The Genius' First Love

Chapter 544: 544

Wolfe was just recently sent home from another treatment. He was feeling thoroughly weak and exhausted but it didn't stop him from admiring the view of Puente De Amor from his room's window. Wolfe's head by then was leaning on the window plane as the curtains from each side danced gracefully with the breeze and the boy's smile was far wide. If there was one thing he wished right then, it was to see the glory of Puente De Amor in front of him.

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"Wolfe!" Willow's voice filled his room. He heard her loud and clear but didn't turn to acknowledge her presence, instead he continued watching the view.

"I'm home!" Willow hollered further with a bowl of strawberries in her hand. She and Ziggy stayed at the Golden Villa last night and it was only then that they both arrived in Hampshire. "Look I have strawberries with me! The old grumpy grandpa gave me a big box of it."

"You always have strawberries with you," Wolfe remarked, still gazing at the view from his window as if his eyes were pasted on it.

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"I'll give you some of it," Willow said with enthusiasm then took a strawberry from her bowl and pushed it to Wolfe's mouth. The boy willingly swallowed it and in just a second, his mouth was filled with the sweetness of the fruit.

"Is it good?" Willow asked, already bothered at Wolfe's lack of attention to her. Wolfe, to her frustration, only nodded at her. "What's wrong?" she can't help but ask him.

"Treatment, same as usual," Wolfe told and only did Willow noticed his brother looked pale as ever.

"Then why are you at the window?" Willow raised her voice at him, reprimanding the boy for staying out of bed when he felt sick. "Go back to bed, here let me help you,"

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"I want to see it," Wolfe dismissed her offer for help and with his words, Willow then realized that Wolfe was on it again—watching the Puente De Amor endlessly.

"Don't worry if you'll get a little better, Dada and I will bring you there," Willow promised him. Wolfe had never been away from the grey cottage for long, and his routine revolved only around the hospital and their house. That had always been ever since Willow could remember, even abroad, Wolfe was never allowed to go as much. Most of the time, Willow pity Wolfe for it but she chose not to make it show or Wolfe will only feel more bad about it.

"When will I get better?" Wolfe asked. His dada promised he'll be okay after a few treatments but the treatments keep on coming as if they don't end. Wolfe trusts his Dada, and when he says he will get better, he will. However, seeing Willow advanced so much while he was still stuck at home, he felt like there was too much he missed.

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"Soon Wolfe, soon" Willow comforted him as she caressed his long hair. Instead of forcing him to bed, she just too leaned on the window again to accompany him. "You trust mommy and dada right? If they say it's soon, then it's definitely soon,"

"Right," Wolfe lamely agreed and flushed a timid smile.

Unknown to the two, Ziggy was actually at the door listening to them and hearing Wolfe's sentiments, his heart was crushed to pieces. Xhemin and him, had done every possible thing to cure him and millions of money had been wasted for it. He had a peculiar disease more like leukaemia, and he needed most of Darryl's blood and bone marrows to continue with the treatment.

He too was doing his best to find a definite cure yet the only cure he found to be more effective and safe involved the Acamilla Apparaus. However, he had spent the plant on Huzey's cure and to get another one was almost impossible. He had applied several times to the ministry of indigenous people to seek entrance in the island but until then he had not received a word from the ministry. Even when a bridge had been built, the island continued to strive alone and unwelcoming to people from the other and the only one who could go in and out will be Darryl, the Lagdameo heir himself.

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However, telling Darryl about the children would cause more trouble and danger that the situation at hand. He just wished that by the imprisonment of Collet, things will become better but then as it seemed, Collet's imprisonment was only the beginnings of things. He felt like there was more to the story than Collet just being jealous of Xhemin and the children. There was definitely more to it and Xhemin was aware of that that's why she was pursuing Collet's accomplice fervently.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/things-he-will-begged-for_48670123610918117 for visiting.

Besides, if Winter's death was caused by Collet's jealousy, then why did they had to elope a couple of times from danger abroad? If Collet thought Xhemin's child was already dead, then why was someone still pursuing Ang and him few years ago? They had transferred from country to country to hide from their pursuers and that thing still confused Ziggy till then. Who was the one pursuing them and what was his intention? Surely it wasn't Collet, for Collet already relaxed when Winter died and it was obvious she didn���t have any idea about his children.

With all these things at hand, there was only one thing Ziggy was sure. Whoever was after him and Ang previously, knew them well. He or she knew about how close his relationship was with Xhemin to be able to conclude that if they need to find something about the Dugmoch's little Miss, all they need to know is find Ziggorioh Montreal.

"Just a little while Wolfe," Ziggy promised to himself. "If the culprit will be found and your mother hasn't found the cure yet. I'll go and personally beg Darryl Lagdameo for it. Just hold on a little while my child. Dada will keep you alive,"

Ziggy sighed. He then left Wolfe's room, leaving the two children as they looked at the Puente De Amor together.

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