The Genius' First Love

Chapter 527: 527

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After a long productive day in Richmond Ranch, the three grandchildren of Dr. Miles decided to spend the afternoon in the field while watching the sun retire. Huzey was sitting on the ground while Ziggy's was reading a book, his back was on Huzey. Xhemin, on the other hand, was lying across Huzey's lap listening to what Ziggy had read and while watching Ang and the children feed the horses.

"It's so nice to be home, " Xhemin blurted out lazily while Ziggy was reading. "Look how happy the children are. Makes me remember the old times,"

Ziggy, who heard Xhemin, dragged his eyes from his book to Willow, and Wolfe a smile formed on his lips. "The ranch would be a perfect place to raise the children. The city is too busy and chaotic for them,"

"Living in the South would the perfect decision you could ever make for them," Huzey joined the conversation as he too turned to look at the children, "The construction of the grey cottage will be finished by end of Summer, you should join Ziggy and the children in here,"

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At first, they thought of only fixing the grey cottage but Ziggy, having in mind the possibility of settling in the South, convinced Xhemin to make full construction, adding more space for the children and Lady Portia's convenience. With Xhemin's consent, he worked hand in hand with a local architect and planned on how to expand the house without the need to tear down the one already standing. Of course, he didn't want to lose the grey cottage's character and so he was very peculiar and meticulous with the job. 

"Unfortunately his husband was very determined to keep her. The Lagdameo heir will be her greatest problem," Ziggy reminded them of the Lagdameo heir carefully taking notice how both of his best friends tense a little at the mention of the latter. Huzey had stayed with them for days and although things were extraordinarily good, he felt like something was going on with Huzey and Xhemin that they didn't want to tell. If Ziggy hadn't grown enough to take considerations, he should have started nagging days ago about how the two were hiding something from him.

"It's a promise I had already made," Xhemin uttered in a tone that was regretful, and from Huzey's lap, she dragged her body up to level the diamond prince's eyes as she said those words. Right then, Ziggy knew her words were not an answer to his statement but words of defense for Huzey as if the idea of her living with Darryl was something Huzey would not approve of if he was there the moment she made the decision.

Huzey only smiled at Xhemin her and caressed her hair. "You don't have to be guilty of something you did for the sake of Wolfe,"

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"And the fact that she's his wife, it was only proper that she live with him. You fix things out," Ziggy added without the slightest idea what was going on between the two. "Marriage vows says till death do us part so I think it's also time for you to settle things out with Darryl especially that he is trying too hard to reach out on you,"


"Xhemin why don't you go and play with the children," Huzey stopped her from whatever she wanted to say. He was aware that Xhemin was trying to make Ziggy stop with his marriage advice because she was afraid that it would make him feel bad. However, Huzey also thought that if they had to tell Ziggy about his confession, it would be right if he was the one to tell him. She wanted to spare Xhemin the burden because it wasn't her fault anyway and his feelings were something he didn't want to burden her. Besides, it's time for Ziggy to know as he didn't want to keep him blind for very long.

"Why did I say something wrong?" Ziggy was intrigued by the sudden change of mood.

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"Nothing really young sire but I need to tell you something," Huzey turned to him. "Xhem would you leave us for a while,"

Xhemin didn't want to go as she dreaded how Ziggy's reaction would turn to. However, she thought there was really nothing she can do to lessen the shock or at least appease the youngest sire's reaction the moment Huzey would tell him the things he told Xhemin at the Manor. So, she opted to leave everything to Huzey and just wait till it's over. They are both boys anyway and sometimes, boys just need some manly talk to fix things through.

Xhemin walked toward the children and faked a smile as she approached them. Willow who was trying so hard to become competent with the job of tending the horses was so focused on brushing the horse's hair that she didn't have the time to give Xhemin some attention. Wolfe however immediately held his mother's hand then gave her some hay to feed the horse. The boy kept holding her even when she started feeding it as if he wanted to stay close.

"I'm okay Wolfe," Xhemin didn't know why she had to say that to Wolfe but the boy seemed like he was worried of her so she assured him.

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"I know. I just want to hold Imma's hand," Wolfe answered that warmed Xhemin's heart right away. She looked at Wolfe very touched with the little boy's small gestures of love but Wolfe's face remained the same as if what he said were normal words for him. Xhemin bent down with the intention to kiss him but then….the filed was filled with a man's surprised shriek that all of them turned their heads in unison to where Huzey and Ziggy were sitting.

"What???" Ziggy's voice contained everything in it. The shock, the protest, the confusion, the excitement, some fear, some joy and the unexpected sudden turned of events and relationsh.i.p.s.


His face was so comically messed up that in just a split of seconds, Ang and the children started laughing out loud without any idea why Ziggy's face turned like that. Xhemin only sighed, very deep. She prayed really hard by then that hopefully, Ziggy will not take it much to heart.

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