The Genius' First Love

Chapter 551: 551

Dannah regained her consciousness but her body was still heavy, she couldn't even lift her eyelids up. She heard people talking and cursing but everything was blurred and unclear as if there was something in her system that made her too weak.

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She had been drugged, or poisoned probably. She couldn't identify then but for her to fall into such a weak state wasn't normal for her even when she had been injured. She had been through many worst injuries before and the shot she got earlier was far from making her succ.u.mb into  an unexpected fall. For sure something in her body messed up and that was the reason why she wasn't able to escape because with the looks of it, she was caught for sure. 

She wondered then who could have poisoned her or drugged her and when? She didn't remember taking any food aside from a glass of champagne she took in the L'Empire private jet as she went home from Hampshire. Could that champagne be the culprit? A champagne offered within their own private jet? Then does it mean whoever was behind was someone from their circle, her uncle Franco perhaps?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/dannah's-cup-(3)_52750307377081628 for visiting.

Well she underestimated the man. It was surely him, but to poison her secretly to make sure she cannot get back at his men was such a cowardly act, something the Franco Lagdameo she used to know would probably not resort to. But perhaps the years that had gone by had changed him too, just like how it changed her. Too bad she had trusted L'Empire employees and security just like she had always used to, without any single idea that they would serve her a drink of poison. 

"Sam! Goddamit Sam! Wake up!" She could her uncle cursing in front of her face, his fingers dug on the skin of her jaw.

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"hmmm"She answered him weakly and slowly lifted her eyes. This she was able to and saw her messed up apartment, flocked by many men of Franco's syndicate and his uncle in a messed up frustrated face. She was expecting the worst expression on him, and probably anger, so what she saw right then was somehow confusing. Why does it seem like her uncle was frustrated more than angry?

Sam tried to move only to realize her body was sitting seiza on the floor, her hands held by two of Franco's men as her uncle was trying to wake her up. She also noticed the water dripping on her hair as well as her wet clothes, for sure they poured water on her in an attempt to wake her up.

"Sam! Sam!" She felt her uncle gently slapping her face to wake her up as if he badly needed something from her. This time, Sam became more awake and got her consciousness focused.

"Damnit child! Explain yourself! I cannot help you now," Franco welcomed her with a loud curse.

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"What you see is what it is," Sam gave him a devious smile. She didn't care much about the situation she was in then, as long as she knew Scar was able to escape then there's nothing to fear or worry about, "Goodluck on chasing him. You'll never find him,"

A complicated expression etched into Franco Lagdameo's face. Knowing that he became more upset, Dannah Samuelle laughed it off. She laughed hard as she could, mocking the L'Empire syndicate for what she thought as a useless and foolish chase.

"Were you that desperate uncle that you have to drug me to make sure I'll not be able to help his escape? Such a low act? Where's your dignity then? It seemed like the great Franco Lagdameo greatness was bound to fall."

"You are all just wasting your time. You can have me all you want but you'll never have Scar! He'll never shed a single drop of sweat as he evades you all. You are lucky though, he never wants to harm any of you even with the fact that you are all hunting him," Then she turned her gaze from her uncle to all of his men, "Even if you desire his blood, for him, you all remained as his brothers. Too bad you're all nothing but all a bunch of useless ingrates!"

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"Enough Dannah!" Franco's voice filled the room. He was shaking, still not with anger but with frustration and even when Sam refused to see it, there was something inside Franco that was hurting him. "Scar is…" 

Franco paused then, almost couldn't say the words. He pressed the head of his nose and as if he couldn't take it, he fired a bullet right through the window to express his frustration. Not just one but many and all the glasses that survived the shoot out earlier fell into the floor, pieces by pieces.

The sound of bullets seemed to have awakened Dannah fully and only then did he notice that something was wrong. Even Franco's men bore not their fiery gazes and killing aura, they were all quiet as if something terrible was haunting them deep inside. They even refused to face Dannah's eyes.

"Are you all ashamed that he had escaped again?" Dannah uttered after her uncle was done firing. Franco then was already walking back and forth, his gun in his hands ready to fire again. "Six years of chasing him and not one of you had even touched a single hair of him. You should have been used to it by now. Why do you look like it was the first time you failed to catch him?"

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"Sam," Franco stopped his tracks, his voice shaking and even though there was never a time that Dannah became afraid of him, right then she was, as if he was to break something that would make them all fall into a deep pit. "Scar is dead,"

Hearing it only made Dannah laugh. There was something in Franco's words that hit her but the thing was so impossible it was almost like a joke to Dannah.

"Hahahahahha" Her loud guffaw filled the whole place for a while. Not until Franco threw something in front of her, frustratedly.

It was like a dog tag, something everyone in the L'Empire syndicate members all have, including Dannah and Scar. It was all covered in blood with the scar's name printed on it. 

The sight of it stilled Dannah immediately. Her loud laugh then turned into silent tears.

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