The Genius' First Love

Chapter 525: 525

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When Xhemin entered the door, it was as if some thorns were pulled off from Ziggy's heart. They had been looking for her all morning and just couldn't find her anywhere. The family just stayed in Richmond ranch for years of being empty and because the vacation was unthought off, they had not finished fixing the house nor set up any security cameras for extra safety.

"My God big thug where have you been?" Ziggy gasped and was surprised to see Xhemin in her midnight gown. He thought he had gone into some morning horse riding since Summer was missing from the table but if she did, how was she still in her nightgown.

"I have a surprise," Xhemin smiled ignoring Ziggy's words and worried face. She could see the children enjoying breakfast in the dining room with Ang while Ziggy and Lady Portia were rounding up in the living room waiting for her.

"Surprise?" Willow shouted from the dining table that earned her everyone's stares. "Oh, I love surprises! What is it, mommy? What is it?" Willow climbed down from her chair then ran toward Xhemin eagerly anticipating the surprise.

Ziggy looked at her in questioning eyes then blabbered, "What surprise are you talking about? Seriously big thug it's still early in the morning and your surprises do freak me out all time,"

"This surprise will definitely freak you out a little," She said to him, "But only a little. I'm sure you are gonna love it,"

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"What is it then?"

"It's not a what. It's a who," Xhemin told and just as she said those words, the door opened again, revealing the diamond prince, dressed in something fit for a morning horse ride but still looking very dashing and princely. 

There was a wave of shock and silence that poured out in the room as soon as Ziggy and Ang saw who entered the door. Ang without even thinking about it, immediately stood in his chair toward Huzey to look at him thoroughly wondering if he was still in a dream.

"Seniorito Huzey," Ang couldn't believe it. Although Huzey's face has gone through some major changes yet he can still recognize him almost as easily. "Dios Mio! It's the Seniorito!"

Ang suddenly snapped out something that he used to hear from Senior Hans. With Huzey's presence, it seemed like the old days came alive and he had found himself being the young farm boy who liked to mimic most of the a.d.u.l.ts' expressions.

"Hello Ang," Huzey gave him a polite smile as he used to. Huzey back then didn't like to display much of expressions and his actions only made him so Huzey-like that Ang became more sentimental. Huzey then turned to Ziggy and also gave him a polite bow, "Hello my youngest sire,"

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Ziggy didn't know how to react but before his mind could process anything, he found himself running to give Huzey a strong embrace. When his arms had wrapped around him, it was then that he realized he was all too warm to be fake. He swallowed all the urge to cry but his tensed up muscles proved how he was trying to contain his own feelings in front of everyone.

While the a.d.u.l.ts were having a very sentimental reunion, Willow just stood there quietly confused as to who the new man was. In just a few seconds, she found his brother standing next to him as he whispered something. "I think he was the man you always tell me about. The one with a mask,"

"Oh," Willow suddenly remembered the man Wolfe was referring to. Abroad, at their old home, there was this man who always comes and visits Willow at school. He appears now and then to join her in her lunchtime and sometimes walks with her on her way home. However, the man always covers his face and when she tells her Dad about it, he always answers it could be the prince. The Seniorito of the Montarinis who was both their mother and their Dada's best friend. "I certainly didn't expect he looked so handsome," Willow whispered at Wolfe.

"No. I think president Darryl is more handsome," Wolfe disagreed, "Don't you think?"

"No. I think the senorito is way more handsome,"

"Okay fine if that's what you say," Wolfe gave in because he certainly didn't want to disappoint her sister although of course, he put off some words of praise for his choice, "But President Darryl is smarter,"

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"How do you know? The senorito can be way smarter," Willow told him. She was ready to give the conversation more attention but Ziggy had called for them.

"Children come here," Ziggy invited them. Their Dada's eyes seemed like he was about to cry anytime yet he chose to introduce them first. "Greet Seniorito Huzey with a curtsy,"

The children stopped their folly conversation and obediently followed their father. They both stood in front of Huzey then gave Huzey some formal curtsy in unison. 

"They are so beautiful Ziggy," Huzey praised. He was aware that it was Ziggy who had raised the two children single-handedly so he gave him the credit for their brilliance. "Come here both of you," It was Huzey who invited them close as he kneeled to level their faces.

"Eres hermosa," Huzey said to Willow and as he turned to Wolfe he said, "Y tu eres un muy buen Caballero"

"Gracias Seniorito," Wolfe and Willow replied rather shyly. Huzey smiled back to them and wanted to say something more but then he noticed the graceful old woman who was sitting on one corner, only waiting to be noticed. 

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"Lady Portia," Huzey then went to kiss her hand which Lady Portia cautiously consented to. "My grandfather does send his regards,"

"Oh I remember your grandfather," Lady Portia replied with a smile although her face looked tearful. Witnessing Huzey and Ziggy's reunion was heartwarming and she couldn't help but be emotional about it. There were only a few words that had been uttered yet the ambiance, the tension, and everybody's expression was very soulful and genuine. She was totally caught off with so much feeling, "Kind man. Talented and very generous,"

"Hearing all these praises from will surely warm his heart. I hope you could meet sometime,"

"I'm looking forward to it," Lady Portia gave him the most sophisticated and genuine smile he had never seen from someone apart from his family for a very long time, "And Seniorito, welcome home,"


Lady's Portia's last words struck something in the three friends' hearts. Xhemin and Ziggy turned back to Huzey again to give him another full embrace.

"Home," Huzey whispered as he smiled, feeling both of his best friends arms. He was definitely home and this time, he had no more plans of leaving again. No matter what, he'll set foot and take roots in the place where all their happy memories were buried. He'll unearth all those stolen joys from them and make a new start. He, Xhemin, and Ziggy. 

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