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My heart. My heart was about to explode! It felt like the whole surrounding was so hot I couldn't help but close my eyes to suppress my feelings. Was he going to kiss me for real this time?


I waited for his lips to land on mine.

"Hahahaha," I heard him giggled with mockery.

I slowly opened my eyes and frowned when I saw the smiles all over his face. He nearly choked from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I bit my lips as my face turned red. Why was he laughing so sudden? Was he picking on me again? I saw how he combed his hair with his hands and started to shake his head as if he couldn't believe something.

"You did close your eyes. Do you really think that I would really kiss you?" He wiped his nose with his hand as he let go of another laugh. He was delighted over my chagrin. "Tsk, stupid girl."

I clumped my face with my two hands to hide away my blush. This person is really a beast! How could he play around me like that?

He decided to withdraw his face away from mine. However, somebody behind his back accidentally pushed him back to me.


My eyes grew big as his lips fell perfectly to mine. Different mixed emotions gushed all over me as my first kiss departed from my lips!

'Oh no! My first kiss!' I screamed loudly in my head. I regained my senses in an instant and swiftly pushed him away. The blush I tried to hide grew more pronounced all over my face.

"SH*T!" He managed to curse as soon as he realized what happened.

His eyes were full of things I cannot describe. He immediately turned his back to see who pushed him. I sat there motionless trying to compose myself over the incident. I bit my lips out of shame. What just happened?

"Oops sorry! I didn't mean to push you- Darryl?" The boy's brows knitted as he called his name. He was probably the same age as the person who just took my first kiss. He was holding a tray of food and a beautiful Mexican looking girl was standing beside him. Both of them were stunned upon seeing Darryl.

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"Darryl…" The girl called him tenderly. She had long, golden curls and high cheekbones. She was wearing the same uniform as Dian wore earlier. Her long eyelashes were covering her glimmering eyes. She was stunningly beautiful.

"Hey dude, it's you! I'm sorry I didn't saw you. Why you bending there anyway?" He said as he made a glimpse behind the beast's back. He saw me. His eyebrows curled in confusion as his mouth gaped open.

"So you are bending over a girl?" He gave the beast with a weird look and went to extend his hands to me as he put his food down. "Hi there, I'm Miguel."

I smiled anxiously and reached out for his hand.

"That's nothing..." Darryl said coldly as he spoke to the girl who was looking at me intently.

A gloomy and cold light flashed across his beastly, gorgeous face. His mood had change suddenly in front of the girl. He went from being a jerk into a fine gentleman. If earlier he looked like a gorgeous ruthless beast, now he was like a well groomed prince who was very calculative of his actions. He seemed anxious about something I didn't know. He even looked away trying to escape the Mexican girl's gaze.

Was that his girlfriend? If not, I'm pretty sure they had something between them. It was very obvious from their gestures.

"Who is she?" She asked him as she shifted her gaze from me to him. She didn't bother to acknowledge my presence like Miguel did. It was as if I'm not worthy of any attention at all.

"She is nothing, Collet" He retorted back at her. Collet, so that's her name?

There was something really off between the two of them. What was it? I wasn't exactly sure, but I knew it had some romance involved in it.

Is this girl really his girlfriend? Or an ex probably or a prospective girlfriend? I was dying to know. How did a scumbag managed to hook up with such a beautiful being? I was really surprised to know he had some flirty side.

Was he also flirting with me just few minutes ago?

I scrutinized the gorgeous beast intently, trying to study his every move. I concluded something as the pair in front of me exchanged gazes.

I bet this Mexican girl over here was his love interest and a few minutes ago, she saw him flirting with another girl—that's me. So at the moment, the beast was very anxious because he didn't know how to explain everything to her. Well that explained the small sweats that were dripping on his delicate face.

I laughed at the back of my head. Seeing the scumbag's weird worried face entertained me well. I chuckled at the sight of them. Even Miguel, who was now sitting beside me, chose to keep quiet and didn't make any move to disturb the pair.

I let go of another chuckle upon the thought that this was a very awkward moment for that scumbag. Seems like I just got my revenge today! The heavens were so good to me; they let me have my revenge effortlessly. My eyes were shining bright upon my victory. I looked at the pair and laughed silently again.

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Lightbulb! A brilliant idea just popped up in my head! An instant plan was formed to make my revenge sweeter than ever. I composed myself and breathed hard before I executed my plan.

I stood up from my chair angrily and it startled the three of them. They glanced at me with curiosity.

"What did you just said?" I ran toward the gorgeous beast who was now a few meters away from me.

He frowned, unable to gasp what was happening. Confusion and uncertainty clouded the beast's hazel eyes, but I ignored his gaze.

"What did you just said? " I repeated angrily. "You said, 'it's nothing' right? So I am nothing, you mean?" I glared at him and intentionally raised my voice to make my drama more convincing.

"Hey!" He exclaimed trying to warn me about something as he looked from side to side. His face was so anxious over my sudden attack that made me almost spill a big laugh. However, I tried my best to exaggerate my anger and suppress my laughter. I guess people know how good I am when it comes to acting, right?

"So I'm just nothing?" I barked at him loudly than before.

"What are you—"


A loud thud engulfed the whole place. I slapped the beast in the face before he could complete his words. I hit him really hard. This might be my only chance of slapping him, so I gave my all.

The beast touched the side of his face where my hand fell. His gaze was quaking in fury, but he was still confused over what was happening.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Collet's voice grew hoarse, carrying a hint of rage that she tried so hard to contain.

'Oh yeah, just assume that I am his girlfriend so this drama won't go to waste.' I mused to myself.

My goal that time was not only to shame the beast in front of the woman he likes, but also to pretend that he and I had something to turn off the girl. That way, I could have my revenge through his heartbreak. I laughed like a witch in my thoughts.

"This is a joke!" The girl exclaimed in incredulity as she stared smugly at me. She looked at me from head to foot with disdain.

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'Oh yes this is joke, but I will make it real in front of all of you. That way, this beast will realize that I am not a good nemesis at all'.

"You are such a womanizer! You jerk! This beautiful girl suddenly appeared from somewhere and you already threw me off? Is that how addicted you are with pretty girls?" I intentionally wet my eyes to make it appear that I was about to cry while pointing a finger to the beast.

"Dude, so this girl is your woman?" Miguel managed to ask with slight hesitance. He asked in fear that his question will be answered with a yes.

"Is Mr. Lagdameo really a womanizer? Is that her girlfriend really? I thought he is single?" I heard someone from a table nearby.

"That's not likely him. Who is that girl? I can't recognize her uniform," another voice from somewhere.

"This can't be! Mr. Lagdameo is single! He is single, who the hell is that girl? She is probably from a school not worthy of any attention!"

Wait. Why did I hear other people's voices? The last time I checked, the people involved in my drama were only three—that beast, that Mexican girl, and this Miguel guy over here. Why were there other people around?

My face fell upon the realization that we were in the canteen. Of course there were people around! How could I miss the fact the we were in a crowded place?

'O my Xhemin Lae! What have you done this time?! Run now! Run now!' I screamed in my thoughts.

I cursed myself a hundred times before thinking again what to do to escape the crowd. I composed myself and started faking again. I couldn't dare to stand any minute under the scrutiny of almost everyone in the room. Also why was he so popular?

"Let's just break up! I don't want you anymore! Adios!" Those were the last words I managed to utter before hastily heading out.

I needed to evaporate right away. Where was the exit? There. I lowered my head trying to escape everybody's gaze. I gripped the ends of my uniform as I hurried myself to the exit. Why was I in uniform? I should've changed earlier when I had the chance. I hoped that no one will recognize from which school my uniform belonged to or else I will definitely be in the news tomorrow!

"Hey!" I was a few meters from the exit when I heard his call from behind. I sped up as soon as I realized that he was following me.

"Gosh-!" I yelled when I felt his hands over my wrist. I struggled to free myself, but his grip was too strong. He was in front of me now.

I panicked over the thought that he might expose to everyone that I was faking it. He would definitely criticize how good my acting was that I manage to fool everyone in the canteen.

Phew! Oh my! What should I do?

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My body trembled as he tightened his grip on my wrist. I didn't dare to look at him. The only thing I wanted at that time was to evaporate. Evaporate in everybody's eyes!

"Wait listen..." There was no anger in his voice. He said such words with gentleness. Gentleness eh? Impossible! Maybe I heard wrong.

"No, I will not listen! Let go of me! I don't want to be with you anymore!" I yelled once more. I cut every opportunity that he had to speak. I couldn't let him speak. I couldn't let him reveal to everyone what I just did!

"Just please list—"

"I said no! I don't want to! I don't want to!" I was almost in tears. I've made hundreds of silliness in my life, but this one was something I wish I hadn't done.

I gave everything I have into charging towards escape, but still failed. I was so desperate and frustrated that I dared to punch him on his chest over and over. The canteen was full of my screams. I could tell that everybody in the room halted from taking their bites and chose to be an audience over my peerless drama. They were now waiting for the next scene.

"C'mon let me explain!" He struggled to stop all my punches over his chest.

" I said, 'No!' Hey! WHAT THE-"

Silence was all over the place.

I shivered. I couldn't move. What was he doing?

I heard everyone in the room gasped as they witness what he did.

"It's so romantic!" I heard someone from the crowd.


My heart was so loud as I stood motionless in his embrace. Was I dreaming? I didn't know what to do and what to feel. I didn't even know how to respond to him who was currently…




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