace you aside from the fact that you trust me,"

Aviona only sighed at Margo's persistence. When Aviona was out for the last couple of weeks, she had asked another person instead of Margo to replace her temporarily. She didn't know why but she wasn't so comfortable on leaving the Leigh group of companies in Margo's hands even with the fact that her friend was very capable. Margo's skills in handling company matters were simply excellent, but there's something, something off about the thought of giving Margo the care for Leigh group of Companies.

"You are a very good employee and friend Margo," Aviona told her with a grateful smile. "But the thing is, I'm not ready to give up Leigh Group of Companies yet,"

"Are you serious with that?" Margo was a bit surprise with her words because she had assumed since Aviona was already serious on fixing her marriage, then she was expecting that she'll retreat as a simple housewife soon. "I mean what about your plans on spending time with Martin and how about your plans of having a baby,"

"I'm still pushing those plans through," Aviona replied, "I mean, I don't think those responsibilities would take much of my time, I can still manage the company—"

"Aviona!" Margo suddenly became mad and ended up reprimanding Aviona, "Are you serious with your words right now? Can't you really see the fact that you need to give Martin time and child in order to keep your marriage? Don't tell me until now you hadn't realized why Martin was still abroad for almost already two months now?

Aviona's brows crossed in an instant with Margo's words. "Margo what do you mean by that?"

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"O my God Aviona," Margo grimaced at Aviona's innocence, "Don't tell me you aren't suspecting anything? Did you ever asked yourself why he left and why he it was taking so long for him to comeback where previously he can't even stand a day without seeing you?"

"He had important matters abroad," Aviona tried to dismiss whatever negative thoughts that Marga was injecting on her.

"Really?" Margo raised an eyebrow at this, "That's such lame excuse and you accepted it without doubts?"

"Margo, Martin loves me. You know that," Aviona reminded the girl of the fact.

"But he's a man and most of all, he's a husband of such a busy wife, a wife who's chasing her ex-husband's dreams and who could not give him a child," Margo pushed her words through with an attempt of insulting Aviona face to face.

"Stop this Margo!" Aviona warned. "I won't give you an opportunity to ruin my trust with my husband,"

"Fine," Margo settled, "But remember, I tried to tell you,"

"Try to tell me what?" Aviona already stood at her seat, "Be clear with whatever you wanted to say,"

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"That Martin has a mistress," Margo told her, "And that exactly is the reason why you have to reconsider staying with Leigh group of Companies or stay home and fix your marriage while you still have a chance,"

"Margo we both know that is not true," Aviona shook her head slowly, trying not to accept the thing because unexpectedly, it hurts, it hurts like goddam hell.

"All I know is that that mistress resides in Mexico and was exactly the reason why your husband had long abandoned you,"

"No, you are lying,"

"If I am, then where's your husband?" Margo raised the question trying to challenge Aviona.

"I told you he has a business transaction related to MChans," Aviona insisted.

"Oh Aviona, I never thought your job as the CEO of your company made you this preoccupied that you haven't known until now that there's no more MChans," Margo revealed. "That company of your husband had already been sold to a different management,"

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"What?" Aviona was really surprised at the revelation. Martin had never once told her about MChan's bankruptcy and right then she felt really bad about it. "Margo how did—"

"Everyone knows, except you," Margo's voice was low now as Aviona's face fell. "I wanted to tell you, but it seemed like you were not in the mood always to do real talk,"

"So if Martin is not abroad because of business then—"

"Then he's with his mistress," Margo revealed, "The girl is a starlet in Mexico. That's all I know, as per her identity, only Martin's assistant knew,"

-Chapter ends here-

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