The Genius' First Love

Chapter 543: 543

Dannah and Scar looked at each other strangely as they understood each other. 

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"Fins, don't you think you are just being too paranoid?" Scar talked it through. He didn't like how Dannah was obsessing herself with the Montreal twins yet he understood it is something very important to Dannah. However, he didn't want her to lose herself with it the way she had been previously. "Things are better now. Your brother is back. L'Empire is getting nearer to glory. There is nothing more to worry about and its thoroughly impossible for your brother's child to be alive provided how his wife got into a huge accident,"

"I was okay with that Scar," She responded with eyes wide open. "As you said things are running well with L Empire again and that means a lot to me. You know how I worked hard to keep L'Empire and I would never allow the same things to happen the way they did before. However, Xhemin came back and so were Ziggorioh Montreal and suddenly all the things I thought of were okay were now being threatened by their presence. I'm afraid Darryl will run away again or—"

"Fin!" Scar saw the horror in her face so he ran to appease her. "You don't have to worry about these things anymore. You had done enough, like them, you had also suffered enough. Just let this pass, this is no longer your business anymore,"

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"No Scar," Dannah looked up to see his eyes that were overly worried about the sudden chaos inside her. If there was someone who sees Dannah at her worst days, it was the man himself and he had made it his obligation to be there for her no matter how messed up she becomes, "This is my business. You know that" Dannah moved away from him and went to the attic. Scar followed her and he saw her dug into the doc.u.ments they had been working on for weeks.

"You see?" Dannah held a piece of paper in her hands. He and the third miss went to investigate about Ziggy and the children and all the papers scattered on the table were all about them, "It says here there is no record of Ziggy Montreal having an affair with anyone. It also says here he reached Hawaii with two kids already,"

"Fins, you know how f.u.c.k.i.e.d up Ziggorioh Montreal was previously," Scar reasoned with her with a deep sigh. "He used to be a playboy with so many histories with girls. He might have i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed someone before going to Hawaii and decided to start anew,"

"I get that," Dannah pressed further. "And to be honest I had convinced myself for a long time, ignoring the fact that one of his children looked like me. But how can you explain my mother's words? Even Dian herself felt utterly strange hearing it. She said every angle of the kids was very Lagdameo,"

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"You know my mother Scar," Dannah added, "If there was one person whose very familiar of every Lagdameo traits, it is her and her words cannot be taken lightly no matter how innocent she intended it to be,"

Dannah was right. Their mother, Madam Dianne had been close with the Lagdameo even before she had been married to Manuel. She grew up close to the Lagdameos as she and Manuel had been betrothed even before they were born and so she was raised to become the Madam of the Lagdameos. With that, she had been familiar with most of the Lagdameo elders, studied the Lagdameo's family history, and most of all their tradition and traits. So, if there was one person to know whether someone was closely related to a Lagdameo or not, it was definitely their mother.

"It was an unthought-of comment Fins," Scar tried to sway away her concern because she was getting desperate as the time advances, "Your mother herself admitted she said it without thinking it through,"

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"It was because she thought it was disrespectful. But I know, I could tell, she was deeply bothered by it," Dannah stated, even more, determined to dig through the whole thing. She had to know if the children had blood ties with them, she had to know before everyone else does.

"Fins, we had gone through the same dilemma before," Scar didn't want to mention as he intended Dannah to forget about it already. "And it didn't do good to you,"

"I know, you need not remind me," Dannah dismissed the discussion right away. Scar was very aware of the things she did previously and although she didn't give thorough reasons for her actions, Scar chose to say anything against it. 

"Things were different now, Ziggorioh Montreal isn't as helpless as before anymore. He owns half of Feather HealthCare already and he's getting powerful again," He warned her. It wasn't the first time Scar did a check on the Montreal's youngest sire and so he was all aware, both he and Dannah of all the things Ziggy was involved of—most but not all. Until then, they couldn't find anything involving his two kids, including the identity of their mother and in what circ.u.mstances took place that ended them in the youngest sire hands and Dannah was having these crazy thoughts that perhaps the children were not Ziggy's but rather of Xhemin.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/the-things-she-did-previously-(2)_48668189281807449 for visiting.

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"If you do this again, you'll be caught and I don't want to think of the other things that will happen next," Scar wanted her to see through the whole picture. Dannah had made too many compromises already and Scar just wanted her to live in peace and not concern herself anymore with all the things that were happening in her family. She had done enough and Scar didn't want her anymore to take the same path she took before. He was afraid at the end; Dannah will end up ruining herself because of the past.

"Unlike before, they have an idea now that someone was behind it all and with Collet in prison, I don't want you to get involved anymore. It is dangerous. It will be hard to help you then," Scar added.

"I don't want your help this time Scar," Dannah made it clear, "The investigation you did is enough and as you said, this time things were dangerous, I don't want to subject you in that," Dannah was serious with what she said, "Stay out of this,"

"Fins…" Scar wanted to say something further yet Dannah walked away. He knew she was upset about how things suddenly went complicated. He wanted to go and argue with her further but with the way Dannah reacted, he knew she was already determined to do what she had to do. He just hoped that at the end of this all, Dannah would find the peace she deserved.

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