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Dr. Miles drove his car slowly down a familiar private road. It was the way to Melvin and Madam Sarah's grave, and he was there to visit them. Never in his life did he thought he would come up to the point of burying his own son and wife. Now he was all alone in life, with no one to spend the rest of his life with.

As soon as he parked his car, he started walking down the road to a private cemetery nearby. He was already few meters away when he noticed that Aviona was there, kneeling on Melvin's grave, crying.

"Aviona dear," Dr. Miles ran to comfort her. He had thought all these times that Aviona had a good and happy life, so he didn't really expect seeing her in a state like this. She was sobbing hard and she looked like not the business magnet Aviona Leigh-Chan but just rather Aviona, the sad girl.

"Dr. Miles," Aviona smiled bitterly at him, but her tears flowed continually. "You're here,"

"Aviona my child, what happened?" Dr. Miles sat beside the girl to level her gaze and tried to wipe her tears away.

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"Why is fate so hard on me?" Aviona lamented suddenly. "First he took the love of my life and now fate had made me barren I cannot give my husband a child,"

"Fate my dear had its own reasons," Dr. Miles replied with all the reasons he could give her even when he himself was questioning fate why his fate was almost same as Aviona. They both loss their love and both don't have children to keep them happy.

"Then what was its reasons for making my life like hell?" Aviona didn't withhold all the hurt she had within. "Dr. Miles, was I that so bad that fate didn't thought I too deserve a good life?"

"You are a good person Aviona," Dr. Miles gave a girl an embrace, "You are a good person there's no doubt in that,"

Dr. Miles had no more words to comfort the girl and he knew no matter what he says, the hurt will never fade away. Aviona was the only thing that was left on him and seeing her as hurt as this made Dr. Miles more miserable. It made him feel guilty knowing that he couldn't keep his promise to Melvin and that was to look after Aviona and made sure she had lived a happy life.

If only there was only something he can do but Aviona's struggles weren't something he can solve. Only God can grant her heart desires, and he wasn't God.

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Martin was forced to fly back home because Aviona had stopped answering his calls. His wife had already been suspecting that he had illicit affairs in Mexico and because he loved Aviona far too much, he had cut his trip short when originally, he wanted to stay and care for Collet until she's a year old. Although Martin had his own share of bad deeds, he was after all a new father and as much as possible would want to be a good one.

It was already late when he reached the Golden Villa and he found Aviona on the veranda of their room, playing with the afternoon pigeons that nested right there.

"Darling," Martin went and embrace his wife from the back but Aviona immediately squeeze herself out.

"You came home," Aviona said without facing him. She continually played with the pigeons, letting them pick up seeds on her palms with their tiny beaks.

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Martin looked at Aviona and saw how messed up she had been. She was wearing a plain gown, her eyebags were deep, eyes were red and it was obvious she had not taken her shower.

When Margo told her about the mistress, Aviona didn't know how to feel. It was like she had showered her own self with a bucket of ice. She felt so guilty inside knowing it was she who started all the complications in her marriage with her desire to pursue everything she and Melvin planned for. Now, she was suffering the fruit of her being an irresponsible wife by having a husband who has a mistress and the fact that she cannot bear him a child.

"You stopped answering my calls and my assistant said you called him to—"

"It seemed that you forgot to tell me about the MChans," Aviona cut in.

"That," Martin was already expecting this confrontation, so he prepared fully for it. "Everything you heard about the MChans is true. I sold it off and isolated myself from it since we planned to prioritize each other,"

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"Does getting a mistress a part of the plan?" Aviona turned to face him this time. Her eyes were full of resentment and bitterness. Aviona in her frustration didn't dig deeper about Salsa and Martin's relationship because she was still in denial and was hoping that all of it wasn't true.

Martin grimaced at Aviona's words. He looked at her in the eye trying to decipher how far Aviona had known about his illicit affairs.

"Aviona where are this coming from?" Martin acted innocent, "A mistress? Do your seriously believe I have a mistress after seven long years of wooing you?"

Aviona's once hard expression, soften a bit when she heard him. But she continued to question him. "Then how can you explain the fact that you were in Mexico for the last two months? What were you doing there when MChans was no longer in operation? Tell me Martin, tell me what you were doing there?"

Martin acted hurt, as if Aviona's accusation weren't legit. With Aviona's words, he knew that she hadn't known much and was still trying to let him confess outright. However, what Aviona didn't know was that Martin was good at this—handling his women and he had a great reputation with that while Aviona was new to this kind of circumstance as she wasn't a player before, in fact she was always the faithful one. *Aviona might be smart in other things, but when it comes to marriage and love, she had known only things that she had experience from Melvin and cheating game wasn't one of it.

"Aviona, I went there for business transactions. I already told you that," Martin sounded truthful, "It's true that I lost MChans that's why I'm trying hard to build another company right now with Laundro. We have a big client in Mexico and that was the reason for that long trip. I am starting off a company Aviona, try to be considerate with that, you know how hard it is to start a new one, you yourself had gone through hell to build Leigh Group of Companies,"

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