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Martin locked Aviona and Ava in the master bedroom with cautious instructions to the housemaids about not letting Aviona see and call anyone. Every servant in the household was obedient to Martin than Aviona because aside from the fact that the former was the one who hired them, he was also the one they were most familiar with because Martin stayed at home most of the time while Aviona was always busy.

Aviona's life turned upside down in an instant but if there was one good thing about coming back to the Golden Villa, it was the fact that she was able to be with Ava at these trying times.

It took Aviona a day to calm down after the extreme argument she had with Martin. She had few bruises in her arms and neck, but the most painful bruise was the one inside her heart. She felt sorry not for herself but for Ava, for certainly, her child was innocent from all of this. Martin and she had their own share of faults, her for being still in love with Melvin and Martin for his bad temperament while Ava had nothing.

"I'm sorry," Aviona whispered to her daughter's face as she gave her a kiss. With everything that had happened, she cannot still deny the fact that she was so happy knowing that Ava came from the love of her life. If she will be given a chance to go back in time, she will still choose the path she and Dr. Miles took knowing that Ava was the price.

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Right then, Ava was the most precious thing to her. She didn't care anymore of her marriage nor Martin, all she cared about was Ava's safety and to ensure that, there was only one thing she needed to do, get out of the Golden Villa.

Martin cannot hurt them outside, she's far too powerful with all the money she got, and Martin knew that—exactly the reason why she imprisoned her. Aviona wanted to wait for help for she knew someone would come for them, either Dr. Miles or her grand aunt or perhaps any of her friends outside however she was afraid that help might come at a later time, while Martin can hurt her or Ava any minute from now. With that, Aviona choose an escape plan.

She cannot go through the main door of the master bedroom because aside from it was lock, housemaids might catch her, so she chose to go through the master bedroom's veranda. It took her a while to open the door and when she finally did, she put Ava on a carrier and grabbed whatever linen she can use as a rope. She will use the linen to mount down into the ground from the veranda.

Soon, Aviona had successfully tied the linen on one corner and she started mounting down through it. As she put her weight on the linen, she prayed so hard that it will not break or else, she and Ava will fall. Ava wasn't comfortable on their situation, but she can feel her mother's warmth as she was pressed on Aviona's chest, so she remained quiet as she was sucking a finger.

Aviona made her first step down, eyes focus on the wall in front of her. She was ready for another step, but someone grabbed Ava from the carrier attached to her chest and when Aviona looked up, she saw Margo smiling down at her with Ava on her two hands.

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"Give me back my daughter!" Aviona climbed back to the veranda while Margo stepped back to one corner.

"Is that how you welcomed a friend who comes to visit you?" Margo said, as if nothing unusual was happening, "You know what Aviona you—"

Margo was not able to finish her words as Aviona slapped her hard. It was so hard that she lost her balance and almost throw Ava away.

"Your daughter will get hurt!" Margo exclaimed at Aviona's fierce gaze. Aviona grabbed Ava back to her before she gave Margo a hard kick. She was so mad at her that she forgot her class and sophistication.

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"You dare come her acting as if you did nothing?" Aviona snapped back at her. She didn't know why Margo told Martin all the lies, but she thought the girl deserves the physical pain she gave her, after all Ava's safety was at stake.

Marga looked severely hurt by what Aviona did. Her nose was bleeding, and she had wounds all over because of how hard Aviona kicked her. However, despite the pain, she let go of a loud laugh and weakly dragged herself to stand.

"Okay, let's cut off the drama," Margo hollered after her crazy laughing. "You must have not been able to sleep wondering why I lied to Martin about you having affairs with several men,"

"You are jealous and insecure with me," Aviona told although she wasn't sure about it. Margo was the only friend who had been with her for the last seven years and so she really can't believe her care for her was just all pretend, "You wanted to be like me, but you couldn't that's why you wanted to get rid of me, hoping you can be significant in my own company. Let me sum it up for you, first you lured me into retreating and give you the CEO position, blackmailing me about how bad of a wife I am but I always refused so you got tired and planned another scheme and that was to make a lie,"

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"You're so brilliant Aviona, I'm soo impressed," Margo complimented.

"I'm way too brilliant for you," Aviona chuckled, "If you want my company and my money, you should have tried harder. You were not able to get the CEO position before when you had my trust, what makes you think you can get it now?"

Margo's face dimmed at Aviona's words. Everything she said was true, all these times she had been trying to be like Aviona, trying to be the university queen, trying to become a CEO, trying to be as brilliant as her friend was, yet people cannot see her worth and always tagged her as Aviona's minion. She got tired of it and so she wanted Aviona out so she can show everyone she too can be brilliant as she so planned hard how to get rid of Aviona.

First, she helped Martin to get Aviona for she thought marriage can make Aviona retreat and just become a housewife and leave her in trust of everything, yet it didn't happen. Second, she helped Salsa to rock Aviona's marriage and blackmailed her into being a bad wife so her conscience will make her retreat, yet that thing didn't work. She had almost drained her resources and finally, the lying opportunity came, and she used it so Martin would detain Aviona. Margo was aware of Martin's obsession with Aviona and so she knew, he will lock her away all for himself. And with Aviona's absence, for sure everyone in the company will rely on her as she was her most trusted confidant and friend, plus she was also good on management.

"Don't worry Aviona, I learned from the university mean queen a lot," Margo answered but deep within, she wasn't really sure if she can outsmart Aviona right then.

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