The Genius' First Love

Chapter 531: 531

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Huzey went for it.

It had been a long time since he had a dive, but he did anyway. With all the revelations that came rushing in one by one, he didn't know what to feel anymore. He needed time alone to process everything and so he asked Ziggy and Xhemin to let him do a dive in the Loch where his underwater museum was built. He needed to see it and he also needed the dive to ease all the tension and stress that was choking him up.

The moment he laid eyes on every La Agartha piece, his heart sank. He wasn't particularly unhappy about the fact that someone made his dream for him, but he was guilty of not being able to know the person behind it all. Xhemin and Ziggy told him that it was likely the master thief who built his underground museum for he was the one who stole the La Agarthe pieces, yet deep within him, he knew it was his mysterious guardian angel who made it. It was definitely that person.

The person who was always there, but he never knew.

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He spent a few minutes underwater and he resurfaced in the Loch and laid helplessly on the dock after he loosened himself from his damped bodysuit. He was looking at the sky, fresh of sunrise when the vague memory of a woman with red hair started troubling his mind. 

It was like she was real always, in his mind. In his dreams. There were many instances when he found himself talking to her, longing for her and missing her as if she was a part of him, a part that had long been missing. Both Xhemin and Ziggy believed the woman was a criminal or someone dangerous, someone connected and as mysterious to the master thief but no matter how unpleasant everyone's description of her could be, Huzey always found himself in awe of her. He once thought she was only a daydream or someone imaginary friend he created whenever he was in great despair, in great pain, or in a tragedy. And that person always comes for him, almost at the moment he was to give up.

But right then, when everyone was telling him that she was real, he was utterly confused by the whole imagery of her. It was like, she–becoming a reality was something he never once expected, something he didn't know how to deal with.

Who was she anyway?

Why was she helping him?

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And why does it seem like she knew him, every part of him, even his dreams?

Her identity was all clouded with mystery, so equally mysterious with the master thief. For how in the world would a woman, who was all strong and powerful enough to tear all his nemesis down, take interest to help him? A man who was probably nobody to her. That probably was the reason why she didn't bother showing up because he wasn't anything worthy of the introduction.

What bothered him the most was all his dreams about her. These dreams started when he was young and only intensified after the incident he had in the Loch. When he was a boy, the dreams would rarely come, but after the incident, he kept dreaming of her as a mermaid with beautiful long red hair and a body as graceful as the waves. And when he was in Spain, the dreams came as if they were real, like she was there in front of her but he was a bit blind that he couldn't see her. But he could sense her, her warmth, her soothing caress, the beat of her heart and her whispers- calling him, encouraging and most of all keeping him sane.

With all these confusing things, there was only one thing Huzey was sure of. The woman he was all dreaming was the very person one who helped him go through all those tragedies and for that, he felt the need to find and thank her for everything. But how was he to find someone who didn't even want to be known?

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Huzey hadn't returned yet since he left first in the morning to check the La Agartha. Xhemin and Ziggy, although both worried, just didn't dare to go after him as they knew he needed some time alone. Xhemin was preparing up for work when her phone rang, it was Clay and she thought the latter might have called to ask if she was going to report to LGC today. Although she was in Hampshire, she wasn't really having any challenges with regard to transportation because she had a private chopper that could bring her back and for the capital in a short amount of time.

"Clay, I'm coming to office this morning," Xhemin greeted him by what she supposed was the reason for his call.

"Office? I thought you were going to prison today," Clay made known his assumption.

"What? Why?" Xhemin raised a brow at Clay's answer.

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"I thought you might want to see Collet," Clay breathed a sigh. "Actually I only assumed it after reading all the doc.u.ments your husband gave you,"

The doc.u.ments. Xhemin was alarmed by the fact she didn't get to read it after Darryl gave it yesterday. She had Clay look onto it as she was so unfocused, she couldn't just think of anything else after Darryl's visit.

"I'm sorry I have not taken a look," Xhemin felt guilty by the fact. This is why she shouldn't think about anything about Darryl or Huzey's confession because it gets her out of the line. Her priority wasn't really herself but rather his son, whose murderers were still running free somewhere till then. "I'll have them first the moment I reach the office,"


"Is there anything bothering you? You seemed not well after your husband came yesterday," Clay remarked. He too noticed Xhemin's distracted self yesterday but didn't say anything about it as it was rather a private matter.

"I'm okay, don't worry," Xhemin replied cautiously. "I'll be there in a few. See you,"

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