The Genius' First Love

Chapter 555: 555

As soon as Xhemin and Ziggy reached the hospital, things were all in a rush. It took nearly two hours before things went stable and Wolfe was then placed in a regular room. Ziggy, although not a regular doctor in Hampshire hospital, had rights to use all their equipment and had other privileges because Dr. Miles had left him some shares in that hospital, making Ziggy one of the owners. 

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Wolfe was on bed, weak and exhausted while his dada sat beside his bed, making sure he was comfortable in every way. Not long, the child pulled his dad's hand, wanting to say something.

"What is it my boy?" Ziggy asked as he bent toward his face. He had seen eagerness in his face and so he thought he needed something that needed his attention.

"I want to see it," Wolfe told in a weak voice that Ziggy didn't even understand what he meant. 

"What do you want to see?" Ziggy asked, lines formed on his dead. He thought then Wolfe was still in haze, brought by several medicines that went on his system that night.

"Puente De Amor," Wolfe tried hard to relay it. "I want to see it now dada,"

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"My boy, you are still weak. You have to stay here for a couple of days. We can go and see it if it is safe for you already," Ziggy explained again for the nth time. This wasn't the first time Wolfe demanded to see the Puente De Amor, it had been his usual requests. However, the climate in Hampshire that season wasn't particularly good for Wolfe's health. It was a cold season these days and Ziggy was sure if he bring Wolfe outside, he'll certainly caught up some colds or worst other infections.

"I want to see it now Dada please," Wolfe pleaded to Ziggy's frustration. Ever since they decided to settle in Hampshire, the boy's desire to see the bridge had gone pretty desperate that everytime he had a chance, he'd ask for it. He felt bad for Wolfe already but he was just waiting for Summer to come so he can bring the boy to see the bridge but looks like the wait was only making Wolfe desperate.

"I'm sorry son, we can't go now," Ziggy apologized badly, "But I promise I'll bring you if you get better okay? So rest now so you can recover faster. If you'd become healthy and good after a few days, we'll drop by the bridge before we head home to Richmond ranch okay? How does that sound?

"Okay.." Wolfe settled with that, to Ziggy's relief. Wolfe then decided to close his eyes as exhaustion overtook him. It only took a few minutes for him to fall asleep soundly then.

Soon, Xhemin emerged from the door. She went to sign some doc.u.ments on Ziggy's behalf and she was glad to see Wolfe resting peacefully in his bed as she entered.

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"How is he?" Xhemin couldn't help but ask even though she knew he was okay then.

"I told you he'll be fine as soon as we reach here," Ziggy reminded her to keep her at ease.He knew Xhemin had something else to worry about since that call she took in the care changed her mood in a negative emotional way so suddenly.  "What's with the call?" He asked then as right when the call ended earlier, they reached the hospital and Ziggy had gone pretty busy after. He was unable to inquire what the call was about and he knew it was something important as he saw Xhemin shed some tears.

"It was the investigator. He told me they had captured Collet's accomplice already," Xhemin relayed. This news bothered Xhemin deeply because instead of being relieved not that they had captured the culprit, something inside her was making her nervous as if she was bound to know something she wasn't prepared for. 

"Who was it?" Ziggy asked as the news captured his attention so well.

"One of Franco Lagdameo's men previously. Franco had gotten hold of him but unfortunately he died in the shoot out as he was trying to escape," Xhemin narrated further what the investigator told her. 

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"So he died? Just that? Without us getting an explanation why he did it? Or was it really because of Collet's jealousy," Ziggy couldn't help but ask more.

"The investigator said it seemed like there's something more to it," Xhemin answered, "He said he wasn't acting alone. They had detained someone whom they believe was the reason of it all,"

"What? You mean a mastermind?"

"Somewhat like that," Xhemin, unconsciously was shaking. She didn't understand what she was feeling then but she hoped it was nothing but just some late reflexes that came to her because of seeing Wolfe in deep struggle earlier. "I'll fly early in the morning to see the person they had in custody. I need to ask that person myself why he did it,"

"Have Huzey come with you," Ziggy suggested knowing that tomorrow, they were bound to know some truths about the past and Xhemin might have problems taking it all. At least Huzey could be there to get her some company and support. He couldn't come with her obviously as Wolfe still needed some surveillance. 

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"Yes he is coming with me," Huzey already told her earlier he was coming when she phoned him. Both the youngest sire and the diamond prince thought it wouldn't be wise for her to go and see the culprit himself. 

"You seemed nervous," Ziggy pointed.

"I just don't know if I will be able to take whatever things I might find out when I face him," Xhemin confessed. She was already near the truth, but she never thought the truth would somehow have that effect on her. She was feeling utterly nervous and disturned because what if the truth, instead of peace and closure would only bring them more pain?

Was she prepared to take all of it?

Was she really ready to know the whole truth then?

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