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Dr. Miles was busy running through Feather HealthCare reports when he heard a knock on the door. It was Manager Cheng and he came with another batch of documents with him for Dr. Miles to sign.

"These are reports from Feather HealthCare hospital Dr. Miles," Manager Cheng told him as he laid the papers on Dr. Miles' table.

"Thank you, Manager Cheng," Dr. Miles cautiously acknowledge. He continued what he was doing but after just few seconds he realized the manager hadn't left yet and was still standing in front of him.

"Anything wrong?" Dr. Miles lifted his head to him, curious as to what he wanted.

Manager Cheng held a deep sigh and decided to show Dr. Miles something he found out in the hospital Dr. Miles owned.

"These are the lists of our private VIP clients this month and the services they needed," Manager Cheng pulled out a certain document from the bundle he brought to the doctor. Their VIP clients were composed mostly of elites whose medical records and activities were meant to be confidential.

"Is there anything wrong with it?" Dr. Miles asked as he accepted the document and ran through it.

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"Nothing," Manager Cheng was still a bit hesitant but decided to push on. "The Chan couple is on the list, Aviona and Martin. They are seeking medical help to conceive a child,"

"IVF, you mean," Dr. Miles clarified the Managers words. He looked through the details of the couple and read as much as he could. "I knew for a fact that the couple had problems with conceiving a child and I think this is the best option for them,"

"I know. I was even shock that they only decided to seek medical help right now since it had been a long time they had been married," Manager Cheng commented. He was aware of Aviona's connection with the Dugmoch because Melvin was already like a son to him.

"Well these are things that are to be decided by them as a couple," Dr. Miles hollered. Seeing how Aviona broke down a couple of weeks ago, he was somehow relieved that the couple was going on this way. Asking for medical help will surely help them with the child they wanted and perhaps with this direction, Aviona will be okay. "We have no say on these things,"

"I know Dr. Miles," Manager Cheng agreed. "But I also know you care for Aviona much that's why I'm talking to you about this,"

Dr. Miles' head formed lines as he did not understand what his manager meant not until Manager Cheng pulled another record to show him.

"Dr. Santana made the couple undergo some test this morning when they come for a checkup," Manager Cheng started as Dr. Miles was reading the test results he had in his hands. "I know you are very concern with Aviona's emotional health right now, so I decided to show it to you,"

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Dr. Miles face cannot be painted with the results he was reading. He instantly dropped the documents on the table and pressed the bridge of his nose. It took him a while before everything sank into him.

"Thank you for this," Dr. Miles managed to thank the Manager despite what he had seen. "Did Dr. Santana read all this?"

"Not yet," Manager Cheng replied.

"Delay these papers for a while," Dr. Miles instructed and dismissed his Manager. "I'll see what I can do but make sure to keep this a secret between us two,"

"Alright," Manager Cheng agreed wondering whether there was something else that could be done with the matter before them. "I shall take my leave then,"

When the Manager left, Dr. Miles cupped his head in distress about the things he had find out and the view of sobbing Aviona on Melvin's grave flashback to him in a haunting view that both broke and pained his heart. With what he had found out, he was afraid of what the future will bring to Aviona and how she will be able to handle it.

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With medical intervention, Aviona finally got pregnant and the Golden Villa glowed with much joy with the new life everyone in the household was expecting. Martin was the happiest with the news as it had been so long that he wanted a child. Of course, he was happy with Collet but having a child with Aviona was something far better.

"Aren't you going back to Mexico for business?" Aviona asked Martin one time when they were resting in the villa. Nine months had passed by so fast that any time soon, Aviona will already be giving birth.

"The business can wait," Martin dismissed the matter in an instant, not wanting to be reminded of the fact that Salsa had been insisting on making him visit their daughter for the last nine months. "I wanted to be with you any minute of your pregnancy,"

"Well our daughter also wants you here," Aviona smiled at him and then latter turn to touch the big bump on her belly, "Aren't you dear?"

"I can't believe we are having a daughter," Martin hollered on. Few months ago, they had already known the gender of their child. "I bet she's as pretty and smart as you,"

"Aren't you so fond of me?" Aviona teased her husband.

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"Well I admit I am," Martin answered sweetly as he pulled the hands of his wife and gave it a smooth kiss, "I am very addicted and fond of you my Darling,"

Aviona in turn, gave her husband a smile but the smile didn't last long as Aviona's face suddenly grimaced.

"Anything wrong?" Martin asked when he saw how Aviona's expression changed.

"I think I peed or something," Aviona shamefully admitted and immediately turned to look down her legs, only to find water rushing down on it.

"O my God Darling!" Martin panic and immediately supported his wife's balance. "You are going to give birth!"

"Am I?" Aviona asked in shock, "But it doesn't hurt,"

"I don't know anything about that, but we have to go to the hospital now," Martin exclaimed and called some of their servants to help them.

That day, Aviona gave birth to another healthy baby girl and her birth was widely publicized and celebrated by the elite community and business world.

That day, the world knew of Ava Leigh-Chan, heiress of Leigh Group of Companies.

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