The Genius' First Love

Chapter 530: 530

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It was apparent from Huzey's expression that he was greatly bothered by Ziggy's question. However, he was aware that it was Ziggy's group who found him in the Loch so he thought somehow, if anyone could tell whether there was any saving that happened, then it would be Ziggy.

"Was I?" He raised the question hoping that Ziggy would have more information about the story.

"It was the Lagdameo heir who told us. He was there at Xhemin's birthday and he saw who saved you," Ziggy revealed. With the mention of the Lagdameo heir, Huzey dragged his eyes to Xhemin, asking for confirmation.

"He told me almost a month ago at the Moon theatre. It was the time when La Tiarra was auctioned. I went there to bid for it and Darryl saw the girl amongst the crowd, he recognized her instantly," Xhemin narrated further.

"A girl?" Huzey's curiosity only surged up with a thought.

"A woman," Xhemin corrected as she recalled that a woman was a proper description for the lady they saw in the theatre. "She has red hair but I didn't get to see much of her face,"

"A woman with a red hair…" Ziggy uttered as something went on him when Xhemin described the woman who saved Huzey, "I don't know but I felt like a woman with a red hair was something familiar to us…in an odd kind of way. I wonder why…I just felt like we know her even though I haven't seen her in person,"

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There was a big silence when Ziggy emphasized the familiarity of the woman. Although it was thoroughly impossible yet Xhemin herself felt like she was familiar with the woman with red hair as if she was someone they knew, the three of them. 

"I agree with you," Xhemin answered, still thinking about it, and when she looked at Huzey, another expression registered on his face. He was drowned in his thoughts too but unlike her and Ziggy who were trying to remember something, it seemed like Huzey immediately recognized it and became sad at the memory.

"Huzey?" Xhemin called on him because the prince looked solemn then.

"The woman with the red hair, you're right. She's indeed familiar," Huzey told both of them, "But we don't know who she is, but you might have seen her all the time,"

"Huh?" Ziggy was so confused about Huzey's words.

Huzey looked at him and smiled-it wasn't a happy smile, but a smile that breathes some relief. "My paintings,"

There was a silence the moment they caught what Huzey meant.

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"I see now," Xhemin was the first to recover from the surprise. The woman with red hair was indeed someone familiar with them as previously, there was a time when Huzey became too obsessed about painting the mermaid with red hair. "It's the mermaid you always drew,"

"Don't tell me mermaids are real?" Ziggy raised a brow at it. "And Huzey, I had been previously asking you why you kept painting that kind of thing and you never answered. Perhaps it's the time you should tell us now. Aisshhh! This is a secret you never told,"

"It wasn't a secret. It's just I don't know her. She has no identity that's why I don't give her a face," Huzey told, and then he too sat on the sofa with the two. "I just keep on dreaming of her. Her silhouette just comes in my mind,"

"That's the lousiest thing I have ever heard in my entire life and probably the most creepy" Ziggy lazily remarked, very much emphasizing the fact that Huzey's statement didn't do them any good toward identifying the woman but only gave them some serious frights.

"And this confuses me too. To be honest," Huzey added, his face showed some tense muscles, "For I have never thought a woman I have been dreaming on could be real,"

Xhemin and Ziggy looked at each other with the thought. Indeed, if they were Huzey, the would also feel the same way.

"Actually Huzey, there's more…" Ziggy almost didn't want to say it because it seemed like Huzey was terribly bothered by it. "I don't know if you already know or not. But your reaction right now is telling me you still don't know about it,"

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"Go on," Huzey braced himself for more revelation.

"I had been wondering… I mean, I was wondering if you had some connection with the master thief?" Ziggy went for it. "Because you know, as you might have already known, almost all of your works were stolen by him,"

"I'm aware of that," Huzey confirmed, "But unfortunately, I don't know him,"

"Is that for real?" It was Xhemin who couldn't believe Huzey's words. For a long time, Ziggy and she was suspecting that Huzey might probably have a connection with the master thief, and hearing a negative answer only made the mysteries surrounding Huzey more complicated that it seemed.

Huzey nodded in confirmation.

"Huzey this is not a good joke anymore," Ziggy warned. He thought that Huzey might only be bluffing them. "If you don't know him then why aren't you worried about all the paintings he stole from you?"

"Ziggy I don't have any reasons to lie to you two. And the only reason I have for not bothering myself with anything that the master thief stole was the fact that none of the masterpieces he stole throughout all these years were ever found. Not one in history. So I just gave up on thinking I can still have them back. And besides, I have too many things to think off rather than those he had stolen from me," Huzey reasoned, he was very serious then, so were the two.

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"Then you don't know about the La Agartha?" Xhemin added, intensifying more the things that were firing up.

"What about it?" Huzey looked at her.

"Huzey, the La Agartha was finished," It was Ziggy who announced another mystery.

"I finish all of them before I went to Spain,"

"No. That's not what I meant," Ziggy cut him off. "I meant your underwater museum. It's already finished,"


The revelations that night was too many and too heavy for Huzey, as unknown to Xhemin and Ziggy, he had been bothered by so many things about his mysterious 'guardian angel' for years. Even when he was in Spain, he was haunted by the idea of a person who had been helping him from behind, and knowing that such 'scrupulous crazy idea' could be true. He was so caught off; he didn't even know how to react.

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