The Genius' First Love

Chapter 533: 533

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Xhemin was in tears when she left the room. She didn't know why, but hearing words that cast doubt on her capability as Winter's mother was a torture to her. What if what Collet said was all true, that it was indeed her foolishness that led to Winter's death? Guilt was rushing over her and the intensity of the emotions made her lean on the wall as she was trying to support and steady her shaking body, including her knees. She also dragged his hand to her mouth to suppress her cry.

"Don't you dare cry," A familiar voice surprised Xhemin and realizing who it was, she swallowed her urge to break down. It was her husband, and his expression at the moment was as cold as her heart. 

"You told me you can handle it. Seeing you right now makes your words a lie," Darryl added and his hazel eyes were still as dull as they were yesterday. Even Darryl's voice was also different, they lacked all the warmth and comfort he used to give her. 

Xhemin fixed herself up. She dared not try to answer anymore as she knew she was wrong. She did promise him he can handle the investigation with toughness and her, letting Collet get through her sanity was a mistake on her part.

"I'm sorry," Xhemin uttered slowly, admitting her fault.

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"Don't," Darryl was like chiding her which was rather odd for Xhemin because Darryl's actions toward her, although not harsh, were all stone hard. Apart from that, Xhemin felt like there was a big invisible wall between them that her husband built overnight and although she thought she mustn't care about it as it was not her business anymore to ask whatever was going on with Darryl, she was still bothered by it. Deeply bothered by it. 

"Don't apologize. Just do what you assured me you'll do," Darryl continued, his face was still devoid of any expression, "And if you can't take it, I told you to call me. I'll finish the things you are having a hard time accomplishing,"

"Darryl, I told you I wanted to go on with the investigation just by myself and you agreed with it," She reminded him because it seemed like Darryl was still actively participating in it.

"Winter is also my son and I wanted justice for him more than anyone else. I'm here to make sure his case goes on without any inconvenience but seeing how you broke down easily, makes me wanna reconsider it all. This is a serious case Xhemin, so either you learn to separate your emotions from it or I'll just take this case back from you. Either way, you still can't stop me from making sure Winter's case moves on, fast and clear," Darryl told her, which only made her guilty at some point for Darryl's words were right. If she keeps on breaking down now and then, the case will not go anywhere.

"Besides, it doesn't hurt to ask for help. Especially from the father of your son," Darryl emphasized the fact of Xhemin's unwillingness to call for help wouldn't do her any good. If there was one thing he wanted Xhemin to learn from all this, it's the fact that no matter what she does, she cannot and will not be able to get rid of him. Even if Winter died, their connection against each other remains, and their lives will always be intertwined, it's too late and too hard to untangle it all.

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"I'll go and try to talk to Collet. Wait in here," Darryl instructed and entered the room, leaving Xhemin with no choice but to heed his command. She was free to leave him but she didn't want to miss any information that Darryl might successfully get from Collet, so she chose to wait for him.


"Dee?" Collet couldn't believe his eyes. She was told by the jail guard she still has a few minutes left of her visit and that another visitor was demanding her audience, but she didn't expect it was Darryl. "Oh dear Dee, I'm so thankful you came,"

Collet rushed for an embrace but Darryl stopped her midway and she retreated helplessly. However, even with the blatant hostility, she was still glad Darryl heed her call to come and visit. She had requested too many times for Darryl to come so she can beg for his forgiveness because he was too far important for her. Darryl was her everything, and to know that he'll forever hate her for what she did was far more painful and acceptable than the fact that she'll forever stay in prison.

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"Darryl I know you still hate me but please…." This time, Colley choose to kneel on the floor to beg. "Please forgive me. You know how you matter to me very much and out of the things that happened in my life, only your forgiveness is what I cared the most,"

Collet cried at her feet but Darryl was only phlegmatic to her sentiments.

"Please. I would do everything just for you to forgive me," Collet helplessly cried, hoping at least Darryl will give her what she seeks.

"Tell who helped you kill my son," Darryl demanded outright and by that Collet realized why he came. It wasn't because of all her plea, it was because he needed information from her.

"Will you forgive me if I tell you so?" Collet asked frustrated and desperate.

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"That's too much for you to ask but I'll appreciate the help," Darryl told her as honest as he could. He never wanted to see Collet's face again but at the moment, he was then his only hope of finding full justice for their son.

"He's someone I met in—"


"I don't care how you met or whatever your relationship was. I'm after his identity," Darryl cut her off but Collet already had the idea that Darryl by then had already learned of his affair with the man.

Collet laughed a bit at the irony of it all, especially with the fact that Darryl wasn't at all bothered that she had an affair with another man. "Funny. I tried so hard to conceal what we had with everyone as I wanted everyone and you to see how dedicated I was with you, but guess what, you don't really care at all,"

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