The Genius' First Love

Chapter 556: 556

Early the next day, Xhemin flew to the capital with Huzey. They wanted to see first hand how the investigation was doing especially now that the main culprit was already captured. When they reached the station, Franco Lagdameo was there with some of his men. Xhemin was informed first hand that it was Franco who initiated the operation as he had found the one who they had been searching for a long time.

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Xhemin then acknowledged Franco's presence by giving him a slight nod of recognition but to Xhemin's surprise, Franco evaded her eyes as if he didn't want to deal with her. She thought it was because she had hurt his pride previously when she and Darryl visited him at his crib but there was something in Franco's eyes that told Xhemin it was more than that. It was like the man bore some self-resentment, as if he had done something he didn't want to do but had to.

"CEO Leigh," Detective Carson, their one who had been handling their case approached her. He was the one who called her last night. Huzey was with Xhemin but they all never thought he was the diamond prince because it had been so many years that Huzey disappeared. Even Franco Lagdameo himself didn't recognize him, as his grown up face had gone through quite some changes that only those close to him would be able to identify him. Unfortunately, previously the Montarini prince was aloof and so he only made friends with few people and primarily the reason why not everyone recognized him today.

"Detective Carson, how was the questioning going on?" Xhemin asked immediately. 

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"It had been hours but this one is tough. They caught her earlier admitting he probably killed him but that was it. Never says a word after.  However, the evidence against her was strong, she'll have a hard time escaping this" Detective Carson replied. 

"She?" Xhemin incredulity made it to her face. "It's a woman?"

"Yes. Seemed harmless at first especially that she was a Miss," Detective Carson answered. He looked around for a moment and got back to Xhemin in a whisper, "They say she was also one of Franco's best assets. Next to the one who they killed last night,"

When Xhemin heard the description, the hair at the back of her stood up. Why does it seem like she knew the person they were telling her. Even Detective Carson's voice made it seem like the culprit was someone they all would not expect. Xhemin's hand started shaking then, good thing Huzey was there and so he gave her a tap on her shoulder to ease her.

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"Let me talk to her," Xhemin demanded desperately. If the culprit wasn't talking, then perhaps her appearance would make her. Probably she can explain to her why in the world would she kill an innocent child for the sake of Collet's jealousy. Or was it really because of Collet's jealousy?

Detective Carson guided Xhemin to the room and as he did, Xhemin with nervously followed him. When the door flew open, Xhemin's heart almost leaped out of her chest. She stepped back a little, not believing what she saw. Even Huzey was shocked as he immediately recognized the person they detained. Dannah was still in a mess, her gun shot was treated but she was still wearing the same clothes she wore last night and so the blood was still all over it, so were some dirt that stuck to it brought by the terrible night she had gone through.

"Sam!" Xhemin's eyes instantly wet at the sight of Dannah. The latter raised her head to meet CEO Leigh's eyes and when she did, she had nothing but emerald eyes full of hatred and resentments.

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Dannah's didn't say a word. Not even an apology or explanation came to her mouth as Xhemin expected. She came with Huzey hoping that at least she can put an end to all her questions with regard to her accident six years ago, including all the lives that were lost yet at what she saw in Dannah's eyes, it seemed like she was not going to give her any.

"This is not true," Xhemin already shed some tears. Dannah was the least person she expected to hurt her. The Sam she knew will never do such a thing and although she had some share of imperfections, there was nothing to it that can make her become a murderer. However, the way looked then was something different, her eyes were dagger-like as if she was ready to kill anytime. Even the aura that surrounded her was different. She was full of hate and anger that once could not deny she was capable of doing all the things that happened six years ago. 

"The Lagdameo's third miss," Detective Carson sighed, shaking his head at the sight of her. He himself could not believe Dannah had this dark side. Although people had been labeling her as outrageous and a rebel Miss, he never thought those descriptions extend to being a murderer.

"Sam how could you?" Xhemin spoke to her sobs. Huzey was there at her back, giving her support and was also giving Sam a resentful look.

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"Do not cry in front of me as if you were not a murderer yourself," Dannah spoke, her voice was so cold it was giving everyone some chills, "You had him killed. You all killed him like he was nothing but a stray dog. Funny is that you were not even sorry for what you did to him. His life don't matter to all of you,"

"What are you even talking about?" Xhemin's confusion was only surging up. 

"It's probably her accomplice she was talking about. That's all we heard from her all day," Detective Carson took initiative to explain, "That boy died last night at the shoot out. She had him escape but Franco's men caught up with him and killed him,"

"He has a name! Stop calling him the boy as if he was nothing! His name is Scar! And you all killed him!" Dannah started yelling out, "You little miss is a murderer yourself. You had my Scar killed so you could satisfy your own negligence six years ago! Now, bear in your hand the death of your son and the death of Scar!"

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