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-Miguel's Point of View-

"I don't believe that she is your girlfriend! Who is she?" Collet clenched her fist as she questioned Darryl bitterly.

We had just collected our food and were about to eat when I accidentally bumped Darryl. Who would have thought that he was in the canteen? Knowing Darryl for long, I know that he doesn't like crowded places. Also, he is quite popular. That is why in conferences like this, he usually eats at somewhere private.

Also, Collet had been worried all day long when no one in our circle of friends knew where Darryl was. She even threatened one of Darryl's coaches when they couldn't give her details of his whereabouts.

"Whoever she is, that clearly is none of your business." Darryl said coldly. From the tone of his voice, he meant what he said.

"Don't talk to me like that! Why are you even doing this, Dee? We grew up together. I know you and everyone around you. I haven't seen that girl before! It's impossible that she is your girlfriend!" I sensed pain in her voice. Her exceptional features were sorrowful and she looked like she suffered some humiliation.

I sighed. Here we go again.

"No, you can't possibly know everything Collet! You were in Singapore for the last three years, how could you possibly know everything about me?" Darryl answered emotionless. His coldness made her face sunk into despair.

"Is that it? Is that the reason why you're treating me like this? Because I went to Singapore and left you here?" She asked; her eyes were full of anticipation.

This argument was a cliché. I heard this kind of argument between them over and over again since Collet returned from Singapore. Darryl had been treating her indifferently since she returned. He turned cold toward her and had been constantly avoiding her.

I don't know his reason for treating his childhood best friend like this, but I'm damn sure it's not because she left him. Nevertheless, it was still dreary to see two old friends in this kind of circumstance.

"No..." He said flatly as he looked to her eyes for the first time.

"Then what is it? Why do you keep rejecting me?" She dared to move towards him and touched his face. "I know that you love me too, Dee..." She looked at him dotingly.

What she said was true. Darryl did reject Collet. She however didn't believe him when he said that he had no special feelings for her.

She insisted that there was just something wrong with him and that he must have been mad when she left. That Darryl was doing all those stuff—like avoiding her and rejecting her because he wanted to get even. The truth is no one knows, and no one in our circle would dare to ask Darryl about these kind of stuff.

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The only thing I know is that growing up, everybody expected Darryl and Collet to end up together. She was his best friend; the only girl in his life apart from his sisters.

"Just stop it Collet. I already told you before and I won't repeat it again".

"No I won't! Not until you say you love me too!" This time she clasped both of her hands to Darryl's face. She fixed his gaze toward him when he tried to look away.

"I'm sorry," he heaved her hands away from his face and turned his back.

"I don't believe you nor do I believe your affair with that girl." She tried to follow him, but I blocked her way. Darryl had been in a little scandal earlier; Collet's outburst might just make it worse.

"You'd better be..." He glanced at her for the last time before walking out hurriedly.

"Darryl, come back!" She called, but he didn't heed her call.

"Collet stop it, okay?" I was holding Collet's arms, trying to convince her to let it pass. I already knew where these scrapes would lead to, so better end it early. Darryl was also aware of these and that perhaps was the reason why he kept avoiding her. Their arguments always lead to grisly ends.

"Let me go!" She tried to shove me away. I knew she would hate me now for stopping her, but I'd rather see her mad at me than stir up another scandal. Certainly an heiress like Collet is always close to shaving scandals. This might led to another one.

"Hey wait!" That was Darryl calling onto the girl who just walked away minutes ago.

Collet and I froze when we both heard his call. He followed the girl? Was that why he was in a hurry? Were they really having an affair? But Collet was right. This was the first time we saw that girl, how could that be possible?

For a person who was prominent like him, it was impossible no one in our circle knew. I stood there motionless with Collet. We were both prying on what will happen next.

I met the girl earlier and even got a chance to exchange a handshake with her. Her ivory hair was tightened up messily in a bun, yet she still looked beautiful. So beautiful that I couldn't stop myself from taking a look secretly the entire time that I sat beside her table.

Unlike other girls, she certainly didn't care about how she looked—even her eyebrows were not trimmed. Her nails were cut neatly—without signs of nail polish—and there was no hint of makeup on her face. Her natural arched eyebrows and lashes perfectly highlighted her beautiful, midnight black eyes. They grew more beautiful and alive when she chuckled. She even had a dimple on her left cheek that ran vivid when she burst into smiles, together with her oyster-white perfect teeth. She was fair and flawless, but a bit tanned that made her look like a perfect epitome of a local beauty that can stand out with a bunch of international models even without makeup.

If there was something off about her, it was the uniform she was wearing. I couldn't recognize such uniform which made me conclude that she must have come from a small high school in a remote area. The school one attends tells their status in life. Certainly, she is not from the elite class nor does she have a brilliant background.

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As a man, I certainly don't care of her background as long as she has that kind of face. She is so interesting I cannot help, but admire. Too bad, Darryl got her first. No one can compete against him.

"Gosh!" The girl yelled when Darryl caught her in his grip. I saw her trying to break free from his hands, but failed.

"Wait listen..." Darryl was now trying to appease her anger. His voice was very gentle. Was that really Darryl? Darryl trying to appease a girl having tantrums? I couldn't believe what I just saw. Apart from Collet and his sisters, he had never been that patient to a girl.

"No, I will not listen! Let go of me! I don't want to be with you anymore!" She yelled at him again. Her eyes were full of fury and rage, but she looked damn cute that way. How old was this girl? Sixteen or seventeen maybe? I couldn't really tell.

"Just please list—"

"I said, 'No!' I don't want to! I don't want to!" She was clearly on tears. She must have been really upset. She tried her best to escape from his grip and ended up punching him on his chest.

"I said 'No,' WHAT THE—!"

Those were the last words she uttered when Darryl suddenly pulled her to his embrace and bent slightly to kiss her.

I gasped at the sight of them. All people in the canteen was appalled; mouths fell open in shock!

"It's so romantic!" I heard someone yelled from the crowd. Well hell yeah! Everybody was watching the couple's show off tonight.

"Oh my God!" Collet covered her mouth with her hands out of disbelief.

Her body tensed as she stood there watching the couple as their kiss ran deeper. I saw tears at the end of her eyes as she looked away. I couldn't find any words to comfort her, so I remained silent. The view was especially disheartening for her.

"She is just a friend. You clearly misunderstood it. Don't be jealous now, 'kay?" Darryl said gently as she mellowed after their kiss.

The girl didn't say a word. She dazed in front of him. Like most of us, she must have been in shock with his romantic gesture. Who would have thought that Darryl liked public display of affection? I hadn't seen this side of him. This was the first time. So this is the type of girl that can shudder his propriety? I'm dying to know where this affair goes.

"It's just a misunderstanding. Darryl clearly is very sweet! I can't help, but fall for him more!"

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"I told yah guys. He isn't a womanizer. That girl just misunderstood it."

"They are such a cute couple!"

"Of course they're not. Who is that girl by the way?"

The crowd turned frenzy over the couple. Some even managed to take photos in secret.

"Sorry babe," he said dearly.

I really couldn't believe my eyes as Darryl curled the corner of his lips into an attractive angle. He was flirting with her just after they shared a kiss!

I felt Collet's hands on my arms. She was gripping too tight that I could feel the fury that rose inside her. The tears she hid earlier were gone now; she must have wiped them away.

The girl didn't say any word. She stared at him dumbfounded.

"Xhem?" A call snapped the girl back from her torpor.

A man, probably in mid-twenties and was wearing glasses, approached the couple. Two young boys followed behind him. They were wearing casual clothes so I couldn't tell from which school they came from, but I'm sure they were also here for the competition.

"YOU!" The boy who had shiny, long hair pointed out to Darryl in fury. "What did you do to her?" He barked at him as he came closer to grab the girl.

"Calm down Huzey! Can't you see they are having a pleasurable moment? Don't destroy the ambiance. It's too romantic to be ruined." The boy with curly locks immediately stopped him. His eyes were full of astonishment as he looked at the girl.

"No, it's not what you think!" The girl spoke for the first time, trying to explain herself.

Her face was red. The people who just approached them might be her teammates. From one look, one could tell that the girl had not fully recovered yet from the shock of Darryl's sudden kiss.

"Of course it is!" Darryl disagreed with her words and hugged her from behind. The girl was stunned again, not able to react. She had a tight-lipped smile as her questioning eyes glanced at him. Their gestures were so refreshing; it made me smile.

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I was really liking the view. Darryl had never been this warm towards a girl. He even managed to kiss her hair as he hugged her. The girl leaped a little in surprise and retreated without a word. She turned to look at her teammates helplessly.

"Xhem, that's okay. That's part of growing up..." The boy with curly hair was teasing her. He gave her a very nasty smile.

"True. Ziggy is right. Xhem, you don't have to be ashamed of any of these. Also, Mr. Lagdameo is quite a catch!" The man who was wearing glasses agreed. "So how's our only girl doing, Mr. Lagdameo? I'm Mr. De Silva by the way, Xhem' s coach." He asked without hesitation and extended his hands to Darryl.

"She's a little bit wild, but I think I can handle it." Darryl said, accepting his handshake and let go of a half-suppressed laugh.

"Oh, so you like wild girls?" The coach glanced teasingly to the girl's side. She glowed in pink as she stood there motionless with Darryl's hands around her waist.

"I'm starting to like them," Darryl answered without hesitation.

"You know Xhem likes to be—" The boy with curly locks wanted to add something when suddenly the girl screamed.


Everyone in the room halted as the girl shouted. This girl has the cutest scream I've heard in my entire life!

"YOU!" She pointed at Darryl angrily.

"Come with me!" She grunted and grabbed his wrist without sparing her teammates a glance. Maybe the lover's quarrel was not over yet.

"Of course, I'll come with you Milady!" He sneered as she dragged him out of the canteen.

As soon as the couple left, the crowd hurdled into gossips and whistles. The couple become instant celebrities!

"Tell me this is just a dream." I heard Collet as she freed my arms from her grip. Her previously aggressive eyes turned watery again.

"I'm afraid it's not." I answered, trying to hide my amusement of the couple.

Tonight's highlight was really the best.

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