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-Xhemin's POV-

"What's that for?"

I put him under scrutiny as soon as we left the crowd. The lights of the nearby buildings glistened over the beast's face as he stood in front of me.

There were only the two of us in this part of the university. I made sure I dragged him to a place where no one could see us. After what happened in the canteen, the last thing I wanted was to let people see us together.

"And what was that for too?" he threw me the same question.

He was still wearing that same mischievous smile he had at the canteen. His gorgeous hazel eyes were shining brightly under the moonlight portraying how amused he was over my disquietude. Such a beast! A gorgeous beast!

Wait. Cut off the second word. He was just a beast, not gorgeous! I frowned at my last thought.

'After what just happened, this beast can't even manage to be serious'. I mused to myself as an inner fury rose to my temple. My annoyance made me transformed into a beautiful incredible Hulk!

How was I supposed to get even with this beast? I really wanted to kill him by my own hands. But like what happened before, I knew I can never win over an argument with him. So, I decided to use my secret martial arts technique to him! I made my first blow without any signs of warning!

"KYAAAAH" I shouted with all strength that I had as I attacked him.




I was at the edge of my breathe after series of attempt. I looked at him with an obscure expression. I thought someone might had informed him about my secret martial arts technique because he easily avoided them all! Much to my frustration, it seemed like he was not affected on any of my attacks and just continued to smile over my exhausted face!

I tried to composed myself and frowned. I really couldn't win over him so I needed to think of another technique to win this battle!


A light bulb suddenly emerged in my thoughts. Another idea had given me hope! I made another fighting stance again before I made my move. This time I had one hundred percent success rate!

"KYAAAH!"I bared my teeth with fury.


This time, he cupped my blow. He frowned in disdain over my unbending pride. His eyes were clearly telling me just to back-out and accept my defeat.

Defeat? I didn't know such word.

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He tightened his cupped over my hand in the air. However, just as he thought he managed to dodge my attack, I let go of a small laugh. He raised his brow in confusion.

"Caught you!" I sneered and in millisecond managed to move my free hand into his firm body. As soon as he realized that something was off, I successfully pinched his sides that made him fidget!

"Hey! Wait! Ahhhh!" He screamed as he twitched to and fro.

"Stop it! It stings!" He yelled at me as he tried to avoid my pinch attacks.

"That's what happens to perverts!" I responded unremitting my pinches on his sides using my nails.

Good thing I didn't trimmed my nails that much, enough to cause sharp pricks to the beast.

"Stop! Crazy you stop it!

"Die with my pinches! I'll break you into pieces by these!

"You're a sadist!

"No I'm not a sadist! I'm a murderer and I'll murder you with pinches until you die!"

After my hundredth attack I decided to stop. If I'd kill him with pinches, the rest of the mankind will condemn me for killing one of their best assets.

Best asset? No he's not! I rebelled at my own thoughts of him again.

"Are you one of Hitler's kin?" He managed to ask while checking his body for pinch marks.

I ignored him. I pretended to be busy examining my precious nails with disdain, as if they just murdered an unworthy frog-like specie.

"You know that I was just pretending right? I just want to cause you trouble in front of that girl.." I rolled my eyes. "...My revenge for what you did to me."

I explained without sparing him a glance and continually played with my fingernails. I was referring to the incident in the canteen where I slapped him.

"What I did was also my revenge to you" He spoke calmly after fixing his wrinkled polo.

"But that was too much!" I irked at his response. My head formed lines as I remembered the commotion that we made in the canteen.

"No it isn't too much" He said with an stoic expression.

"Yes it is!" I sharpened my voice as a sign of irritation. "Look, I only stole your strawberry cake but you stole my First kiss!" I started explaining.

"So?" This time he looked at me attentively.

"A strawberry cake can easily be replaced. But a first kiss cannot be! How can you be that pathetic? I'm a girl. Even if I'm a brat, I'm still a girl! You know how things like first kisses are important to us. Can you at least have been a gentleman? Don't you have a mother or a sister?" I almost cried explaining.

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I didn't know why I was becoming emotional. Maybe I had enough for the day. The series of unfortunate events had exhausted my emotions.

"Fine." He let of go of a deep sigh.

"Fine? That isn't a good compensation!" I uttered unsatisfied with his resolution.

"Oh c'mon! Don't make it a big deal.That was just a kiss!"

"That wasn't just a kiss damnit! That was my first kiss!" I cursed.

"It was my first kiss too!" He answered stone-faced. His words silenced me for a while. I was left stunned over his revelation.

After a minute, my eyes squinted as I scrutinized him from head to foot. My expression made him uneasy.

"What?" He asked trying to question my current expression.

I didn't respond. I just glared with suspicion over his sexual preference. How old was this person? He must be around seventeen or eighteen. Over those years he hadn't kissed a girl? With the kind of face he had, it's impossible that a person of different sex had not pursued him. Those girls in the canteen was even willing to throw themselves at him.

"Look, don't be too emotional over some damn first kiss. Losing your first kiss doesn't hurt, it doesn't even kills. It doesn't make you sick nor does it make you hungry. Thus, it's not a life and death situation that you have to matter about that much" He explained when I didn't answer his first question.

Silence engulfed the place.

"Are you a gay?" I asked without hesitation breaking the silence after minutes of being stunned.

"What?" His eyebrows curled into each other. His face grimaced.

"Are you gay?" I repeated as I tightened my resolved.

"Why the hell would you question me that?"

"You've never kissed a girl before me" I stared at with him with so much suspicion.

"So what?"

"So it means you aren't interested with girls, so you are indeed a gay?" I concluded without hesitation.

"You called me a gay after we torridly kissed few minutes ago? Would you want to do it again with me for you to find out?

I was left dumbfounded with his response. Why did he needed to emphasize that we just TORRIDLY kissed? I stepped back when he tried to come forward.

"Kissing a girl doesn't count. Your inability to like a girl is the question" I answered in panicked.

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"So you concluded that I'm a gay because I've never been interested with any girl before? You clearly are stupid! Some men have standards milady, we don't usually pick girls in random and kiss them. I would only kiss a girl I like and she could be very special. Do you get that? You tend to exaggerate things over! " He smirked at his last sentence.

"You would only kiss a girl you like and is special? Doesn't it mean I am special? You kissed me while—" I asked out of impulse but I cut my statement half through when I realized that it was a bit off. I bit my lower lip in regret over my impulsive statement. I looked away immediately trying to avoid his gaze. Heat was running again through my face.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw how stunned he was. At school I had the reputation of being so straightforward. Now, I didn't take pride in such character! This felt awkward.

"The one we have is different" He briefly thought about it before replying.

"Different?"I asked in an almost a whisper. I didn't really know why I'm acting weird today. Felt like I'm not myself.


I froze my breath when I heard my heartbeat; afraid that he might also hear it.

"That was just a show off.." He replied. There was something more he wished to say but in the end, he simply sighed.

Another moment of silence passed. I felt the cold breeze whirling suddenly, it gave me chills.

"Well I think I have to go now" I turned my back and left him. I was few meters away when I felt the desire to look back, and so I did.

The beast was still in the same spot. He stood there motionless while he gave me a complicated look. His eyes tell me something I couldn't understand, my heart skipped a beat.

Speaking about beasts, he was really creepy this time.


"Why did I say those?" I reprimanded myself while walking in the oval playing field of the university. I decided to take a stroll after the beast and I talked.

"The air from here is refreshingly clear" I mumbled as my thoughts pulled me deeper into contemplation. I thought about the beast and all our encounters.

That beast and I just met today but a lot of bizarre happenstance between us led to series of unfortunate disasters. I thought mingling with him further will just cause more trouble in the future. I really hoped that this evening will be our last encounter. Our encounters seemed to be all doomed and I didn't think I can endure another one.

I let go of a deep sigh. This time I thought about the first kiss I lost. I cannot help but bit my lips. Well even if my first kiss was bit off, it was somehow romantic. His lips were really soft and sweet. Sweet to the point that it got me intoxicated for few minutes.

Would that count as flirting? I thought so. This was what Mr. Gem described as flirting, indeed. So I am an official flirt already?

I suddenly blushed at the thought of it. Who would not blush on the fact that your first kiss was with an extremely gorgeous person? Plus, the fact that I was also his first kiss made my heart flatter more proudly.

God why did you made him that handsome? It was like from his behind, one would already gaped open on his stunning back and when one will see his face, jaws will surely dropped! That's how handsome he was!

I closed my eyes and shook my head to let go of the feelings inside. I even poked my head a couple times. I was starting to feel weird again. I needed to rest I thought. I decided to leave the field and headed out to the quarters.

"Why are the lights off?" I asked myself when I reached our quarters. I remembered that Huzey turned off the lights earlier when we left, and perhaps no one was back yet.

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"I wonder where the boys are right now..."

I went inside and shut the door. It was dark, but the light outside was enough to make one find her way inside. I didn't mind to turn on the lights and headed to the bed I was assigned. It was in the farthest and darkest part of the room. I decided to take a nap while waiting for the boys. I left the lights off since I can't comfortably sleep with the lights on.

I threw myself in bed. I forced myself to sleep but my thoughts of the beast bothered me. My mind was clouded with him I couldn't focus. I embraced the pillow that was by my side and even wrapped my legs to it. I was starting to go crazy then because everywhere I turned to, I could see the beast's face!


I smelt his perfume out from nowhere. I thought how being a flirt was pretty exhausting, even if your asleep your mind was still flirting.

What the heck was happening with me? Even my thoughts were feeling real this time. Even this pillow looked like a person now. The soft covers turned into firm muscles, I tried to feel the pillow and examined it by touch.

My hands landed on some small firm quadro mountain-like things. It felt like a man's abs to me, six packets. Is this how a man's abs felt?

Warning to all: too much imagination is bad, it makes you crazy!

I lowered my hands further because I wanted to avoid the abs-like things. However, I frowned when I felt something like a jeans. There was even something that felt like buttons and zipper.



I felt something so firm under the zipper.

It's a pipe-like thingy.

It was like a man's thing to me! My jaw dropped and my eyes grew wide upon the thought of it!

I immediately sat on the bed and scrutinized the pillow. This was a pillow right? There was nothing else here but pillow in this bed when I left earlier.

I was at the farthest part of the room away from the window, so I couldn't clearly see.

"Relax Xhem, this is a pillow. What else could it be?" I bent slightly to smell the pillow. Since I can't clearly see, I tried to smell it instead. I tightened my grip to make sure I'm not imagining things and felt the pipe-like thing again.

Suddenly the lights turned on much to my surprise! I saw the familiar faces of the San Sebastian students stepping inside one by one— Huzey too!

"Xhem you're here! I've been looking for—" Huzey called on me but for some reasons he halted and gaped open in front of me.

His call made everyone turned to my side and just like Huzey, they were all stunned upon seeing me.

"WAAAAAAH!" I heard someone screamed. What's happening?

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