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Aviona was silenced at Martin's throwback. She felt somehow guilty knowing that her accusations might be wrong.

"I don't know who told you all of this mistress thing but if what they were saying is true then where's the evidence?" Martin challenged her as he knew she have none. Martin had always been careful with his relationship with Salsa. He made sure they had no records or pictures together that someone can use against him in situations like he was in right now, "You surely wouldn't believe anyone without evidence, right?"

Aviona swallowed a mouthful at this. She doesn't really have nothing to prove her accusation and wasn't even sure if all of it were true. Her guilt and frustration overtook her right of way when Margo told her about the mistress that Aviona didn't mind of verifying the fact by gathering evidence "All I know is that her name is Salsa and that she's a starlet in Mexico,"

Martin's was shock at the mention of Salsa's name, but he made sure his face didn't show any expression that Aviona can catch. Who told Aviona about Salsa? He had spent huge effort to hide all his affairs with her and yet his name slid away in Aviona's mouth as if he hadn't spent several bucks to keep Salsa hidden away.

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"Salsa? A starlet in Mexico?" Martin acted as if he was wondering who Salsa was. "You didn't mean Salsa Feng, right? Did you search her name on the net? If you did you must have known by now, she was long gone from the limelight a year ago,"

"I…I…," Aviona was already ashamed on how she was acting up in her husband. She clearly missed all the facts he mentioned. Martin was so expert in twisting words and lying that he made Aviona felt guilty for accusing him without knowing it was all true.

"It's impossible I went to see her in Mexico because reports say she had fled somewhere unknown for a year now. Nobody had seen her then," Martin added. Martin knew it was the first time Aviona had to handle a mistress issue, so it went easy on him how to control the situation. Although Aviona was married twice, she had no experience of how it was to be cheated on as she was once previously the XU mean queen where no one would dare to cross.

Aviona sighed in retreat. She did not believe how reckless she had been with accusing her husband without even checking whether everything was true. She only believed Margo's words and acted up and ended up hurting Martin's feelings.

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"I'm sorry Darling, I didn't know what I was thinking," Aviona apologized in an instant, cupping her head and messy hair. The suspicion she had was gone in an instant.

"I understand Aviona but if you still have doubts you can call Laundro right now, he can tell you everything," Martin seeing how Aviona relaxed, seized the opportunity to made save himself further, "You know how I love you Darling. I would never ever cheat on you,"

Martin didn't feel any guilt on what he said as they were true. He does really love Aviona and that he did not mean to impregnate someone else. What happened with him and Salsa was just an accident he didn't mean to happen, and he will not let such an innocent mistake get between him and Aviona. Aviona was his wife and he will do everything to keep her by his side.

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"I'm so sorry," Aviona's guilt made her cry. The past few months of trying for a baby and the pressure for not being able to make one was already exhausting her. Now, the fact that she ended up hurting Martin's feelings once again made her more guilty. "I don't know what's happening to me, perhaps it because I can't give you a child and—"

"Aviona," Aviona's tears made touched something inside Martin. He caught his wife under his embrace and consoled her. It was the first time he had seen Aviona that frustrated, and he didn't like the view, "Don't be like this, you know I don't like seeing you cry. Don't worry the child will come in the right time, we'll keep trying okay"

Aviona was a bit relieved knowing that somehow her accusations were all wrong but the guilt and fear inside her knowing she was the reason why her marriage was crumbling down to pieces took her in a state that she was unable to forgive herself. With the threat of a mistress knocking on the door, Aviona felt the need of giving Martin a child and so she became desperate just like how Martin had been.

"Is it wrong for me to think we should go and seek professional help?" Aviona dared to open the thing up. She expected that Martin would react in a negative way but to her shock, he didn't.

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"We'll go and see a doctor if that makes you feel better," Martin comforted her. If Aviona asked him the same question when Collet wasn't born yet, surely Martin would be mad knowing that his manhood was being questioned but now that he was sure he wasn't impotent, then the question didn't give him much negative thought.

"Really?" Aviona lifted her head, surprised at Martin's unexpected approval.

"Yes Darling, we can go and see one if that is what you needed," Martin assured her.

Martin didn't regret that he lied to Aviona about Salsa as he thought she wasn't ready for such a revelation and he wasn't ready for Aviona's outburst. He was indeed afraid that Aviona would leave him so he thought that pursuing his plan of having children with Aviona will bound Aviona more to him.


Their children will become his saving glory in case Aviona will found out about Salsa and Collet. If they have children, it would become hard for Aviona to walk away from their marriage and leave him. That was the main reason he was so cool with seeking professional help as it would fasten their plans of having children.

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