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Today was the day Margo was waiting for. The Leigh Group of Companies called for a conference to announce her assumption as the CEO. She was the only one qualified for the job and even though she was not Aviona's successor, she however was the only person the board can leaned on right then. Being Aviona's most trusted friend, her approval rating was high.

She dressed well for the occasion, mimicking the way Aviona dressed. She had also colored her hair black to imitate Aviona's shade. For the business world to accept her, she must resemble Aviona so that everyone will be comfortable with her.

The conference had already started, and Margo waited at the back of the conference room, waiting for her name to be called. She walked back and forth, knowing that any minute from now the world will finally acknowledged her.

Margo could hear the host making introductions and when it was time for the announcement, Margo's heart beat faster than it had ever been. Today was her moment and she could only laugh inwardly at the thought of Aviona watching her shine in her room's television screen, the only thing that she had access to the outside world. Surely, she would not miss watching this part of the conference.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the new CEO of Leigh Group of Companies," The host was about to call her. Margo came out but even before she could show herself fully, she saw Martin at the other side smiling viciously at her.

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Margo's eyebrows crossed at this. How come Martin was here?

This was LGC's conference and ever since Martin had not take part of Aviona's business, surely, he had no business here.

"I give you CEO Martin Chan," the host continued, and Martin's smile only widened as he mounted up the stage passing through Margo who shamefully stepped back when she heard the thing.

"What is Martin doing?" Margo balled her hands into a tight grip knowing that she had been deceived. She heard Martin made his greetings and started his speech as the crowd of media applauded him. Margo could do nothing right then but retreat and find her phone. She dialed a specific number to burst her frustration to someone.

"Salsa what is Martin doing here?" Margo exclaimed at the end of the line. She helped Salsa ruin Aviona because she wanted her position and yet, Martin took it easily without sweat.

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"Martin is Aviona's husband remember? It was only right for him to replace her," Salsa rolled an eye to the person who was cursing at the other end.

When she finally made Martin regret choosing Ava over Collet, she demanded a Mansion in Mexico for Collet's sake. She blackmailed Martin making him guilty about making Ava lived in the Golden Villa while Collet was staying only in an apartment, so she demanded him to buy a mansion for them. Martin refused her request because the mansion she demanded was far too much than he can afford. That's when Salsa knew, Martin's money was running out.

Of course, she cannot let Martin's empty pocket, go on. She didn't come for nothing. So, she pushed the idea to Martin of getting the LGC so they can leech off from Aviona's money. It was easy to do so, she only had to whisper into him how Ava had everything while their daughter had nothing, so Martin easily agreed.

"You know that I wanted the position!" Margo shouted, totally pissed off the Salsa had deceived her, "I help you for that reason! Give me back what I deserve! We had an agreement,"

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"If I remembered correctly, our agreement was for Martin to leave Aviona," Salsa recalled to Margo. "But it didn't happen. Martin still is married to Aviona and he had no plans of leaving her so what part of our agreement did you accomplished?"

"Aviona is already ruined!" Margo emphasized, cupping her head out of frustration.

"You wanted the CEO position. I wanted to become the madam of the Chans," Salsa added, "None of my demands became possible so why would the CEO position go to you? Besides, you are not Aviona's kin. How could a mere minion succeed her boss? Aren't you too ambitious?"

"Being a madam doesn't suit you either," Margo retorted back, "You can shower yourself with gold all you want but you still smell like whore!"

Margo didn't withhold herself. She had done too much only to end up being snatched off. She was the one who help Salsa have one-night stand with Martin, paying for her flight and getting access to MChan's party to finally become Martin's mistress. She was also the one who provided her Ava and Martin's DNA samples and intentionally pushed into Aviona that Martin had a mistress before and yet, with all that she had done, she got nothing from it.

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"Whatever Margo," Salsa smiled at the other line viciously, "Don't worry since you didn't get the CEO's position, perhaps the board will be kind to give you the COO position. But as for the Chan's wealth, only my daughter has the right to it. And don't ever think of turning against me because you know that Martin is not well right now, he might end up hurting you little wench,"

Salsa disconnected the call, leaving Margo screaming and crying. She knew that Margo cannot do anything specially with the fact that she knew nothing of Collet being a fake heiress. Margo held nothing against her, and she was powerless to do anything because she had no money to counter Martin and her.

Salsa already have everything she wished for right then but not the title she wanted so bad—be a Chan's madam. She cannot talk her way through Martin with it comes to Aviona because Martin was so in love with her to the extent that he was willing to do a crime to keep Aviona by his side. Martin became too obsessed with Aviona rendering all her efforts useless.

So, there was only one option left for her to get what she always wanted.

And she can only get that only through Aviona's death.

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