The Genius' First Love

Chapter 528: 528

After a few weeks of leave, Xhemin went back to the capital to attend to the things she left behind, especially some stack of doc.u.ments that needed her signature in LGC. She already knew her first day would be as hell as it would be because of the meetings that lined up. Good thing Clay was very good at managing circ.u.mstances like that and so even though her day was full, Xhemin didn't have to exhaust herself that much and she had enough rest intervals after every stressful meeting.

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At noon time, Xhemin had only a few minutes lunch and she plunged back in her table and started reading and signing papers again. It was past three when someone informed her that the Lagdameo heir was on the building, wanting to meet her. His visit was totally unexpected and the last things she'd ever wish to run to on her first day at the capital was certainly him. 

After everything that happened in her life during her leave, she didn't really know how to face her husband. Although she always made it clear to Darryl that she had no interest in their marriage anymore, she still felt very guilty of the kiss she shared with Huzey and more so the conversation that went after. She had convinced herself many times that the kiss was only an act of impulse and that what happened after was something she had no control of but why does it feel like he was intentionally cheating on her husband? She still couldn't help getting very upset with herself for the kiss. 

"You came back," Darryl greeted her in his usual tone, "I hope you had a great time,"

Sh*t. That I-hope-you-had-a-great-time statement had Xhemin's heart twisted painfully. If Darryl only knew what happened, would he even have that chance to become so casual to her? He'll surely kill her with his words of remorse.

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"I was able to rest well," Xhemin settled with that answer, wishing very much for Darryl not to notice she was avoiding his first statement. It was just so damn painful, making her so guilty to the bones. "And I had to come back. LGC still needs me,"

"I see," Darryl gave him a slight smile, but such didn't make it to his face.

"What made you come?" Xhemin asked and in just a second she regretted asking it because right then, Darryl looked at her with his pair of alluring eyes that looked really solemnly dull at the time. It was like all the life in it had faded away and what remained was nothing but an empty two shell.

Darryl opened his mouth to say something but he eventually dropped the first attempt and just continued staring at her as if there was something he desperately needed to ask. Something that perhaps he hoped he could gain by staring at her eyes.

"Darryl?" Xhemin called his attention again.

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There was a pause before Darryl opened his mouth again, "I came here for this," Darryl handed her an envelope after he dropped his gaze. "I assume the prosecutors had given you Collet's files,"

"I have everything already so what's this?" Xhemin asked, relieved that Darryl responded this time.

"I had my own investigation about the case too. These files contain some significant information," Darryl answered, "I thought you might want to have it,"

"I'll run through it. Thank you, I appreciate the fact that you share all these with me when you don't have to," Xhemin chose to answer genuinely because she was bothered by Darryl's unusual behavior and of course, his dull eyes.

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"If ever you'll have challenges getting information especially from the people involved in here, just call me, I can help," Darryl added and stepped back a little, almost ready to go. He himself couldn't go on with the conversation they were having because he could feel it within himself that something was about to explode so he chose to retreat.

"Okay," Xhemin answered confident that she won't be needing him, she can't need him especially when her guilt was swallowing her up and his presence will only make it worse. ���By the way, I might be late coming home. I had so many things to do here," She reasoned although the truth was she intended to come home in the apartment probably at the time when Darryl was already sound asleep to avoid more conversations and worse, confrontations. Darryl made it clear she can stay for a while with her family but of course she's back in the capital then, so it was only safe to assume the Lagdameo heir expected her to come back to his apartment.

"You need not to come home to me anymore," Darryl told her and the statement came to Xhemin in an unexpected surprise.

"What..What do you mean?" Xhemin asked, confused. This got all her attention as it was the very least of all things that she expected nor wished to happen when she came back.

"I know your family decided to stay in Hampshire already. You can live with them if you want, you need not to come home to me anymore," Darryl explained although every part of him was protesting this decision.

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Xhemin paused for a moment trying to take it all in. Did Darryl just tell her she was free to go? What about their deal?

"Don't worry I'll keep cooperating in your experiments," Darryl cleared of Xhemin's questions right then and although Xhemin was happy that she could now spend more time with her family because her husband just send her off, there something deep inside her that wasn't thrilled at all by the freedom he gave her. Also why now? Wasn't the timing of her guilty kiss so coincidentally related to Darryl giving her freedom.

"Okay…" Her brows furrowed at first but she pulled off an uncaring face as immediately as she could. "Well… thank you.. This means a lot,"

"I'll have your things sent to the Golden Villa or to Hampshire, wherever you'll like," Darryl added for once and started walking away again. Xhemin could only look at him but before Darryl closed the door, he turned back to face her to say something.

"I'm letting you go for now but it doesn't mean I'm giving up on us," Darryl said as he dug into her eyes, sending some deep emotions within her. After that Darryl left and Xhemin wondered all afternoon what was happening to her husband as he seemed so terribly disturbed.

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