The Genius' First Love

Chapter 558: 558

As Darryl left the hospital where Xhemin was, he immediately went to the station to go and see Dannah. At the entrance, he was welcomed by his uncle Franco who only gave him a frustrated sigh. Franco couldn't bring himself to leave the station knowing that Dannah was in there. Truth was he didn't even want to surrender her own niece and planned a way out for her but when Detective Carson and his men arrived at Dannah's apartment last night, she admitted to all crimes as if she wanted to end up in prison. If only Franco knew that Dannah was involved on all this, he wouldn't even launch last night's operation. All they wanted was Scar but Dannah's apartment had so much evidence pointing all the crimes to her as the mastermind. He was left with no choice but to surrender her.

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Franco didn't say a word to Darryl, he instead pointed out the room where Dannah was in. Darryl immediately went to the room and found Dannah sitting idly. She already knew it was her brother who entered the room but she refused to meet his eyes. Like Xhemin and all the rest, she expected Darryl to confront her about the last heir's death.

Darryl slowly walked toward Dannah. When he was inches away from her, he kneeled to level her gaze. However, her sister still refused to meet his eyes.

"I have his body," Darryl in a gentle tone told her. "Do you want me to bury him right away or have him cremated?"

Darryl's question came as a surprise to Dannah. He was expecting him to be angry and resent her for what has happened like his wife did but here he was, talking about how she wanted Scar's body to be taken care of.

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This time, Dannah looked at her brother and a sudden tear fell. It was the tears she wanted to let go since earlier yet she didn't have the courage to do so. "Where is he?"

"I brought his body to a decent morgue," Darryl said. He knew Scar as he was once an errand boy in the marble mansion and he had witnessed how Dannah was very fond of the boy. He was also aware that Scar and Dannah's friendship continued but didn't expect that it was this deep. However as he carefully assessed the situation he was very sure Scar was very important to Dannah. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he'll have a good resting place,"

"I want to bury him myself," Dannah requested. "But I don't want to see him dead. I don't want to see him lifeless so perhaps you could just cremate him. That way, I can only picture his face when he was  alive, all the time,"

"If that's what you wanted," Darryl assured her it will be as what she wished, "I'll keep his ashes so you can  have it when you come out here,"

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Hearing those words made Dannah guilty in some way. She shed more tears as she asked "You don't believe it?"

"I don't believe in what?" Darryl returned the question.

"That I killed your son," Dannah spat out the words with thorough hurt. She couldn't imagine how this matter could have affected her brother in many ways. As much as she didn't want to cause more trouble for him, here they are already.

Darryl gave Dannah an apologetic sigh. He felt so sorry for her sister for suffering this much knowing how innocent she was, "I know you didn't kill him,"

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"How can you say that?" Dannah pressed on, "Didn't you see they all have evidence toward me?"

"Those evidences proved nothing but the fact that you are involved," Darryl had already seen it all and he knew there was nothing in it that can make him believe that Dannah killed his son, "But no direct proof that you killed him. As for your involvement, I know you have reasons for it,"

"You should believe them," Dannah wanted to close the matter so not to cause more complications for Darryl. Also, now that Scar was directly involved in the accident six years ago, she knew she's far from being innocent from it. "It's true I killed him,"

"Dannah," Darryl wiped his face of thorough frustration. "Believe me when I say that you are far the most innocent from all of this. I know that. Don't ask me why, I just knew. However, your pain and anger for Scar's death would do us all no good. Not even yourself. Do you think Scar can leave peacefully when he knew you were intentionally punishing yourself for something you didn't do?"

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"But Scar did it," Dannah's guilt was making her more miserable, "I've seen all the evidence. It was him who did it. And he probably did it for me,"

"You might not know this brother but Scar wanted nothing but my betterment. He must have felt bad of all the things I have been undergoing because of our family and so he killed the last heir to make even," Dannah blurted out the things she thought was the reason for why the last heir died. "He must have done it for me,"

"If he did it without you knowing, then you are not at fault," Darryl tried to ease her guilt. Dannah was innocent, all that was needed for her name to be cleared was for her to tell the truth that she refused to tell everyone. She was just so mad of herself- for Scar's death, for causing her brother more misery, for the last heir's death. That was the reason why she thought it was right for her to go to jail for all these mishaps.

"I did something too," She confessed. "When Ziggorioh Montreal left the country. I was so worried of him, damn this heart of mine! I tried to send men abroad to look for him and follow him to all places they've gone. I just wanted to be sure he was fine. Yet they mistook it as a threat and they've fled everywhere, places to places. I didn't know what I was doing only made their lives terrible abroad. I didn't know they got scared of it that's why they keep running away,"

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