The Genius' First Love

Chapter 524: 524

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"However, because my identity is controversial as everyone thought I am dead already, I couldn't reveal myself as the owner of it," Huzey said, remembering their family's predicament.

"Your pieces are beautiful Huzey," Xhemin complimented and she looked down at the ring that Huzey had in front of her. Only then did she notice that although it was adorned with diamonds, it was put up in a way that it looked like a strawberry. "This is strawberry,"

Huzey took the ring and put it in Xhemin's finger, which caused another wave of bewilderment in her face. 

"I made this for you. This is one of my original pieces," Huzey told her in a voice that was rather making Xhemin remember the kiss they shared last night. Xhemin of course, knowing how expensive the thing was not only that it was an M Centellear piece but the fact that it was also handcrafted by Huzey who was a national artist, felt like the gift was too much so immediately took if from finger and handed it back to Huzey. 

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"Huzey I can't accept this," Xhemin protested. "This is too much,"

"Xhemin…" Huzey looked down on her in an emotional warmth that suddenly took her breath away, "The kiss last night…"

Xhemin's body tensed at the mention at it. As much as she didn't want to talk and deal about it as it was probably the most awkward and pretty unexpected thing that they both consented to, she had no more choice at the moment.


"I meant it Xhem," He told her with words that sounded pure and genuine. If there was one thing he regretted when he was separated from his friends, it was the fact that he was not able to fight for his feelings and not even being able to tell her what he felt. Someone also told him back in Spain that if he will be given a chance to re-live the life he once had, he should live in a way that he will have no regrets. That's why right then, Huzey didn't withhold his feelings anymore. He just had to tell her once and for all especially right then when it seemed like, he now had a chance. Unlike before where the Dugmoch's little Miss sees no one rather than the Lagdameo heir.

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"And this, I made this with the hope that someday you can wear it," Huzey added. "I had loved you since then, even before the Lagdameo heir came into our lives and even at the time when you see nothing but only him,"

Xhemin's mouth suddenly went dry. She had long missed Huzey and waited endlessly for his comeback and truth was, she never felt how important he was for her not until she lost him. Right then it would be total hypocrisy if she says that she felt nothing for the prince as she had always had something in him hidden in her heart that only became apparent when he left. However, even so, her feelings for Darryl was also something she couldn't deny. Her emotions were conflicted right then as although she does love Huzey, but she cannot also let go of Darryl. Things were just complicated and this- the fact that surprisingly she loved two men at the same time-was making her all confused.

For how could she love two men at the same time?

And how could she even choose between them?

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How could she choose between the man she loved from the beginning and the man she recently realized she was also in love with?

"I know everything between you and the Lagdameo heir including the children," Huzey's ocean blue eyes continually lingered on her, "And I also know that currently things were just complicated between you and him,"

"However I want you to know that I am willing to wait," Huzey smiled in a way that was so comforting," I can wait until you are free to love again. I had waited long enough, I don't mind waiting a little more. Perhaps this time I can have my chance and I promised you, I'll make it all worth it,"

At his promise, Huzey took the ring and put it as a pendant on a necklace he grabbed from the same box. He then put in on Xhemin's necklace and caressed her face, "This is yours. I look forward to the day when you wear it around your finger,'

Huzey's confession took all of Xhemin's breathe away as it was something she had never once imagined in her life. Surprisingly, the moment he said those, it was like she had been waiting for it all her life and in the end, one droplet fell in her face. How come she had never noticed that the prince had some hidden love for her. They were almost together at every moment in their childhood and she never once thought of the possibility of the prince being in love with her. Does it mean that all the times she was with the Lagdameo heir, her Huzey was hurting?

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Xhemin could only sigh of the things she had missed back then. She then wondered if Huzey had confessed his feelings before she met the Lagdameo heir, would she ever come to love Darryl? Would her life then be as complicated as then?

"Huzey...I'm...I'm…" She just gave up halfway in her attempts to say something, "I don't know what to say," She settled shamelessly and touched the ring that was hanging in her neck.

"You don't have to say anything," Huzey then tapped her head. "Just remember what I said and please take them to your heart,"

"Okay," Xhemin managed to reply with a smile and a satisfied expression registered to the Diamond Prince's face. He then stood up from the bed and extended a hand to her.


"Time to go home," He said and without hesitation, Xhemin accepted his hand. Even though too many things had left her surprised and conflicted, the fact remained that Huzey was someone she was longing for and his presence by then gave her utter relief and security. Finally, they had found their way back to each other's arms and this, she-they would not anymore let go of each other.

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