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"Brains can never be learned Margo," Aviona confidently told.

Margo looked like a different person right then, not anymore that Margo that she once knew. Its funny how people changed in just one click, like how Martin and Margo both did. There was another guilt that came through her knowing that probably, she was also the reason why Margo had been desperate to hit back on her. She remembered the time she bullied her way back in college and hoped she had never done such a thing.

Margo laughed again. "Aviona if you thought I made you hurt me for nothing then you're wrong,"

Aviona didn't falter with Margo's words. She certainly didn't care about her company right now, all she care for was Ava and whatever Margo do in Leigh Group of Companies, she doesn't anymore care. She can make another company, but she had only one Ava.

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"See that?" Margo pointed to somewhere but Aviona didn't look to whatever she was showing her.

She only looked at Margo's eyes with disgust knowing that she wasted all her time teaching and caring for her, since she ended only as a leeching bitch. She knew before that there was something off about Margo, but because she treated her as a sister, she ignored all the signs.

"I hired a camera man to record everything that happened here, without sounds" Margo proudly revealed, "I'll upload it to the internet and make everyone believe that the great Aviona Leigh was suffering from postpartum depression leading her to almost killing her child by recklessly playing in the veranda and hurting her friend when she came to rescue,"

"With all of this, the board members will surely elect me in your behalf since you would be treated as incapable because of your depression. I had been befriending and getting their trusts of the board members for the last few years, surely they will elect me since I am you most trusted confidant," Margo laughed at this, "Say goodbye to your CEO position now Aviona,"

"And what makes you think you can hold on to that position for long?" Aviona's expression was blank. Deep inside she was hurting on Margo's betrayal, yet she acted as if the girl didn't bother her. "You know if not today, I can get still get out from this mansion,"

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"Someday probably Aviona," Margo told, wiping out her bleeding nose, "Probably in time when I had already gotten most of Leigh Group of Companies. As CEO of course and managing it in your behalf, I have limited access to everything including your money and properties…"

"…but for now, good luck with your escape," Margo mocked, "You probably are aware that you made Martin too obsessed. In my own assessment, he's turning into and obsessive psychopath so let's see if you can escape from his grip. He's not that stupid you know,"

"…besides with all the recordings I have, Martin and I can make the world believe your depression made you violent and so we can always stop those who made attempts to visit you for the reason that it's not safe, that includes your dear grand aunt and all your other friends,"

Aviona within her admitted that Margo had made such a great escapable scheme this time against her. She had used her obsessed husband to lock her away, pretend that she's struggling with depression and make everyone stay away from her touch so she can take over her company. Such a great evil plan but if Margo thought she got the upper hand, well she's wrong. She can lock Aviona all she wants and but as long as she and Ava was alive, she can get nothing from whatever Aviona worked hard for.

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Aviona held Ava close to her arms protectively. Their escape plan today didn't work well and when Martin will know about this, which he will eventually do, her plans of escape would become impossible.

"Congratulations on successfully leeching on me Margo," Aviona said as she headed back inside the master bedroom, "Leave and made sure to lock the door, pray hard that I will not be able to escape here,"

Margo followed Aviona to the master bedroom and head for the door, "Thank you university queen for teaching me well," She laughed again, hoping she can piss Aviona more.

Aviona put back Ava on her crib and headed to the door where Marga was standing and where the housemaids were waiting for them to finish their conversation. The housemaids could have alarmed the guards by now so it was useless for her to continue her escape plans. Without warning, Aviona pushed Margo out of the door and gave her one of her pretty smiles.

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"Its good that I had thought you well, but you are such a bad student, you don't pick up well," Aviona gave her ex friend some comments, "Also, good luck on your plans of stealing from my company, but I'm sorry to tell you, my bank account is dry, you cannot get anything even a single centavo,"

With that, Aviona closed the door at Margo's face, leaving her wondering what she was talking about. She only smiled with sarcasm when she heard Margo shamefully nagged at the back of the door before she headed back to Ava's crib to feed her.

Just a day after Margo's visit, the video of Aviona hanging on the veranda with Ava and her hurting Margo went viral. From the television in the master bedroom, Aviona watched as Margo made pitiful interviews, telling everyone how Aviona suffered from severe postpartum depression and how violent she was at the moment. She discouraged everyone from visiting her and faked a cry, pretending she was deeply saddened about Aviona's condition.

Martin also made some interviews, confirming Margo's words and promising everyone that he will stay and care for Aviona. The two lied in the media just to keep Aviona away from everyone's touch and Aviona could only sighed watching them from the screen.

She did nothing but pray, not for herself but for Ava. If only she knew this would happen, she should have used every money she had to keep Ava safe. Her child was the only thing that was keeping her sane and strong right then and she would do everything she can for her, including her own life.

She will get out. She can get out. She needed to, for Ava.

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