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Aviona rushed back into the Golden Villa when she confirmed that Martin and Ava were home. She intended to have a thorough conversation with her husband and tell him everything she had found in Feather HealthCare aside from the fact that Melvin was Ava's father. She will fight for her innocence and was willing to kneel and begged Martin if she needed to so long as she could make sure Ava was safe.

She was hoping right then that Martin would at least listen to her and would be reasonable enough to not blame her for everything. She still was confident about Martin's love for her and she knew, deep within her, that her darling husband would understand.

"Martin," Aviona ran toward him when he found him waiting for her in their living room. Ava was nowhere in sight, but she was sure the baby was in her bedroom being cared for by her nanny.

"Where have you been?" Martin's tone started out hard and so Aviona knew he was still mad.

"I went to Feather HealthCare to see what went wrong. You won't believe what I find out," Aviona acted cool as if she was not bothered by the coldness of her husband.

Martin grunted with sarcasm, "And what did you find out, c'mon tell me. Dare to tell me Aviona,"

"They made a mistake Martin. I don't know how to start all of this but when we reviewed the records Dr. Miles find out that you were…"

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"I am what?" Martin threw her a mad gaze as if giving her a warning.

Aviona sighed deep and decided to tell the truth once and for all, "You were barren. Something was off with your samples and —"

Aviona wasn't anymore able to complete her narration because Martin's hard slap landed on her face. It was so strong that Aviona lost her balance and fell into the floor hard.

"Martin!" Aviona resented but just when she thought her horror was over, Martin kneeled and grabbed her neck again, forcing her to look into Martin's eyes that was full of unadulterated hatred.

"You dare to impute on me a defect for cover up your lies!" Martin made and impatient sound as he pulled Aviona with force, "Is that how stupid do you think I am?"

"Martin I am not lying to you," Aviona tried to respond despite the pain Martin was causing her. "You can go to Dr. Miles and ask if you want,"

"For what?" Martin responded, his voice rising marginally, "We both know that doctor would always cover up for you,"

"But I am not lying," Aviona pressed on, trying to hold up her tears, "Please listen to me at once!"

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"No I will not give you a chance at all to manipulate me again!"

"What did I even do that you are doing this to me?" Aviona struggled to get away from Martin's assault on her.

"Do not act innocent anymore!" Martin was certain with his words as if he had all the basis for it. He was terribly mad, so mad that for once Aviona feared him.

"But I am innocent!"

"Margo already confessed!" Martin shouted at Aviona's face, "She already told me all your dirty deeds,"

The mention of Margo's name painted confusion in Aviona's face. What did Margo told her husband that turned him into an unforgiving monster?

"What are you talking about?" Aviona tried to ask, hoping Martin would tell her the details.

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"She told me everything," Martin said breathing with fury, "The fact that you were messing around with several men in your office and that you had paid everyone to keep this a secret from me. Now tell me how many men did you bang that you are not certain whose Ava's father was?

"Margo is lying!" Aviona didn't expect the sudden betrayal that was slapped on her face. She didn't know why Margo would tell Martin something like that and why would she, of all person, pressed onto her things that she didn't do.

[This novel is undergoing thorough revision and editing on its original site.To verify if you are reading the correct and updated version of this novel, please visit the author's site  or simply type Zijay Qui on any search engine. Follow and like if you want for more updates and announcement.]

"She's your dear friend," Martin slowly emphasized the fact, "Why would I not believe her especially with the fact that she came willingly because her guilt was haunting her all throughout?"

"I don't know why she's doing that!" Aviona tried to defend her reputation even though she knew that it would rather be impossible to make Martin believe her now with Margo's lies. "But Martin I swear to you, she's lying!"

"Look at me Aviona," Martin instructed her, his eyes locked onto his wife's tearful face with so much disgust, "This man before you is not anymore that foolish husband you had been controlling for years. This time, we should play the perfect husband and wife role, you are going to do whatever I say,"

"But Martin—"

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"You are not leaving this house anymore, not until I allow it," Martin was shaking as he breathed the words, "You are going to stay here as my wife, and you'll do nothing but just that. No more going to office or meeting any clients, understood?"

"Martin please, you know you cannot lock me away,"

"Oh, I'm afraid to announce my dearest wife that I can," Martin confidently told her as he pushed her hard, away from his grip. "Imagine what will I do to Ava if you disobey,"

"Martin please don't do this. You know it will turn out as a huge scandal if people will know what you did to me. You'll ruin your reputation for this,"

"Is that so?" Martin's jaw hardened at Aviona's innocent threats, "Then I better make sure people will not know about your situation here,"

"That's an impossible thing you know that," Aviona tried to wake Martin up from all his careless devious plans, "You can't keep me forever,"

"Then I'll keep you as long as I can!" Martin shouted frustratedly. He knew that what Aviona was saying was all a fact. He cannot lock her forever as certainly people will ask about her specially her great grandaunt who was residing abroad.

However, Martin's reasons were blurred by his anger and obsession over Aviona. Something was happening within him that was totally engulfing his whole being, making him lose his sanity slowly turning him into someone they never imagined him to become.

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