The Genius' First Love

Chapter 576: 576

The word that Ziggy uttered struck both Darryl and Dannah in a way that they both ended up contemplating the past. 

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"Impotent?" Dannah repeated hoping she heard wrong, but Xhemin and Ziggy's expressions only made her fears become reality. It was not a secret to all of them that the whole Lagdameo clan were all declared impotent mysteriously which they all thought was a curse. However hearing that their inability to sire children wasn't a coincidence but a well thought of scheme made her insides tremble, especially that her sister's name was involved in it.

"Does Dian know this?" She asked again, turning specifically to Xhemin as she was amongst the four of them who can give a most reasonable answer about the dealings of Staw serum. She was hoping that perhaps some loopholes lie somewhere that will relieve Dian from suspicions.

"You know her very well than me and I don't think she would miss this fact," Xhemin exclaimed at their faces, "Besides she's smart enough to know the effects if it wasn't made obvious to her. She's the head of research just to remind you all,"

"So you mean she…she…." Dannah couldn't say the word. Dian for her was the perfect sister. She had no wrong that anyone could cast on her, not until then. "I mean, I don't think she can do this,"

"You don't think? Really seriously Sam?" Xhemin repeated her words. "I myself am confused here but we can't deny the lingering truth. Dian for me, as I realized now, can be the perfect description of the culprit I'm looking for. She's too smart and only a person with such brains can pull of such a big scheme like this,"

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"Can we not make assumptions yet?" Ziggy tried to calm Xhemin off but like Darryl who was obviously drowned with his thoughts, the youngest Montreal too had his own notion about Dian's case. He, with all his might, tried to solve the puzzles, looking at the perspective that perhaps Dannah was indeed innocent and the other Lagdameo Miss was the culprit.

He remembered then when Xhemin told him that she had dinner with Dian previously and that Dian opened up the conversation about his children. She too asked who their mother was. Was she trying to solicit information then?

Xhemin was right, he thought. The culprit they were all looking for was very skillful and definitely smart as hell and Dian can be the perfect description. To be honest, she was the only one among the Lagdameo's children who did not have any hang ups and was too perfect. Bur rather too perfect to be true. The question then was, what kind of person was hiding behind her perfect mask?

Darryl looked at Dannah miserably for a moment, trying to find answers in her which obviously she doesn't have.

Was Dian the culprit then?

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He tried so hard to connect dots and remembered that a few years ago, during Xhemin's birthday she chased the culprit who caused his wife and the Diamond prince accident in the Loch and when he was about to catch the assassin, Dian came and stopped his chase. 

Was her intervention intentional? Also wasn't she also the one who suggested that it was their father who had been troubling the Dugmoch's household? Was she trying to lure them then?

But why would Dian ever do such terrible misdeeds when as far as they all know, she, among the three of them, has no issues in their family. If it was really her, then what's her motive?

"Ziggy didn't you tell me earlier the children were with Dian?" Xhemin suddenly remembered the fact, much to her terror.

"Yes….," Upon realizing it, a sudden panic rose to Ziggy's stem. He immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Dian's number but the line didn't open, "She's not answering…"

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"Call Willow or Wolfe," Xhemin directed. This time she walked hastily to Ziggy's side pressuring him to make another call which of course Ziggy did. To no avail, the youngest sire shook her head frustratedly.

"I'll call uncle Franco," Darryl volunteered and walked away. The tension that had long subsided earlier came back again, carrying with it more worry and fear. Earlier, they thought it was all Dannah, now it was Dian. Could they be wrong again? Perhaps they had been just in a tough situation since yesterday because of Wolfe' s disappearance and they were just overthinking things. However, until they won't know the children were safe, they couldn't really help it.

Suddenly Dannah thought of something that they all had missed, "Did she know about the children?" She dragged her eyes to Xhemin who upon hearing the question also realized the importance of such detail.

"I don't think she knows. I only told Darryl this morning," Xhemin was aware that Dannah had been suspicious of Willow and Wolfe and so she wasn't surprised when Dannah asked. However, the third miss' question got her thinking. It's impossible that Dian would know about it because as far as her knowledge goes, the last time they spoke, Dian was convinced they were Ziggy's children.

"If she doesn't know about Wolfe and Willow being my brother's children then there's no reason for her to hurt them," Dannah uttered, feeling sure about her assumptions. "There's certainly no way she'll go after them if it was the last heir she was after,"

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"Well you somehow have a point," Xhemin answered, almost a bit relieved.

"No you two are wrong," Ziggy called of "She might have known it when she visit Wolfe this morning,"

"But how? The children don't even know about this, they couldn't possibly tell her," Xhemin replied confused.

"His eyes," Ziggy revealed. "His eyes were  glowing hazel when I came to his room. His glasses were broken. If Dian had seen him this morning then it meant, if she too had suspicions about it, Wolfe's eyes gave her all the answers,"

"O my God!" Dannah put a hand to her mouth in thorough misery. Right then and there, she knew Dian would immediately recognize Wolfe as a Lagdameo.

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