The Genius' First Love

Chapter 559: 559

With all the things that Dannah confessed to him, Darryl then understood where all her guilt was coming from. Was she really the reason why Scar killed his son? That's the most reasonable explanation for now, but for Darryl, there seemed to be some more truths that's lingering somewhere. He couldn't understand but his instincts told him soo. However, at the moment, he knew, with all his heart, that his sister was innocent.

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"No one can blame you for looking into a person that matters to you," Darryl reasoned with her. Dannah must have felt so upset when she learned that Ziggorioh Montreal, together with the kids were transferring from country to country to flee from all those who had been hunting them. 

"But I made their lives miserable and knowing that he had kids with him," Dannah shook her head out of guilt. When Ziggy suddenly disappeared from Hampshire after Dr. Miles' death, Dannah became so worried of him. She sent men to find his whereabouts and found him hiding in the City Smile. Unfortunately then, some accident happened and Ziggy's secret lab caught a fire. It was all an accident but Ang saw some men in the shadows so both Ziggy and him assumed the fire was intentionally made. But God knows it was all an accident and Sam's men meant no harm.

After that, Sam learned that Ziggy and Ang went abroad and so, with her desire to make sure Ziggy was fine and was doing well. She also sent people to watch over them, expecting not that those she sent would only scare Ziggy and Ang away. The two then started moving from one place to another and Dannah wasn't aware that the reason for their constant move was because they thought the men she sent were all spies that meant to cause harm. If only she knew, she could have stopped as it immediately.

After a few years of following Ziggy around, they kind of lost somewhere and she lost track of them. That was the time that Xhemin came into the picture and helped Ang and Ziggy. Dannah had really no idea at all and she only learned of Ang and Ziggy's misery when Darryl told her.

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"I am not aware that they thought the men I sent meant harm. If only I knew that was the reason they kept moving, I should have stopped. I just couldn't stop following him, back then, I wanted to know he was fine," Dannah continued her explanation. "Imagine the trouble and inconvenience I made,"

"Dannah don't be too hard on yourself, you did what your heart told you so. Besides you didn't mean any harm, there's nothing wrong with looking out for someone that matters to you," 

"You believe me right?" Dannah was desperately explaining to Darryl about her misdeeds. At this point, the only opinion that mattered to her was her brothers. She doesn't care about anyone else's opinion then. If Darryl believes her, then that's enough for her.

"I do," Darryl honestly said and held her face tenderly. He knew how hurt she was for losing Scar overnight and at the same time being pressed for a murder he knew she wasn't capable of doing.

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"Thank you," Dannah was deeply relieved that her brother was more than willing to listen to her. Everyone from last night gave her nothing but suspicions and accusations that she forgot to even defend herself. She was so devastated with Scar's death, she wanted nothing but to succ.u.mb to all misery, blaming herself for not being with his side when died. 

"Last night, I was ready to go with him. I want to run away with him,"

"I won't blame you if you did. After all you've been through a lot like most of us. It was just that you were so strong no one could even see you are hurting. But I could see your pain Dannah. Trust me I do, and yours is nothing less than my pain or Xhemin's pain. We've all suffered," Darryl told her. He knew there was nothing he could do at the moment to ease Dannah's pain but he wanted her to get through with it like she always does. "Be strong Dannah. Defend yourself. Tell them the truth. Get through with this."

"I don't think I could ever go knowing I don't have a home anymore. Scar had always been my home and he was... gone now," Dannah admitted badly. In all of Dannah's trying times, Scar was the one who held her up. It even shocked her sometimes how strong she can be when Scar was there but now that he's gone, Dannah was so broken she was like tearing all the strength that was left one her.

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"No Dannah you can," Darryl tried hard to cheer her up, "Remember the time you went to the Loch to convince me to come back for L'Empire?"

Dannah nodded in response.

"Do you remember what you told me?" Darryl tried to make Dannah picture that moment," You told me to continue with my life...for you and for Dian. Do you remember that?"

Dannah nodded again, recalling the time she desperately begged her brother to come and save L'Empire. 

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"I came back, Dannah, for you and Dian. You both are the reason why I'm here. So please I'm asking you to do the same thing for me. Get through with this for me. Please?" Darryl convinced her with all the reasons left in him "I'm important to you too right? Like how Scar mattered to you?"

"Of course," Dannah answered between her sobs, "You are my brother, you mean the world to me now specially that Scar is gone. I can't lose you too,"

Dannah looked Darryl in the eye as she cried the last. She fully understood what her brother meant. It meant Darryl needed her just as much as how she needed Scar. Her, being at her brother's side meant a lot for him. When life grabbed out of them the people that meant life for them, all they needed to do was look at each other and find strength in each other. 

Darryl, like Scar, will not abandon her and so, she must not abandon herself. 

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