The Genius' First Love

Chapter 560: 560

After such an emotional conversation, Darryl tried to ask Dannah more about Scar. Now that they knew Scar was directly involved with the accident six years ago, they both wanted to see whether they can find something more about it.

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"How long had Scar been living in that apartment?" Darryl inquired.

"A month ago. It was where he always dropped by whenever he came home," Dannah answered. More than willing to give Darryl all the answers he need. 

"Was he keeping that place since before?" He added more questions. He had already looked into the papers of the apartment but the name of the owner of such was someone he cannot locate so he understood it was named under an alias.

"He wasn't keeping that apartment brother," Dannah shook her head. "It was mine. That is where I had been staying when I don't go home to the marble mansion,"

"What?" Darryl was shocked to know. He thought Dannah had been staying in one of the apartments their family owned and to know that such an apartment contained so many questionable and suspicious doc.u.ments, it certainly alarmed Darryl.

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"Dannah do you know about Scar's private investigation about Xhemin's family?" He asked this time, curios. "The attic of that apartment had a full room of papers and doc.u.ments all about Xhemin and everyone that was connected to her,"

"I knew about that," Dannah admitted terribly, "It was mine. Scar helped me with it,"

"You had Xhemin investigated then?" Darryl certainly wasn't expecting that "Why? For what reason?"

Dannah looked at Darryl terribly. She knew she had done such an unethical move and she was ashamed of it. However she did it for good reasons and she thought that perhaps it was time for Darryl to know all of it.

"I was really shocked that she came back alive," Dannah started, "At first I did the investigation to know whether Xhemin and Ava Leigh we're the same person and when I found out the truth, I stopped. However, when Willow came in as a surprise, I did another investigation again,  this time, it was  about...the youngest sire…." There was some lump in her throat when she admitted again another silly and foolish move she did for Ziggy. "I had lost track of them abroad for long and so when his daughter showed up, I kind of wanted to know where he had been,"

"I know it's foolish. I'm sorry," Dannah swallowed all her pride in front of her brother. She had always denied her concern for Ziggy and always pretended that he didn't matter anymore, especially to her brother. But right then, she can't anymore deny it, she needed to tell her brother everything, even how shameless the truth is.

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"We all do crazy things for love," Darryl's started teasing her to alleviate the mood but his words only made Dannah feel more foolish and terrible. She closed her eyes, defeated.

"That's not it, okay," She tried to defend her intentions although she was already caught in the act. Darryl only looked her thorough as if her denial wouldn't do so much. "Really Dee, there's more to it!" She tried to call his attention, this time she was serious.

"Like what?" Darryl challenged. He still wanted to tease her but he immediately noticed the change in her expression. It was as if there was something she wanted to say but was thinking thoroughly whether to say it or not. Knowing that she hesitated, Darryl imposed, "Dannah, what is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Dannah's emerald eyes faltered and that's when Darryl knew, whatever she was hiding was something very important. 

"I'm not sure about this Dee," She shook her head slightly. 

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"Just tell me," Darryl encouraged her.

There was a complicated look in Dannah's eyes and for a moment Darryl though she would not choose to not say it but then she spoke carefully, "Its just that I have this suspicion. It's started when Mother saw the youngest sire at the Loch when we visited your son,"

"Did something happened there that I was not aware of?" He remembered that he and Xhemin went inside the Loch that time to talk and so he missed everything that took place outside.

"Small thing happened. Something probably we all considered as an unthought off comment but it struck me hard and I can't let it off my head," Dannah revealed.

"What is it then?"

"At the Loch, when mother saw the Montreal twins, she said that Wolfe looked Lagdameo in every angle," Dannah's eyes was with Darryl, carefully assessing how her brother will receive such an insight, "And I know it sounds crazy but I kind of agree with her and something came to me,"

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Dannah saw how Darryl tensed up with her words. The Lagdameo heir didn't say anything then, just waiting for her to reveal what was running in her mind.

"I think," Dannah let go of a big sigh then spoke "No," She retracted her first statement, "I believe Wolfe is your son and maybe Willow too,"

There was a long silence after Dannah said the words. Both of them took in the revelation firmly as if it was something that needed to be thoroughly thought off before even being considered as a possibility.

"It was just a suspicion, maybe not," Dannah initiated to debunk her own suspicion when she saw she made Darryl look utterly confused. In a moment then, Darryl sat on the chair beside her as if his body needed some support. He took in a very deep sigh and Dannah could see how he balled his hands. He was in deep unexplainable anger and confusion, something Dannah already expected. That  was why she was carefully considering earlier whether to tell him or not. Her brother spent six years in Loch mourning for his son. It broke him, changed him and wasted many of his years. To know that such misery was founded on nothing but lies was something one cannot easily just accept or understand.

"Dee I'm sorry," Worried on how Darryl was taking it, she immediately apologized. She should have not told him. It was soo foolish of her.

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