The Genius' First Love

Chapter 529: 529

Xhemin was standing through the big glass windows at her office looking at the sunset while drinking a cup of wine. Her thoughts were deep and filled with some memories that she had long forgotten. Memories that she tried so much to bury deep yet still managed to trouble her at times. She thoroughly wanted to avoid any thoughts about her complicated relationship with Huzey and Darryl yet, as she wanted to save all her energy finding the accomplice in Winter's death yet she just couldn't help it.

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"Miss Leigh," Clay called her from the door and without waiting for Xhemin's approval, he went in and opened the television in Xhemin's office, "You've got to see this,"

When the television opened, Clay put it on a familiar news channel where the reporter was narrating the current news that broke out, "A new shocking information had broken out regarding the controversy surrounding the Montarini Mining Corporation. Authorities had found out that there is a possible foul play to the incident that happened almost eight years ago. The source also revealed a series of bribery incidents inside the City prosecution team, the governor of Hampshire as well as some big officials in the government that resulted in the downfall of the corporation. With this recent information, a new line of investigation had been called out to re-examine every case involving the Montarini Corporation Inc."

"God what a sudden twist of events," Clay uttered while his eyes on the screen. The news just broke out and it was everybody's topic all through the country, "Imagine the loss of the Montarini's due to this,"

Xhemin didn't say a word. She knew already that Huzey came back to clear some things out but she didn't expect that there was indeed some kind of filthy dealings behind the Montarini's downfall. No wonder why Huzey had to pretend he was dead, to pull up a big crime like that, it only means Huzey's nemesis was very influential and powerful. 

"Miss Leigh?��� Clay called on to her because she was so silent which was contrary to the reaction he expected from her. He knew how important was the diamond prince to her and so of all people, she was the first one he expected to react in an aggressive way. But she didn't.

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"Yes? Where you asking something…I'm sorry I didn't hear it," Xhemin apologized for the inattention.

Clay studied her face for a moment then walked slightly forward to her, "Don't tell me you already knew this? Did something happen? Did the Montarini Prince visited you again"

"He's fine that's all I could say,"

"You mean…you talked already?" Clay was surprised by the news. He was aware of Huzey's mysterious visits but didn't really believe it as he thought it was only a product of Xhemin's previous depression. "So he really is alive?"

Xhemin only nodded and went to clear her desk and started packing up her things. It's late and with the news that currently broke, she needed to go home and see how Huzey was doing with all that. Since she was no longer required to stay in Darryl's apartment, she planned to fly back to the South that afternoon. 

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"I need to go," She told Clay who by the way his face contorted, probably wanted to ask more about the details of Huzey but choose not to. "Take care of things around here,"

"Yes, Miss Leigh,"


"What do you mean you don't have anything to do with it?" Ziggy confronted Huzey very confused with the revelation that Huzey had nothing to do with all the news that recently surfaced.

"I told you I was still on the process of investigating these things, I just recently came back and didn't even know where to start yet," Huzey reasoned, not knowing how to feel with the sudden twists of events. He knew the people who sabotaged them were very powerful and influential so it was very hard to get through him. Yet today, he woke up only to find that things started to unravel on their own.

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���This is by far the biggest scandal involving several big officials of the government," Xhemin butted in. She arrived a few minutes ago in the Grey cottage and that's when the time the three friends started discussing the issue as Ziggy and Huzey did wait for her to arrive. "Scandals like this do not unravel on their own. I really did thought it was you behind it,"

Huzey sighed deep and both Xhemin and Ziggy caught the complexity of his emotion. Yet he remained calm as if he was kind of expecting this already.

"Huzey, is there something you aren't telling us?" Ziggy asked by reading his expressions. 

"I don't know," Huzey told. "It's just that, things like this always happen. Unexpected things. All in my favor. I can't explain it but this happened a lot of times already,"

"My God! I don't understand any single words you said," Xhemin gasped and threw herself on the sofa. Earlier in the office, she also thought it was Huzey behind the scandal that broke, and to find out that things just work out on their own was too mysterious and suspicious for her.

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"That's why I don't want to tell you because I also couldn't explain it," Huzey told both of them. "It's just that a few years back, I always had help. Mysterious help. I don't know if this is something natural or supernatural but, either I always get saved when I'm in trouble or things just work out on their own all for my favor. It's like a I have a guardian angel or something"

"I also didn't understand anything," Ziggy also resigned and sat beside Xhemin. 


"Look, whenever I'm in danger, I always get saved. This happened several times already way back when I was a child then…at the Loch…remember that accident in the Loch? I survived. In the mines too, I survived….that's what I mean when I say I always get saved. Also way back in Spain when things were running too bad, an opportunity suddenly came to me, in a very odd way that made me able to get back on my feet and build M Centellar,"

Ziggy and Xhemin looked at each other as if they were not buying whatever Huzey was saying but then, suddenly both their expressions turned something else. 

"At the loch Huzey, do you know that you were saved by someone?" Ziggy uttered as his eyes were still with Xhemin, trying to get approval to tell Huzey about what they both had found from Darryl.

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