The Genius' First Love

Chapter 557: 557

Xhemin cupped her head as it started to ache with all the surprising information she got, aggravated by Dannah's yells and screams.

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"Dannah I don't get what you mean," Xhemin repeated. "But tell me, how could you do this to me? To us? Your brother—

"My brother did nothing but loved you. He loved you until he gave up everything for you, even his own family. And yet here you are, in the arms of the prince who ran away pretending he was dead," Dannah could recognize Huzey. How can she not. After all, she worked for Ziggy for a long time. "How could you make my brother so messed up?"

"Is that why you killed our son?" Xhemin was not ready to give it a fight. She came here to find the truth and so she will, even if she had to force Dannah to spill it.

"Yes!" Dannah spitted out the words she thought Xhemin wanted to hear. "Yes and yes. If that makes you feel less guilty for your own negligence six years ago then yes. I perhaps killed him for my brother. That way there will be nothing that connects you to him and he can be free from cursed love!"

Xhemin wasn't satisfied in Dannah's answer. She felt the third Lagdameo miss should have a better explanation and reason for killing her child. However, Dannah wasn't giving her a fair explanation as if she was just bluffing at her.

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Huzey on the other hand was trying his best not to blow up because he might end up hurting Dannah and he didn't want that. He can't let Xhemin see how violent he can be. So although he didn't like the flow of the two women's argument, he tried so hard not to intervene. Besides, he was there to give Xhemin support not to cause more trouble.

"Sam. I don't understand," Xhemin's emotion was mixing up and storm like chaos was building up within her. "Please tell me, I know you are better than this. You wouldn't kill your own nephew just because you don't approve of me,"

"I have no other reason for killing him than just I loathed you all the most," Dannah lashed out at her unconstrained, "You made me lose my brother for damn six years in that Loch where we all thought you died and now, you made me lose the only person who cares for me,"

"Sam I beg of you please—" Xhemin wasn't able to finish her words because her world started turning fast. She cupped her head once more and closed her eyes, hoping she would recover from what feeling was drowning her. However, a minute more and she already lost her head. She fainted in an instant.

"Xhem!" Huzey luckily caught her on his arms and immediately asked for help. "Get  me an ambulance!"

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Darryl, who was about to head to the police station, turned toward Feather HealthCare hospital when he heard of Xhemin being brought there. Her uncle Franco called him and informed him about everything that happened last night. Despite his shock and worry about his sister that was detained, he kept calm and thought of the best thing he had to do first before seeing her. However, on his way, his uncle phoned him again telling him of how Xhemin fainted in the station and so he thought of checking on her first. He wanted to see Dannah first before Xhemin but it seemed like the news cannot be contained anymore and Xhemin already acted upon it.

When he reached the hospital, the reception immediately told her where Xhemin's room was. Since he was her husband, it was easy then to get such information and so he rushed to see her, only to be welcomed by the sight of the Diamond prince standing by Xhemin's door. 

Huzey was about to enter Xhemin's room when he saw Darryl and so he halted to meet him.

"It's been a long time," Darryl told him and Huzey only smiled bitterly at his words. Both weren't prepared to see each other but they both acknowledge it was bound to happen anyway, "How was she?"

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"She's fine. Things in the station were just too much for her," Huzey sighed and slightly shook his head, "Your sister was such a surprise,"

"We still are not sure if she did it," Darryl tried to defend Dannah. 

"I understand that it is normal of you to defend her but I've seen all the evidence myself," Huzey wanted to play fair but of course, things were pretty strong against Dannah's innocence, "I myself couldn't believe it. I spent enough time with Sam to know she wouldn't do such a thing. I am too conflicted with this. Xhemin too,"

"Let me see her," Darryl asked. He wanted to know first hand how she was.

"I guess not," Huzey denied his request. "Darryl things are hard for her now. The thing between you and her right now is your very own sister and it wouldn't be wise if you talk to her now provided the situation,"

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"Huzey I understand your concern. But you have to know Xhemin is my wife and I have all the right in the world to see her," Darryl wasn't going to give up easily. No one. Not even Huzey himself can make her stay away from his wife and so he insisted.

"I acknowledge that," Huzey replied to him, "I've always acknowledged and respected what you two have. You know that, even before. But I guess that was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. Look where you both got now, there's nothing here but just pain and misery. I don't mind yours, but Xhemin getting through this kind of pain just because of this foolish childhood love? Darryl don't you think it's time for you to stop now? Can't you see? She'll all in a mess,"

"You can never stop me," Darryl's voice was threatening. 

"Then I'm begging you," Huzey was ready to do soo. This is not the best time for Xhemin to see Darryl. He had seen first hand how she became such a mess when she learned Dannah was the culprit. The last thing she ever needs to be visited by the brother of the person who killed her son, "I'm begging you to just stop. Prove your love to her by giving her the peace she deserves. That is all we want right now Darryl. We want our peace back, we want our peaceful family back,"

Darryl wanted to insist on seeing his wife but there was something in Huzey's words that cut right through his heart. Perhaps then Huzey was right, it's not the best time to visit his wife. With a resigned sigh, Darryl turned his back and left.

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