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Aviona and Martin had lavished Ava with love and grandeur as she came out. Their marriage turned out pretty good since their child arrived and every moment in the Golden Villa was filled with nothing but fun and happiness.

Today was another day full of grandeur as Ava was to be christened. The Chan's prepared for a lavish party in one of the country's best gardens where every top elite personality had been invited, including the Lagdameo's of course as Martin would not waste an opportunity to display his achievements in front of his rival. Despite their obvious dislike for each other, Martin and Manuel had maintained a causal relationship.

"Congratulations CEO Chan and happy christening to your little heiress," Madam Diana, wife of Manuel Lagdameo, greeted as she approached Aviona. She was with her son, the little toddler Lagdameo heir, Darryl Lemmuel.

"Thank you, Madam Diana, I'm glad you made it," Aviona acknowledged her greetings. "This is the Lagdameo heir? Isn't he handsome Ava?" Aviona then dragged her eyes back to her four-month-old daughter who was toying her fingers into her mouth.

Aviona kneeled at the toddler Darryl to show him Ava. Darryl was lively boy who preferred to walk on his feet than be carried in his mother's arms.

"Petty, baby ish petty," Darryl looked up to tell his mother about the baby in front of him. The view of the beautiful Ava excited him, and he cannot help himself but touch Ava's nose with his fingers.

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"Lemmuel no, your hands are dirty!"" His mother reprimanded him and then turned to Aviona to apologize for what her son did. "I'm sorry, he's tends to touch things that makes him excited,"

Aviona only smiled at this, "Well it seemed like the Lagdameo heir likes our little heiress,"

"Dalyl 'ike baby," The toddler agreed referring to himself and repeated the words over and over again, "Dalyl 'ike baby,"

The baby on Aviona's arms seemed to have been annoyed with the announcement as her once smiling face grimaced and fixed her eyes on the toddler who was smiling at her. Deciding that she didn't like his handsome face, Ava made a disagreeing sound and stick out a tongue to Darryl, "bleeeh,"

With what they had witness, both Madam Diana and Aviona laughed at this. They had a blissful conversation together while their husbands where busy inwardly cursing each other and without Aviona knowing that they had an unwanted visitor.

Right on the back door, Salsa was watching the extravagant christening with so much disgust and jealously. It had been a year and half since Martin refused to visit them and she cannot hold her annoyance over it anymore.

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She had read about Ava's birth on the international news and it angered her to the highest extent. So, Martin stopped coming to them because his wife got pregnant?

Previously, Salsa thought that somehow, she had an advantage than Aviona because she sired Martin a child. Even how powerful Aviona was, she cannot still deny that Collet was Martin's heiress and for that they can have a hold on Martin. However, with the birth of Ava, Collet had been nothing but a dirty secret, Martin wanted to hide forever.

"You cannot do this to me Martin," Salsa whispered to herself with controlled annoyance while holding Collet in her two arms. "You cannot do this to me and my daughter, I had sacrifice so much for this, I'm not letting you off!"

Salsa never once expected things would go this direction. She made sure things will go as she planned for, but it seemed that Aviona was not an innocent and easy nemesis.

When Martin left her before as he was to get married with Aviona, Salsa was ultimately devastated and broke. She made ways and schemes to let Martin keep her, but the latter was determined to give her up easily. She did not expect that after seven years, Martin had still not consider of making her the Madam of the Chans and that Aviona was still his first choice.

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Martin had cut her off completely and even when she had made huge efforts to reach him, she was entirely unsuccessful with her attempts. The Chans were to powerful for her to get through and they had just easily shut her down. But two years after Matin and Aviona's marriage, when she almost thought of giving up, someone willingly helped her and made her find ways to trap Martin on sleeping with her again and that one-night chance lead her to dragged him back to her life. And now when she thought she had the upper hand, this Ava just suddenly popped out snatching Martin away from her again?

No! That couldn't be! She will not allow that to happen!

And how come Martin was able to sire a child? Who were they fooling at?

"What are you doing here?" Martin dragged Salsa out of the fire exit. His executive assistant informed him of her presence, and he was really angry with the news. He hastily went to where she's at, ready to beat and throw her away.

"Martin aren't you going to say hi to our child?" Salsa attempted to appease him by mentioning Collet whom she handed to a nanny who was with them.

"You are dare to use my child against me, do you think you can fool me?" Martin's eyes were like it was ready to devour his own mistress. He held Salsa on the neck almost choking her in front of their daughter "I already warned you before and yet you continued to defy me,"

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"I came here not to make any trouble," Salsa tried to defend herself, "I came her to save you instead because you had not been listening to me,"

"Save me from what? You, desperate bitch?" Martin was already shaking with fury, "God Salsa! If Aviona will know about this I'll make sure you'll regret the day you had met me,"

There was some hurt in Salsa's eyes and yet she maintained her toughness over Martin's physical assault. She had endured the pain both emotional and physical that Martin was doing to her right then in order to execute her plans well.

"I'm saving you from your wife's schemes!" She exclaimed as loud as she could. "Your wife is not as innocent as you think!"

It was obvious that Martin was shock with her words. When Salsa felt that his grip loosens a bit, she continued, "I'm doing this for you and for the sake of our daughter, listen to me at once!"

"If you think you can foo—"

"I have evidence!" She cut in before Martin could sweep off his doubts.

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