The Genius' First Love

Chapter 532: 532

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Clay was good at making assumptions, more so by predicting most of Xhemin's actions. He knew once she read the doc.u.ments Darryl gave her, she'll go running to prison to see Collet. The investigation of Darryl revealed that Collet had the ultimate help from a man she had a whirlwind affair with. The man had no identity and was good at erasing all marks he left. There was no one who could tell who he was and so the only person who had any idea of him was only Collet.

With this, Xhemin decided to see Collet in an attempt to extract any information about the man. Although Clay insisted on giving her company, Xhemin decided to go alone. She intended Clay to focus on attending all matters in LGC and she didn't want him to burden himself with anything else. Xhemin was sitting in a gray painted room while waiting for Collet. It was the same room she had talked with Salsa previously, Collet's mother. She wondered by then if the mother and daughter had already seen each other inside.

When Collet was dragged to Xhemin's presence, she was nowhere near the woman she used to be. Gone were all the traces of luxury in her and what was left was her bare face, with nothing but an expression of thorough hatred toward her visitor.

"What a surprise visit dear sister, did you come to see how I was doing?" Collet welcomed her with sarcasm, "You are probably so happy now, you can have Darryl all for yourself,"


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"Oh wait, it's not really Darryl that I lost here, but the millions of money you took away from me," Collet continued mocking her, "So let me correct my words–are you so happy now? Bathing with all the wealth my father left at my expense?"

"Collet, I am not in any way interested in what Martin left. And I came here not to mock you or anything, I came here–"

"To ask why I killed your son?" Collet cut her off again, "God you are so impossible! You know what I find it rather ironic how the badass LGC CEO, that everyone was so proud off, was this foolish. Yes, Ava you are ever foolish. You might have everything you all wanted from me, but I pity you for being so miserable to the point you can't even appreciate all the things that you already have. Darryl for example,"

Xhemin wanted to talk but Collet wasn't just giving her a chance. Collet, on the other hand, did not withhold anymore, because she knew there was no other chance she could hurt Xhemin but by just verbally torturing her.

"And your son?" Collet smiled deviously at the thought of it, "I killed him because you don't deserve him. You don't deserve to become the mother of the new Lagdameo heir. And if you come here to see whether I was sorry for killing him, no I'm not! I definitely don't regret killing the thing that you loved the most. In fact with all the things that you did to me-stripping me of all the rights that I have as Martin's daughter-I just felt very satisfied that I killed your son!"

Xhemin was horrified by what she heard.

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"So I'm sorry my dear sister, I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me suffer," Collet laughed like a wild woman, "You might have successfully taken everything from me but you had can never change the fact that I am Martin Chan's daughter- the daughter of the person your mother used and betrayed. And you certainly cannot erase the fact that no matter what you do, I am and will always be the legitimate heir of my father. You can take all my part of the wealth, but you can never crush me because I know who I am. I am Collet Chan, and will forever be,"

Seeing that Xhemin couldn't rebut her words, Collet continued.

"I am Collet Chan, the heiress, you hear that? And you? You'll always be the Lagdameo woman, the one who took everything from me and the one who lost his child because of her own foolishness," Collet saw how her words were crushed into Xhemin like a bomb. She finally understood her weakness now, it was the child she lost and with that, she had planned to destroy all of Xhemin's confidence with herself by casting doubt on her character as a mother. She'll make the girl blame herself for her own son's death by that she can at least destroy her life even if she's already in prison.

Xhemin was of course thoroughly affected by the fact that Collet was like telling her–that her son died because of her own deeds. That she didn't deserve to become Winter's mother because she was simply foolish and not good enough. She was shaking for a while and her deep black eyes turned dull for a moment while Collet laughed her heart out.

"That's right, sister. Remember who you are, you are the foolish mother and I am Collet Chan, the heiress–"

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"Collet Feng," Xhemin uttered much to Collet's surprise.

"What? How dare you? What did you just call me?"

"Collet Feng. You are a Feng." Xhemin raised her head to look at her, she finally gained the courage to snap back at her. "I assumed you didn't know yet, judging by how you were still clouded with the illusion that you are Martin's heiress,"

The brightness from Collet's face faltered. She certainly did not expect the sudden twists of events. What does Ava imply? Is this one of her traps?

"Try harder sister," Collet answered back with a straight face, although deep inside she was starting to be bothered by Xhemin's words. "You can lie all you want but it will all be pointless,"

"Except that I'm not lying. Try asking your mother Collet, perhaps she's sane enough to tell you the truth,"

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"I'm not buying it,"

"You don't have to. But I tell you this, I didn't take anything from you because all of those things that you are claiming yours, aren't really yours by right. You are no daughter of Martin,"

"Liar," It was Collet who was shaking then. She spent many days in prison trying to keep herself sane by the fact that even when she's inside the prison, her title being the legal heiress of Martin still subsists and that she'll bring title and right wherever she'll be. However, Xhemin just cast doubt on the only thing that was left of her right then and that certainly was crushing all her confidence and belief about herself. "You can never make me believe in that lie,"


"Martin is impotent," Xhemin was all bursting with emotions and she wasn't able to withhold herself at the time, "And that's the very reason why neither you nor I can possibly be his daughter. We both don't have a right on him. However, at least I know he loves me and my mother. How about you? Weren't you just a replacement for me?"

The last words Xhemin uttered broke everything in Collet, every part, every flesh, and her very heart. To know that she was not in any way near the person she believes she was, totally destroyed her and before Xhemin could see her breaking point, as well as her own, she left the room hurriedly with thorough regret of her decision to see her fake sister.

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