The Genius' First Love

Chapter 561: 561

Dannah's words brought some pain that took over Darryl's insides. It stole some light and hope that he had and what took over was some burning heart brought by some kind of betrayal. He strongly didn't believe it. The amount of pain and suffering he suffered was too much to be based on some foolish lies.

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"Dannah, although Xhemin my wife had always made clear her dislike of my adoration for her, I still believe she wouldn't do such a thing to me," Darryl hoped for it, although he himself wasn't sure then. "She would never deny me of my child,"

Dannah knew her brother was having some serious doubt on her suspicions and she understood. However, her suspicion wasn't impossible to happen and if there were some truths to it, Darryl had all the right to know. They all had the right to the truth.

"I'm not doing this to judge her or so," Dannah explained, "You know I never intend that. Besides, she's a mother and a mother can do all the foolish things in the world for her children. What I'm saying Dee is that, in case my suspicions are real, then she must have a good reason for it,"

"The Montreal twins are Ziggorioh Montreal's children," Darryl stated the fact and thought of it. He admitted there was something odd he felt about the Montreal kids but then, he never once thought they might be his. He believed that no one would ever let him suffer for such a painful loss falsely, not Ziggorioh Montreal, not even Xhemin herself "With the kind of bond that they share, it's kind of impossible to consider your suspicions,"

"Xhemin and Ziggy themselves weren't siblings," Dannah rebutted, "But their bond is stronger than any biological siblings around. Besides, the young sire must have raised the children by himself, that sealed their bond,"

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"Dee I know you are having hard time considering this but admit it, my suspicions are something to be considered upon. Besides, didn't both the children themselves admit that weren't twins and yet they were always labeled as twins. Remember at the shopping center? They said they weren't twins, but they are off the same age. How could Ziggy sire two kids at once on the same year?" Dannah added off. Besides, her investigation didn't give her any information about the children's mother so it could really be that, Ziggy never i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed anyone at all.

"They must have different mothers," Darryl tried to think of any possible reason to evade such proposition, "You know how Ziggorioh Montreal was before. It was easy for him to charm any woman"

"I know," Dannah resigned. She understood that Darryl don't want to consider it as at some point, he knew Xhemin will never gave him such a betrayal. "You can just forget about it if you want to. I'm just being truthful to you. And I'm sorry if I cause you so much trouble today,"

"As long as you can promise me you'll get out of here," Darryl gave her a bitter smile then went to kiss her head. He wanted to leave then as he didn't want to dwell much on such a conversation with Dannah. It pained him in so many ways and with his sister's situation then, he didn't want to bother her further.

"I promise," Dannah assured her and sent him off.


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Hampshire Hospital

Wolfe woke up the next morning without his Dada. He pouted with the thought of it. His dada promised him that he's going to give him a tour in the Puente De Amor when he'll recover and yet it seemed like such a promise will not happen anytime sooner. His dada had been so busy, he even missed to check on him and see that he was fine already and that its time for them to go to that legendary bridge.

Wolfe thought of it and looked into the sunshine outside that peaked through the window plane. It was such a bright day, perfect for an outdoor tour.

"It should have been today," He sighed deeply. Did his dada forget his promise this time? When will he be able to see the bridge he honestly dreamed on seeing for real?

Suddenly, Wolfe's room flew open and a beautiful nurse appeared, smiling sweetly at him.

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"You are awake? How are you feeling then?" She asked, gliding through the room with a tray of medicines in her hand.

"I'm okay. Where is my dada?" He asked promptly.

"Dr. Montreal had to go check on some other patients," The nurse told him. Ziggy wasn't a resident doctor but he was greatly acknowledge for his expertise, so once in a while when there are complicated surgeries, he was asked to check and give insights. Today was one of those times.

"Will he be done early?" Wolfe was very adamant to know. The nurse only smiled at him and busied herself injecting some medicines on Wolfe's IV drop.

"Am I okay now?" The boy asked another question as the nurse seemed to have missed his previous one.

"So far you are doing well," She replied, "Few days more and you'll be allowed to go home"

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"Few more days?" He repeated such words terribly. Will it take him few more days to see the bridge? He was very fine already and he was sure he can handle such a promised tour. 

"Yes little boy, few more days," She replied with a smile as to Wolfe's frustration. 

Why was it that it seemed like his request was such an impossible thing? Was bringing him to that bridge hard? Was he really that sick that they had to forbid and delay him from seeing such a glorious infrastructure?

Wolfe thought of it hard. It seemed like there was no chance for him to see the bridge he had been dreaming of. His dada and mommy just don't allow it. Perhaps it's time for him to do something so he can get what he wanted. He'll take Willow's example then, doesn't she always do outrageous things so she can get whatever she wants? 

Perhaps he'll do the same.

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