The Genius' First Love

Chapter 550: 550

"Come with me Finns. Let's run away..Let's run away and never come back" Repeated Scar, now offering a hand to her, waiting expectantly for her to accept it. His eyes were on her, silently pleading for her to say yes. 

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Dannah hesitated. For a moment he thought of all the things she was to leave behind but then a part of her wanted to soar high, higher than she was right now. Fly higher and free. And all that can happen when she goes with the man and probably the only man he knew at most. Scar's promise bore all the hopes and happiness she probably will not find there and so, with a willing heart, Dannah took Scar's hand as a tear fell from her eyes. 

She's coming with him. She's going to leave it all behind.

Finally she is free.

Finally she can become whoever she wants to be.

No more being the third miss.

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No more L'Empire.

For a moment Dannah thought her moment had finally come and as she and Scar had always promised to each other, they'll be at each other's side.Together, forever.

Scar pulled Dannah to  his body and gave her a firm embrace. "I'm glad that you said yes. I promise you, with all that I can. I'll make you happy. We'll travel the whole world, you and I."

"I'm glad I'm going to do this with you," Her tears were still falling yet she managed to give him a smile. 

"No matter what. I'll always be at your side," Scar then gave her a kiss on the head, "Come on now, I had everything packed with me. Let's not waste time and leave,"

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"As in right now?"

"I'm not giving you any chances to change your mind," Scar told as he grabbed a bag and packed it in his shoulder. He had also a bag packed for Dannah with all the things he knew she needed. Scar was a very organized person and so Dannah knew even before Scar asked her to leave, he had everything set and carefully arranged things so they could leave the border untraced. Once they stepped out of her apartment, no one, not even L'Empire, could find them.

Dannah grabbed a bag then and gave her apartment one final look. She need not to worry about who's going to take care of it when she's gone because for sure Scar had already taken care of it. 

"Ready?" Scar asked then as they were about to leave. Dannah answered with a nod, then followed Scar into the door. Scar's hand was already in the knob when suddenly, he paused.

Dannah noticed his indifference immediately and when Scar turned to look her in the eye, she already knew what's bothering him as if she could read his mind. 

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Without thinking, Dannah pulled a gun right from the backpack Scar gave her and shot right through the door.The bullet passed through it with a loud bangging sound!  Scar of course, knowing that Dannah will immediately shoot, evaded all her shots so every bullet landed straight to the door. 

Just a second after her first gun shot, it was answered not by one but many bullets that instantly sent Dannah's apartment into chaos. With all the guns that were fired at them, Dannah understood whoever was after them weren't ordinary people, from the looks of it, their enemy was  definitely the men of her uncle. L'Empire syndicate is here!

"Run Scar!" Dannah shouted at her partner, knowing full well that it was Scar they were after. How did they know Scar was here? Did they also know this was her apartment?  Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/dannah's-cup-(2)_52739685117653039 for visiting.

Dannah tensed and seeing that Scar wasn't fleeing, she shouted at him again, "I said run!" Then she hand signaled to him "Manda Temple.In an hour"

As Dannah estimated, the people outside the door were more than twenty. It was like Franco Lagdameo brought his entire army just to hunt Scar, too bad tonight he'll learn that it was her own niece who betrayed him by sheltering an enemy.

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Scar understood, then he hand signaled back "copy"

Even before this shoot out, Dannah and Scar had already agreed on how they are going to deal with such a situation. They had agreed that in worst cases like the one they had then, Scar was to flee first as he was the target and Dannah will be left behind to slow down those who were chasing them. They both knew, L'Empire men would refuse to hurt Dannah and so no matter that she's captured or now, she'll always survive since she is still a Lagdameo. Besides, it will be easy for Scar to rescue Dannah in case she will be caught and imprisoned by her uncle.

Right then, Scar left the apartment going through a secret window that leads to the rooftop. When there, he can use the exits to evade all of the L'Empire men who were chasing him.

Dannah was left alone to answer back the bullets being thrown at her apartment. It was so messed up then, papers and cottons flying in the air, vases and windows broken and the floor was full with all the pieces that gunshots hit and destroyed. The shoot firing lasted nearly thirty minutes and the twenty men Dannah estimated turned fifty that she had hard time evading them all. She ended up being shot in her right arm, leaving her left hand with all the tasks of firing some shots.

Few minutes more and Dannah was left with no more bullets, exhausted and bleeding. Her apartment's door nearly broke and it only took one hard kick to send it flying across the room. Soon many of Franco's men will storm in and Dannah, with all her wits already planned her escape out of the building. She then tried to drag her exhausted body toward the exit she planned to take, but even before she could make a step, she instantly felt nauseated and her body fell to the floor unexpectedly.

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