The Genius' First Love

Chapter 549: 549

After the conversation she had with her uncle Franco, Sam's wasn't emotionally well. Her visit in Franco's crib only made her remember so many things she had long wanted to forget but couldn't. The things in the past, whatever was it that she had done were something she did for the sake of her family and all for the sake for what she thought was the best yet, it seemed that she fell short on some decisions she made. She felt terrible, reckless and selfish. With so many things drowning her, Dannah decided to take a break and spent the rest of the day looking at the beach in Hampshire just to ease herself. Besides, she doesn't want to go home early for Scar will immediately notice something was wrong with her and what just happened-the confrontation she had with her uncle, it was something she didn't want to bother him.

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Without Dannah noticing, time flew so fast that she withdrew from the beach late and since she still had to fly back to the capital, she had reached her apartment past midnight already. When she glided herself in, the lights were still on and she was welcomed by the sight of Scar, fully dressed, all bags packed.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/dannah's-cup_52705264461216037 for visiting.

"You're leaving already?" Dannah was surprised by such a sudden decision. She didn't remember Scar informing her about him leaving tonight but with the bags she saw, he undeniably was ready to leave. "Why all of a sudden?"

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"Yes I'm leaving," Scar told her, straight face as if he was taking all his time to talk with her and certainly not in a hurry. "But I'm not leaving all alone, I want you to come with me,"

Scar's words formed some hard lines on Dannah's head. What was Scar talking about? 

"Scar…I..I don't understand," Dannah replied very confused. 

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"Fins...I know this is something that needed careful decision making but for the past days that I have stayed here I have noticed how you had been breaking yourself for the sake of everyone else and I didn't like that. You deserve a happy and peaceful life and I assure, I'll do all my best to give you that, if you just would allow me. Come with me please, let's run away from all of this,"

Scar's words struck Dannah's heart like fire. Although still confused, she somehow understood what Scar was trying to tell. He wanted her to leave everything she had behind and start a new life with him, away from all the chaos of being the third miss and away from all her demons and past mistakes.

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"Trust me. I had carefully thought about this and when I was abroad, I've learned and experience new things that made me grow and it makes me guilty most of the time knowing you're not there to share those experiences with me and that I left you behind, alone by yourself in this place where there's nothing for us but just danger, greed and heartbreaks," Scar added. Looking at how Dannah was again giving much importance to L'Empire and her family's affairs, especially at how she was losing herself again because of her suspicion of the Montreal's children, Scar thought that it would be better for Dannah to leave it all behind. Dannah is young, smart and has a pure soul, and being the third miss was ruining and rotting her away. Scar couldn't watch in the sidelines anymore, he wanted to help Dannah and the only thing that he thought of was to make Dannah leave. 

"Scar, my brother needs me, L'Empire still needs me and-"

"And you need yourself," Scar cut her off, "Darryl can handle himself, even if you're not there. He'll get by. He doesn't need you anymore, he doesn't need you in the first place and you know that. Also, what L'Empire needs is Darryl and not you. As long as Darryl is there, L'Empire will stand. Finn don't you think it's time for you to think about yourself?"

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"I don't want to be a selfish person Scar. I couldn't just run away, although Darryl doesn't need me, he'll look for me and my mother too. I don't want to cause further trouble now that we're trying to get by. Scar you know, things are not simple as you think it is," Truth was Scar's offer was so appealing that Dannah just wanted to not think anymore but just pack up and leave. However she thought she'd cause more inconvenience and problems if she disappeared and she just couldn't risk that.

"It's not being selfish Finn. It's called self love, it's not a sin. If you keep on thinking about other people to the fact that you are losing yourself, that my third miss, that's the sin there. And that is what you are doing now and I'm not gonna just watch here and make you ruin yourself again. You also have a life Finns. If you are having a hard time picturing yourself having a life of your own, separated from your brother, separated from you being the third miss-then look at me. Start with me and you'll see, you'll see right here, you have a life in me," Scar's face bore all the concern and love he had for Dannah. "To tell you the truth, this is also hard for me and I can't just explain now but like you, I too have to sacrifice many things with this journey I am inviting you to take with me. But I'm choosing this journey with you Dannah. At this point of my life, I'm choosing you. I hope you would choose yourself too,"

Dannah couldn't withhold her tears with all the things that she heard. Was she really that bad on herself already? Perhaps yes, because most of the time, she ignored her own fears and tears just to be strong for L'Empire's sake, for her brother's sake, for her family's sake. She had crossed too many hell just to save L'Empire and sacrificed even her own happiness for her duty of being the third Lagdameo Miss.

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