The Genius' First Love

Chapter 578: 578

"Babe, I don't really have time for this," Scar tried to dismiss the person right away. "And I hate that for once we didn't agree on this plan but trust me, its for the best,"

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"I know you have decided already," She answered. The last time they talked, she cannot anymore insist on him the things that she wanted and the man had been constantly voicing out his guilt and pity for the third Lagdameo Miss, whom he calls the victim of it all. "I came here not to stop you from what you wanted to do,"

"Then why are you here? You should have just called. If they see you here they will all be suspicious of you," Scar asked. Truth was he was a bit relieved that she sounded not angry anymore and came looking remorseful of how she behaved for the last couple of days. He thought by then she would hate him for what he was about to do but it seemed that she had changed her mind. "I'm being followed babe, this is not a great time,"

"Well I came to say goodbye," When she said it, it was like a million stars of sincerity fell from heaven and clouded her. With such a little change of heart, Scar's heart was touched. Few days ago he thought she'd never bend on her demands but after their last conversation, it seemed that she finally realized his point on the matter. Although she wasn't the kind of girl who would bend on anyone, not even to him, seeing her right then made Scar confident of his decision of protecting Dannah. Perhaps his babe had finally understood that they cannot be happy at the expense of others. 

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When he looked at her, her eyes were gleaming. Probably with tears. He knew she was also struggling with the way things were, especially with their relationship especially when he was constantly away. They always run out of time and although he had fulfilled his promise of coming back to her side,right then, he was about to leave her again. 

"You don't plan to leave like that right? With us still quarrelling," She said as she too dug deep on Scar's soulful eyes. She then hugged him tight, feeling every warmth of him hoping those warmth will stay forever.

"Babe, I'm sorry," Scar whispered to her after he kissed her head. "I know you don't-"

"Shhhh," She cut him off and before he could say another word, his lips were all consumed by her. The girl kissed him, fervently, as if it was the last kiss they were going to share. Not long and Scar responded to her kisses, placing his two hands on her cheeks and pressed her into him, tasting her further. Their kisses were always passionate, seeking and full of desire. Something they had always shared even when they were young, secretly. Probably because of this fiery secret that their love had bloomed into some kind of devotion. A kind of devotion that  once was blind to all kinds of devious things and greed. People say, secret and forbidden love is dangerous, so that was the kind of love they have- Dangerous.

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"I'm sorry too," She said in between their kisses. Scar had already pinned her down the wall not minding the fact that he was being chased and that any moment then, Franco's men would soon find them. Instead, his recent adrenalin rush turned into some thirst. Thirst that only the woman in front of him can give relief. 

"I'm sorry babe," She broke their kiss again to emphasize her apologies. Scar instead of responding with words, only consumed her lips once again. He was so done with apologies and all he wanted right then was to make it up to her. Their last argument was so intense he thought she'll not forgive him anymore. But his guilt over Dannah's sufferings overtook him to the point that he had hurt her. Seeing her right then, consenting to all his kisses and touch was like a big thorn was pulled off his heart. 

"I'm sorry," She broke the kiss and Scar who was in daze with passion and l.u.s.t didn't get to notice the change of her tone. It grew bitter, unforgiving and before Scar could even notice anything, she raised a gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

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The bullet went through Scar's head and it only took a minute for him to hold his last breath. He breathed it under the kiss of his beloved. A kiss of betrayal. The kiss of Judas Iscariot.

Scar's body fell into the ground and blood gushed over his head. His murderer was standing beside his lifeless bloody with a straight face. She looked at him for a moment and a tear fell, yet her anger and resentment was too strong for her to even mourn for him.

"Good bye babe," She whispered in the wind. "It was supposed to be forever and yet you betrayed me by choosing Dannah,"

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She had always had Scar wrapped around her fingers. He had always been devoted and obedient to her, to their love and to their future. And yet this time, Dannah and Scar's ties had gotten so strong that it was able to take roots in her own backyard. What a shame. She had no doubts Scar's love for her was true and yet her brotherly affection for her had ruined the trust they had.

"You promised your life to me right?" She added, as if the Scar's cold body can still hear her words. For a moment, Scar's promises flashed before her eyes like a sacred vow. "You promise to live and die for me. So now, I needed your death. You won't resent me right? Babe?"

The girl then bent down and caressed Scar's head like a child. He raised his head so she could see his face for the last time. Scar's eyes were still open and she smiled in front of him as if his death was something that gave her much pleasure though her eyes shed some tears again.

"I do love you but you betrayed me first," She said and kissed him for the last time before she fled the scene of the crime she willfully committed.

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