The Genius' First Love

Chapter 553: 553

"What are you talking about?" Dannah refused to believe it, "If you want to give an excuse for killing Scar then can you at least give such a reasonable story? You blaming him for all your mistake of not being able to protect the last heir was such a shameless thing! How far will your shameless go uncles?"

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"This is the truth Sam!" Franco pressed on it. "I admit before you and your brother that I was at fault for not being able to protect the Lagdameo heir! I admit that and I had paid for such a sin, all of us paid for it! But this is the truth, Scar was behind it all. He was the one who helped that fake CGC heiress!"

"Lies!" Dannah was so mad she wanted to strangle her own uncle if only she was free to do so. Yet her body was still weak due to the poison and two of her uncle's men were keeping her still on the ground. "Scar would not do such a thing. He wasn't even interested in L'Empire and didn't want anything to do with it. That's why he left the syndicate and now you are telling me he killed our last heir? For what reason could he ever do that? Had you not thought of it? Your accusation was clearly misplaced!"

"That is also my question Sam," Franco's sigh was heavy, "That's why I wanted him alive because I wanted to ask him the reason why"

"And yet you killed him mercilessly!" Dannah shouted her misery off. 

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"I didn't expect him to die just like that!" Franco defended. "I knew Scar well. I raised him just like I raised you and I know that even if I send a hundred men to chase him, he'll evade them effortlessly. I didn't know what happened today. The boys fired like they also do and for some reasons he wasn't able to dodge them all like he used to. The boys saw him on the ground cold and bloodied in the alley. Some bullets caught him. His skills have changed, I supposed,"

"His skills have changed? Or perhaps you poisoned him first like you did to me so you can be ahead of the game!"

"Don't start that with me Dannah! Ask the men all you want, I wanted him alive. I have so many things to ask him including on why on earth did he kill your nephew!"

"He didn't!" Dannah defended Scar till the end. Her Scar was already dead and yet they were accusing him of outrageous things Dannah knew he would not ever do! "He had no reason to! That's all nothing but bullsh*t!"Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'-first-love_10355083706015805/dannah's-cup-(5)_52775314555727315 for visiting.

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"Unfortunately he has," Franco wiped his face with hands frustratedly then once more looked at his niece whom he thought was already helpless at the moment.

"You know he doesn't have any reason! Just please stop-"

"He can do it for you," Franco let go of the words he wanted to spit out ever since Dannah's confrontation started.

His uncle's words made Dannah pause. Suddenly her tears ran dry as resentment started to etch into her exhausted face. "I don't like what you are implying, are you suggesting that…"

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"Scar would do anything for you and that's a fact no one among us can refute," Franco went all the way with his confrontation, "Now tell me my dear child, did you have your nephew killed? Did you ask Scar to do it?"

Dannah wanted to laugh again this time, out of unbelief and frustration. The laugh made it to her mouth but it sounded so bitter, "For all things you could accuse me… and for all the brutal things you made me do...this is far the worse thing and I am most resentful of you,"

Her words hit painfully in Franco's heart. However despite her strong love for Dannah, he cannot just cover up everything, especially that there is so much evidence that they found leading to her. First was that Franco found out that it was Dannah who had been hunting down CEO Leigh's family abroad. Second was that Dannah was the only person who could control Scar and asked him to kill a child mercilessly. For her, Scar can do anything. Third, just a while ago, he found on Dannah's attic all the records that she kept about CEO Leigh's family. She had sensitive and shocking information only a person who was obsessing with someone can have.

"Sam, just tell me the truth," Franco pleaded with him. "I need to know so I can help you. I won't let them take you. I will never have anyone hurt you even if it was Darryl himself,"

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Franco's words only made Dannah feel worse. For sure, the way it seemed, she can never hide from the past anymore. She had no more escape from her past mistakes and perhaps, Scar was the payment for all of it. Something then caught into Dannah's system, her pain and misery eat all of the rationality she had left. Her uncle's words, her brother's dilemma and Scar's death made her succ.u.mb to an explainable estate. She closed her eyes then, picturing Scar in her imagination and replaying the moment they had, just hours ago before his death.

"Come with me Finn," He heard Scar calling in her mind. "Come and lets' run away from all of this. With all the best that I can, I'll give you a happy and peaceful life,"

"Scar," She whispered in a way only the wind can hear, "Why did you leave me?"

When Dannah opened her eyes again to meet her uncle's gaze. She wasn't the same anymore. There was no more pain in her eyes but just anger beyond satisfaction.

"Perhaps I killed him," She said to everyone's surprise, "Perhaps I did kill the Lagdameo heir! I killed him because I am so done with L'Empire putting their hopes to male heirs and leaving me no place in the family but just an asset you can sell all for the sake of business!"

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