The Genius' First Love

Chapter 577: 577

Few Days Ago

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Dannah's Apartment

"Run Scar!" 

"I said run!"

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Scar jumped off the window but instead of landing below on the busy streets of Dannah's apartment, his hand caught a pipe line that he knew was there previously. Both him and Dannah lived in this apartment long enough for them to know all its secret possible escape route for emergencies like the one they had now. Both of them knew Franco's men were after him and although he had been in so many encounters with them and had gotten used to it, tonight seemed to be different. Some feelings of indifference rose to Scar's heart and also some worry thought which never happened before. It's like tonight unlike all his previous escapes was going to be a long night.

As soon as his own weight was carried on by his one arm, Scar made another leap, using the wall as his foundation. He was hanging then on the wall, his hands on the pipeline and he knew the best way to escape Franco's men was not going through the streets but rather on roofs, so he made a huge leap and landed at someone else's window. When he was safe enough, he climbed off to the rooftop of Dannah's apartment and checked every street he could see from there hoping he could have a glimpse and estimate of how many men Franco brought to catch him tonight.

That old man, Franco, had never given up on him, not even after six years had already passed. Sometimes, he wished to see that old man and give him some visit, afterall, despite the fact that he was hunting him, he was the only father he grew up into. He had been an orphan as far as he could remember, not until Dannah came and Franco took him in. The two had been the only family he had known from then and he wished they could play that part forever and yet he had broken their trust. 

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There was a time in his life when he had fallen into something. Something that started off good and beautiful and yet after all those preliminary pleasures, that good turned out to be addictive, self-consuming, greedy and ambitious. He never once thought those small stolen pleasures would lead into something devious and yet, he had willingly succ.u.mbed into it with consciousness. He never regretted such a mistake till then, and he doesn't know if he can ever regret that part, but now after six years had passed, guilt took over him. Guilt not for the sins he did, but guilt for the Dannah. 

Even after six years had passed, Dannah was still suffering for the sins he had committed and because she was so special to him, he thought he could take her away from all of it. For now, he chooses Dannah over his own happiness because he cannot live on such happiness on Dannah's expense.

When Scar was done checking the streets for Franco's men, he heard sounds of men climbing the rooftop and he knew then he had been found. He let off a smirk and even before anyone could see him, he made another huge leao, from Dannah's apartment building to another. As soon as he did, he heard bullets being fired at him, yet not one ever caught him. Scar was a very skillful assassin and not even flying bullets could make him feel weak. With a devious smile on his face, he landed on another roof without a scratch and because he knew Franco's men were still following him, he didn't stop. He went from building to building with ease and confidence that no matter what, Franco's men can never keep up with him. He wasn't even worried, not a slightest, about Dannah because he knew, Franco will never ever hurt her. Besides, he knew Dannah pretty well that he was confident she'll not get in too much trouble fulfilling their agreed meet up in Manda Temple. 

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Scar made another huge leap, this time he wasn't on the rooftop anymore but on one street alley he was all too familiar. The streets there were like a labyrinth. If you don't know your way around, you'll have a hard time finding the exit. Luckily for Scar, he knew every corner of this part of the capital and he knew Franco's men would have a hard time following him. 

He walked slowly then, a bit in haste but in a way not suspicious. The street was quiet, only a few people were trolling down the street and Scar blended in them perfectly. He had managed to change his clothes by picking up every clothing material he saw while he was escaping and so right then, it was hard to tell it was him.

"Psst," Scar heard a call as he was about to make another turn in the corner. He wanted to ignore it for once but the call seemed very familiar to him. So, he turned his head and looked, wondering who was calling him. After a minute, his eyes landed on a familiar silhouette. That person was standing as if he or she had already known he was about to pass through this area. Knowing who the person was, Scar put off his guard and went to talk to the one who called him. 

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"What are you doing here?" Scar immediately asked the person who called him as they both slid into one corner, careful that no one could see both of them in such a very unlikely and suspicious place. "I told you to stay at home. We had talked about this already,"

"I know," The person replied and gave Scar a bitter smile. Before Scar left their haven yesterday, they had a huge fight and such a person thought they could settle it  before he leaves. 

"Babe, you shouldn't be here," Scar told. "I hate seeing you like this you know that,"

"I didn't came here to argue Scar,"

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