The Genius' First Love

Chapter 554: 554

Richmond Ranch

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That same night when Dannah and Scar were about to leave the country for good, things were peaceful at Richmond ranch. Almost everyone was quiet asleep except for Xhemin who was still working something on her computer. She had some work to finish that night and was planning to rest like the rest. She was half way then when the whole cottage was woken up by the sound of Willow wailing for help.

Xhemin immediately ran to check on her only to find Huzey hugging Willow at the door while Ziggy was hurriedly checking on Wolfe.

"What's the matter?" She asked Ziggy but instead of answering the youngest sire hurriedly grabbed Wolfe and carried him in his arms.

"We have no time. I need to bring him to Hampshire hospital!" That was all he managed to say as he rushed to the stairs. "Call Emma Xhem, tell her I need her at this instant!"

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To heed Ziggy's request, Xhemin went back to her room, grabbed her phone then ran to catch the youngest sire's ride. She accompanied the two to the hospital and she called Emma on the way.

"Is he fine?" Xhemin asked again while their car traversed the road fast. She was with the father and son on the backseat , while their driver was alone in front busying himself on the business of the road. Xhemin then was done speaking with Emma and so she wanted to know what was happening with Wolfe.

"He'll be fine as soon as we reach the hospital," Ziggy answered. He was confident he could save Wolfe then but he needed some hospital equipment and ran some tests on him that's why he immediately decided to bring him to Hampshire hospital. The only thing that was bothering Ziggy was that, although Emma and Xhemin's treatment of Wolfe provided him some great advantage, it was not enough to cure his child and so he knew they needed to step their game further.

"What's on your mind?" Xhemin asked again when she saw how immense his thought was.

Acknowledging Xhemin's query, Ziggy looked at her and sigh, "I guess it's time for us to get another Acamilla Apparaus Xhem,"

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Xhemin was silenced at Ziggy's statement. At this point, they were already at their end of their resources and the last hope would be the Acamilla Apparaus. That meant she needed to go back to the island which she was more than willing to do for Wolfe. The only problem she had with such a suggestion was that aside from the possibility that she may never come back to the mainland anymore, she cannot also make a foot back there without the Lagdameo heir knowing since he was the current ambassador of the Manggan Island. That would cause too much suspicion in Darryl's part and he might end up knowing the secret she had been hiding for so long.

"I don't really mind going back," Xhemin answered truthfully despite all the risk.

"You going back to the island is not the solution," Ziggy answered, his eyes not meeting hers. It was like the one he was thinking was something Xhemin will definitely not approve of, "If you go back there, there is only a slight chance of you going out. We can't risk that. There are many people who need you here, not only us but also all the employees you will be leaving in CGC and there's also the Leigh estates. Many depends on you and you not coming back means many people's job are put on risks and were talking about not only hundreds of employees but thousands,"

"But no one can better go to the island than me," Xhemin replied, confused by what Ziggy was suggesting, "Not everyone is welcomed on the island. I still have the sunstone, I can still demand entrance,"

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"There is someone who can go in and out on the island as pleases," Ziggy reminded her and when he did, Xhemin somehow understood.

"Darryl is the ambassador, it means he will not allow things to be taken out from the island just for our sake. He knew somehow the Acamilla Apparaus is important since he was with me when I took it. We cannot just easily ask him to get one for us, Acamilla Apparaus belongs to the tribe and as an ambassador he was bound to protect it," Xhemin explained to Ziggy then. Darryl apart from him being reasonable was also a man with a strong sense of responsibility, he will surely not allow anything from the island to be exploited even at her request.

"He will if you tell him the truth," Ziggy's words instantly silenced Xhemin. For a while she couldn't rebut his suggestion.

"Telling him the truth means putting my family in danger," Xhemin replied after a while. There was some hurt that made through his heart with Ziggy's words. It was like then, Ziggy was questioning her for hiding  a big secret to Darryl. He didn't know why but Ziggy's words made her feel like she was selfish but she knew within her heart that she wasn't and her, hiding the whole truth was because she didn't know fully whom to trust amongst the Lagdameo's. So it would be better not to tell Darryl anything at all.

"But he is the only one who got the Acamilla Apparaus for us at this point. Don't you think it's time to tell him?" Ziggy pressed on.He knew that he was making Xhemin guilty but it was Wolfe's life that was at risk at this point and only with Darryl's help they can get him the cure they all needed.

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"No. not yet.Not until we know who was behind all this then there's not telling him about it," Xhemin ended the conversation fully, "I'll get the Acamilla Apparaus myself if needed be,"


Ziggy's pleading was cut off by the sound of Xhemin's phone, ringing. Seeing that it was from someone important, the latter choose to answer her phone. 

"Yes it's me," Xhemin welcomed the person from the other end, "What is it? I hope it's something important since you choose to call at this hour,"

Ziggy, whose eyes were with Xhemin saw how her expression changed with what she had heard from the other end. Then out from nowhere a tear fell from her eyes.

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