The Genius' First Love

Chapter 552: 552

There was a long silence, everyone, not even Franco himself said anything else after his announcement of Scar's death. Truth was that he himself couldn't accept it as even though Scar was an escapee, he didn't mean for him to be killed. Not now. He still needed him, he still needed to know why he had betrayed him in the past and what was really his intention behind it all. His sudden death brough Franco to a dead end with nothing left to answer all the questions that needed to be answered.

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Besides, deep within him too, he somehow cared for the boy he raised for many years together with Dannah and although the syndicate was hunting him, he was consoled by the fact that he raised Scar to be far more excellent than any of his men and so he knew he couldn't easily be killed. So when he learned of Scar's death just a few minutes ago, he himself was shocked. Scar and Dannah had gone through missions as hard as this and they both survived it unscratched so Scar's death came as a surprise to him.

"Who?" Dannah broke the silence. "Who killed him?" Then she raised her dagger-like eyes to everyone in the room, ready to ravage the person whom she cared a lot the most.

Franco understood what Dannah wanted, however, even for her question, he had no answer. "We don't know. The boys keep firing when he was escaping and so we cannot pinpoint from which gun were the bullets that hit him,"

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"Who are the boys who fired at him?" She asked again insistently. She wanted to know who they are so that when she gets back her strength, she can easily avenged him. However no one gave her an answer this time. 

"No one of you will talk? Then perhaps I should just kill you all!" Dannah shouted at their faces. Despite the fact that two of Franco's men held her, she threatened them like she can all easily kill them if she wanted to. "I will kill you all! I will not spare not even one of you! How dare you kill him! I cursed all of you! May Scar haunt you all in your dreams! He was our brother! He grew with us, he was a friend to some of you and yet you had his blood on your hands!"

Frano's men, although all acted phlegmatic on Dannah's reproach, silently were haunted by her threats. They refused to let her see the regret and sadness in their eyes because they were all trained to be emotionless, yet deep inside, they also mourn for their fallen brother even though he betrayed their group.

"Pack!" A loud slap hit Dannah's face. It instantly went red. However not even the pain could make Dannah's anger stop. She continued wailing like a mad woman!

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"Murderers! I promise I'll rip out all your heart one by one! If you kill me now, I'd haunt you all and make sure you'll pay for his life!"

"Dannah Samuelle I said stop!" Franco shouted back at her, frustratedly. Right then Franco was in the midst of a big dilemma, more bigger than Dannah's fury yet the girl wasn't giving him a pass.

"You were his father!" Dannah's tears started pouring down her face, " He might not be yours biologically but he respected you and loved you like a real one! And yet you killed him, just like that! Like her weren't anything but just a dog! How ruthless can you be? Then perhaps you should also kill me then, kill me before I had the chance to kill you myself"

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Franco cupped his head frustratedly. He didn't want to cause Dannah more pain but the situation was leaving him no choice at all. Any moment from now, it would be too late for him to make ways for Dannah. However, no matter how much he thought of a solution to spare Dannah from the situation they were in, he couldn't just think of the right way for her to escape it.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/dannah's-cup_52773553887575061 for visiting.

"Dannah listen to me-"

"Kill me uncle. Kill me just like you killed Scar. Kill me now and bore in your conscience the life of the children you raised!" Dannah was wailing. She wasn't herself anymore. The sudden pain of losing Scar was much for her to bear. He was her turning point, her weakness and right then, she felt colder, colder than death. All she could think of right then was follow Scar to his fate as it seemed like she had nothing more to live. How f.u.c.k.i.e.d up her life was!

With not much time left, Franco kneeled toward his niece and cupped her head with both his big hands. "Dannah we don't have much time. They'll take you any moment from now and I will lose you both. Tell me my child, confessed to me everything you did so I can find ways to help you,"

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Franco's words confused Dannah. What was it he wanted her to confess? Which part of the things she did in the past her uncle wanted her to tell? Something in her mind caught up but she was so much in pain she didn't care less whatever her fate then will be.

"The only thing I would confess is that I regret every respect and adoration I gave you. Scar would be too," Dannah loathed and spewed at him, "Go to hell for all I care!"

"Dannah my child, tell me. You can hate me later all you want but you need to tell me now," Franco was desperate then, he wanted Dannah to confess to the truth even when she was in the midst of mourning, "Did you have the last Lagdameo heir killed?"

"The only murderer here is you!" Dannah's courage didn't falter even when her uncle's actions and words already confuses her. 

"Scar was the one who murdered the last Lagdameo heir!" Franco spit it out to Dannah. "He was the one who had your nephew killed!"

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